Missouri-St Louis

Vineyard Weddings- Hermann Hill or Chandler Hill

Has anyone had a wedding at Hermann or Chandler hill recently? I'm considering these 2 sites for my wedding ceremony and reception but wanted to get some reviews. Also, if you know of other good affordable wineries in the area, let me know.  Thank you!

Re: Vineyard Weddings- Hermann Hill or Chandler Hill

  • I attended a wedding at Chandler Hill last summer and really loved it.  The ceremony was outside on their big deck area which was really nice except for it was 100 degrees that day.  But that was obviously out of anyone's control.  We went inside for dinner and then back outside for dancing and fun!  It is a very intimate venue and I really enjoyed the wedding.  The food was absolutely delicious too!  They had everyone stay at the Holiday Inn which was right off of highway 40 and they shuttled guests back and forth which eliminated the driving issue.  Hope this helps a little bit!  Happy planning :)
  • We are having our wedding at Crown Valley Winery in Ste. Genevieve. Beautiful location with lots of hotel options nearby that are SUPER cheap and include shuttle transportation to the winery. 
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