
Wedding Skin Care

Hi Ladies! 

I am trying to work on beginning a good skin care regimen for my wedding. I am currently using products from several different brands because 1.) I'm on a budget and 2.) I have a hard time finding things for my skin. My skin is very sensitive and reacts strongly to different acids, but it is also very dry so I need a great moisturizer and something to exfoliate. 


Wishing you all a stress-free planning process!

Re: Wedding Skin Care

  • It's not exactly cheap- but I've never liked anything more than Origins. It's good for sensitive skin and I adore their moisturizers and exfoliants. They offer free facials at the shops, it might be worth going to have them do one and then tell you what you need. 

    The drug store mosturizer that I swear by is Cetophyl. I used to be on heavy duty perscription acne meds and it was equally mosturizing and gental. I've also found that you can make a pretty effective exfoliant with baking soda and whatever soap you use. I haven't ever found an exfoliant at the drug store that is as good as the Origins Modern Friction though. 
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