So we've met with 4 local florists and each has quoted us somewhere between 1,700-2,200... which I think is outrageous! 8 centerpieces and bridal party flowers (3 girls/3 guys) Anyways... I cannot see the value of spending this much on flowers. At the end of the day, nothing is left. I've looked online and came across a website where you buy flowers wholesale - I'm a little nervous about this process, since I don't want the stress of making DIY arrangements the day of or prior. Does anyone know of someone somewhat professional who would be willing to give me a good deal and put the arrangements together IF I buy the flowers myself, wholesale? The florist I've met with have quoted me between $5-$12 a stem for the flowers I want, which is primarily roses and garden roses. I can buy garden roses off line for 2.50 a piece!
If you can think of anyone who operates like this, where I bring in the flowers and they design, please let me know!