
Random Poll

What is your...
1. Favorite thing about Fall
2. Favorite thing about Winter
3. Favorite holiday
4. Favorite vacation spot (that you've been to)
5. Favorite awesomely bad movie

6. Beach or skiing
7. Flip flops or sneakers
8. Sweatpants or cute pj bottoms
9. full coverage or thongs

10. What is your most OCD-like trait?

READY?!?!  GO!


Re: Random Poll

  • edited December 2011
    What is your...
    1. Favorite thing about Fall - pumpkin spice lattes from starbucks
    2. Favorite thing about Winter - snow and sweatpants
    3. Favorite holiday - Thanksgiving (hands down)
    4. Favorite vacation spot (that you've been to) - San Francisco and our HM (St Lucia)
    5. Favorite awesomely bad movie - there are too many to choose from: Bring It On, Shag, Return to Oz...

    6. Beach or skiing - BEACH
    7. Flip flops or sneakers - flip flops
    8. Sweatpants or cute pj bottoms - sweatpants
    9. full coverage or thongs - full coverage

    10. What is your most OCD-like trait? - I can't fall asleep until/unless I check the clock at least twice to see what time it is.  And I have to have a clock next to me...if we're in a hotel or anything, I'll keep my phone right on the floor or something so I can always know what time it is.  I don't sleep well if I don't.
  • edited December 2011
    What is your...
    1. Favorite thing about Fall - the changing of the leaves. It is so pretty. Not to mention the cooler weather!

    2. Favorite thing about Winter - snow! It makes everything all sparkly and just beautiful! Love the sweatpants also! If its winter and i am home u better bet u will find me in them.

    3. Favorite holiday - Christmas of course! You get all the yummy food like thanksgiving but you also get presents! lmao

    4. Favorite vacation spot (that you've been to) - No idea. Haven't really been on many vacations.

    5. Favorite awesomely bad movie - not a clue!

    6. Beach or skiing - never been skiing and i dont mind the beach but wont go in the water! Sorry i dont swim with the fishies!

    7. Flip flops or sneakers - flips always!

    8. Sweatpants or cute pj bottoms - sweats!

    9. full coverage or thongs - full coverage but bikini style

    10. What is your most OCD-like trait? - i dunno if i really have any OCD-like traits.
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  • iamstephiamsteph member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to Random Poll:
    What is your... 
    1. Favorite thing about Fall I love when the leaves change!
    2. Favorite thing about Winter Curling up on the couch under a blanket 
    3. Favorite holiday Whenever the Christmas lights start going up everywhere. 
    4. Favorite vacation spot (that you've been to) Alaska or Italy
    5. Favorite awesomely bad movie Anything Pauly Shore
    6. Beach or skiing Beach. 
    7. Flip flops or sneakers flip flops
    8. Sweatpants or cute pj bottoms flannel pj bottoms!
    9. full coverage or thongs full coverage
    10. What is your most OCD-like trait? Anything routine. If I have to deviate from my routine without ample notice, I'm not happy.

    Married December 18th, 2010 :)
  • edited December 2011
    What is your...
    1. Favorite thing about Fall - The smell!
    2. Favorite thing about Winter- The snow and watching Love Actually
    3. Favorite holiday- Christmas gets me supper stressed but I LOVE December
    4. Favorite vacation spot (that you've been to)- Dubrovnik, Croatia
    5. Favorite awesomely bad movie- N/A

    6. Beach or skiing- Beach
    7. Flip flops or sneakers- Flip flops
    8. Sweatpants or cute pj bottoms- Both!
    9. full coverage or thongs- Depends!

    10. What is your most OCD-like trait?- Checking to make sure the oven is off!
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  • edited December 2011
    Good call with the poll Andrea :)

    What is your...
    1. Favorite thing about Fall - I love fall clothes! The colors are my favorite palette and I love warm sweaters.
    2. Favorite thing about Winter- Making cookies with my hubby :)
    3. Favorite holiday- Christmas! I love decorating the tree, singing carols, and buying people gifts they love is super fun.
    4. Favorite vacation spot (that you've been to)- HM in Jamaica
    5. Favorite awesomely bad movie-  Ummm, maybe 10 Things I Hate About You, She's All That, or Can't Hardly Wait

    6. Beach or skiing- Beach
    7. Flip flops or sneakers- Flip flops
    8. Sweatpants or cute pj bottoms- PJ bottoms... I have never gotten into sweatpants for some reason.
    9. full coverage or thongs- I only wear thongs if I'm trying to be sexy for DH

    10. What is your most OCD-like trait?  I have my make-up and my closet very organized.  In my closet, shirts are arranged strictly by color, followed by pants in one section, skirts, and dresses at the end.  Hubs refuses to put away the laundry because of it.
  • jflaniganjflanigan member
    edited December 2011
    What is your...
    1. Favorite thing about Fall The way the air smells and the awesome weather
    2. Favorite thing about Winter Getting snowed in with my sweetie
    3. Favorite holiday Christmas
    4. Favorite vacation spot (that you've been to) St. Lucia
    5. Favorite awesomely bad movie Save the Last Dance

    6. Beach or skiing Neither.
    7. Flip flops or sneakers Flip flops
    8. Sweatpants or cute pj bottoms PJ bottoms all the way!
    9. full coverage or thongs Full coverage, but not granny panties

