
NWR- Vent

So, FI has the entire week off of work. I'm incredibly jealous. I know I should be grateful that I have a job in this economy... I get that, I'm grateful.... but I struggle on a daily basis getting the motivation to go to work... but of course I go... it's just that much harder knowing I could be staying home and hanging out with FI and the dogs.... ugh.
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Re: NWR- Vent

  • edited December 2011
    Ya know, I feel the same way! I have some friends that are unemployed and I'm a little jealous sometimes. I'm very grateful that I have a job especially since it took 4 months to get the one I have! I would be an absolute wreck if I didn't have a job knowing what I've already been through to get this one, and the unemployment rate has tripled since then! I would love to hang out at home w/ Nelly. She'd love it too! lol
  • whrldtravlrwhrldtravlr member
    Eighth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I hear ya! Do you at least have a long weekend to look forward to this week? That's my only consolation...
  • edited December 2011
    oh god I am the exact same way! When FI has a day off during the week, it kills me to get up and go to work! I have a 4 day weekend coming up which involves wedding dress shopping so that is what is keeping me going! Eye on the prize!
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  • HiggyFan42HiggyFan42 member
    edited December 2011
    Well, I have Monday's off normally, because I work every saturday. Soooo I work tues/wed/thur/fri/ and sat this week!!! So, no... just a short boring weekend for me. Oh well. I'll get over it.
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  • edited December 2011
    If you come home to a clean house, walked dogs, and dinner I'd say it's worth it! If not...you live my life. My FI does what I ask of him but he would never think to do these things on his own!
  • RachelCheetahRachelCheetah member
    edited December 2011
    Confession - though I am technically unemployed now - I used to get irked when DH had those "work from home Wednesdays". I don't know why, but I imagine it was jealousy!!!
  • HiggyFan42HiggyFan42 member
    edited December 2011
    He claims that all he had time to do today was mow the yard.... um.. it takes 8 hours to mow the yard?! So, no the house was still a mess and the boys were in their cages for most of the day. :( Oh and he ordered pizza for dinner... yuck... it's ok... tomorrow is a nother day. :)
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