Missouri-St Louis

Do Not Use Weddings Complete!

The owener's name is Michael Erzfeld"Wedding planner accused of using other people's credit cards appears in court"http://www.kfvs12.com/Global/story.asp?S=9659127"Local Businessman Accused of Charging More Than $1100 on Another's Credit Card"http://www.kait8.com/Global/story.asp?s=9456916&clienttype=printable

Re: Do Not Use Weddings Complete!

  • edited December 2011
    I used them for my wedding two weeks ago and all went well. I sent a check for the amount due and had no issues with my bank accounts, etc. While this is very unfortunate, perhaps he owns the company with others? In general, you should always be leery of wedding vendors. I am a firm believer that do your homework, know what you are getting into. A lot of the time we think everyone is trustworthy, and that def. is not the case.
  • edited December 2011
    I'd say better safe than sorry.  You may have gotten lucky but I don't think it is worth taking a chance just to save $100 or so.
  • edited December 2011
    I met with this vendor once to discuss flowers (I received a postcard ad in the mail for a deal) and something about him did not sit right with me. Also, I could never find his address or a phone number other than his cell phone. I'm glad we ended up booking with another.
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