    10. What is your most OCD-like trait? Constant wprrying I forgot to lock the door.
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  • akraussakrauss member
    edited December 2011
    1. Favorite thing about Fall
    My birthday and keeping the windows open
    2. Favorite thing about Winter
    Snow and Christmas= time off work
    3. Favorite holiday
    I don't discriminate, I love them all bc it means time with the family!
    4. Favorite vacation spot (that you've been to)
    Belize =)
    5. Favorite awesomely bad movie
    I don't know all the movies I think are awesome aren't bad!  
    6. Beach or skiing
    I love both, but Im more a beach bunny than a snow bunny
    7. Flip flops or sneakers
    flips, I hate being in sneaker
    8. Sweatpants or cute pj bottoms
    Neither, I like to just wear boy shorts around the house and to bed
    9. full coverage or thongs
    10. What is your most OCD-like trait?
    How I work, I am very particular and like to follow the same routine that works the best
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  • edited December 2011
    What is your...
    1. Favorite thing about Fall- So many things, the cooler weather, the smells, the leaves, the food, the festivals, the clothes, and Halloween!
    2. Favorite thing about Winter- The holidays
    3. Favorite holiday-Halloween!!
    4. Favorite vacation spot (that you've been to)-Depends on my mood, either Italy or Hawaii
    5. Favorite awesomely bad movie-Oooh Nightmare on Elm Street!

    6. Beach or skiing I'm a beach girl
    7. Flip flops or sneakersFlippys
    8. Sweatpants or cute pj bottoms PJs
    9. full coverage or thongs-thongs

    10. What is your most OCD-like trait? I have to check the locks and the kitchen outlets before I go to bed. I am really afraid of a fire for some reason. There is no reason to think that my house with somehow burst into flames while I am asleep but I do. And I'm afraid someone will break in, hence the lock checking. And if my alarm is set I have to check it many times as well, and often I set two alarms just in case. This is extra dumb since my dog wakes me up every morning anyway.
  • edited December 2011
    What is your...
    1. Favorite thing about Fall- Football season!
    2. Favorite thing about Winter- Curling up in front of my parents fireplace
    3. Favorite holiday- Christmas!
    4. Favorite vacation spot (that you've been to)- Cancun, Mexico. I love the mix of luxoriating on the beach and the Mayan culture & ruins
    5. Favorite awesomely bad movie- hmmmm there are so many to choose from!

    6. Beach or skiing Beach! I hate being cold!
    7. Flip flops or sneakers Flops for sure
    8. Sweatpants or cute pj bottoms Sweatpants, even though Cosmo claims that they will ruin your relationship ;)
    9. full coverage or thongs- Depends... full coverage for the gym, thong for going out

    10. What is your most OCD-like trait?I have sooooo many! I'm a neat freak for sure. Obsessed with my handwriting, it could be a font at this point. I check the locks, stove (gas), and baby gate my dogs downstairs because I'm terrified that they'll fall and get hurt while I'm at work. I'm quite a piece of work and and unbelievably lucky that I found a man to take me!
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  • strawberrycrzstrawberrycrz member
    edited December 2011

    I know I'm kinda late.....

    1. Favorite thing about Fall  Wearing hoodies and football games
    2. Favorite thing about Winter  Snow!
    3. Favorite holiday Christmas, I love getting together with all my family
    4. Favorite vacation spot (that you've been to) Ocean City
    5. Favorite awesomely bad movie  way too many to pick a favorite
    6. Beach or skiing beach
    7. Flip flops or sneakers flip flops!
    8. Sweatpants or cute pj bottoms sweatpants
    9. full coverage or thongs both

    10. What is your most OCD-like trait? my desk at work has to be clean, i can't stand when something isn't in it's place. 

  • seralee5804seralee5804 member
    edited December 2011
    What is your...
    1. Favorite thing about Fall-I have a ton of things.. Football, Hoodies, Leaves...etc
    2. Favorite thing about Winter- Snow and Xmas= plenty of days off work
    3. Favorite holiday-Thanksgiving
    4. Favorite vacation spot (that you've been to)-Hawaii
    5. Favorite awesomely bad movie- too many to name.. Super Bad, The Big Green the list could go on for days.

    6. Beach or skiing- Beach- I am a sun worshiper LOL
    7. Flip flops or sneakers-Flip Flops
    8. Sweatpants or cute pj bottoms-both
    9. full coverage or thongs- depends..

    10. What is your most OCD-like trait?- Mostly cleaning.. I can't stand dishes in the stink or crumbs on the counter.  And the doors being locked.. I always think someone is going to break in.. Even thou FI assures me they will bring me right back
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  • sac615sac615 member
    edited December 2011
    What is your...
    1. Favorite thing about Fall football! and hoodies! :)
    2. Favorite thing about Winter all the yummy food!
    3. Favorite holiday I love them ALL but christmas is my fav!! <3
    4. Favorite vacation spot (that you've been to) as of now, FL
    5. Favorite awesomely bad movie  ????

    6. Beach or skiing beach!
    7. Flip flops or sneakers flip flops!
    8. Sweatpants or cute pj bottoms pj bottoms
    9. full coverage or thongs thongs.. unless I am at the gym, then boyshorts

    10. What is your most OCD-like trait? double checking to make sure things are off/unplugged/locked!
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