
Ushers and Usherettes

Ok, I will try not to make this to long.  Our ceremony and reception are at the same place the beginning of June.  The ceremony will be outside, actually behind the building.  Due to there being three different parking lots I was thinking of having three lady family members help direct guests to the back of the building so that they are not wandering around.  Since these ladies will not be seating people I have a hard time calling them Usherettes, but what else can I call them?  The will be wearing their own spring dresses and stationed by the paths to help direct.

Another question, do Ushers have to wear the same tuxes as the groomsman and fathers?  Since our wedding is not formal I was thinking of them wearing their own suits.  They will have the programs and seating guests so should be easy to spot.  

I would appreciate your thoughts!  Thanks!!
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