

Yay It's finally Friday!  What plans do you have this weekend?  Anyone going to the Winter Blast?


  • I'm glad it's Friday. 

    Today I'm leaving work a few minutes early because honestly, I can and I'm sick of looking at my desk.  After work my FI and I are making dinner together and maybe working on assembling more invites.

    Saturday: Driving by to look at more potential houses, going to my credit union to get preapproved for a mortgage (*fingers crossed*), and maybe doing some stuff downtown.

    Sunday: Mostly more DIY stuff.
  • Thank GOD it's Friday. This week has been endless and I wasn't even in the office for two days of it!!

    Tonight - FI gets home. We were in Nebraska with a ton of family this weekend, and then he left for a business trip Monday, so we haven't really spent any QT together in awhile.

    Tomorrow - My mom is coming down and we're going to try my dress on with all the accessories to make sure everything is good. Also need to get my veil altered (it's too long).

    Sunday - Marathon vendor meeting day. I'm actually not looking forward to this at all, just because it seems like a lot. Cake meeting at 9, Ceremony music meeting after mass at around 12:30, and meeting with our mentor couple at 2.

    Oh, and I still have a head cold and can't breathe so well, so I'd really like to rest some!
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  • Tonight is grocery shopping.

    Tomorrow I'm supposed to go to my friends house for an ice fishing party we've had planned since November. Except, I don't trust the lakes up here, since it's been so warm. My friend lives on a lake, and is convinced it's safe, but I will probably just stay inside his house where it's warm.

    Sunday is day one of house scrub down. I live with FI and his brother, and they're both slobs. My mom is coming up to visit next weekend, so I want to get the house spotless before she gets here.
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  • Tonight: Homework and laundry.

    Saturday: Grandparent's renew their vows for their 50th anniversary and we throw a surprise party for them. 

    Sunday: more homework and grocery shopping. I have a major assignment due in one of my classes Monday morning and I've been struggling with it for the past week.
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  • Today: Leaving work in a few and going to the doctors. I finished my 10 days of antibiotics and still feel terrible. Then coming back to work. Home to rest tonight.

    Tomorrow: No real plans yet just rest and feel better.

    Sunday: Doing some baking and working on the address for the shower.

    I am sick of being sick. Its also killing me money wise. I'm sure today will be another $60 between meds and the dr visit. I have so many other things I would rather spend the money on.
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  • My work schedule changed so now I am stuck at work until 8pm every night. It sucks. So I don't know if I want to do anything tonight or not yet.

    Tomorrow I want to organize all of my stuff. Everything from my room is spread out all over the basement (we painted the bedroom) and I need to go through it. Majority of the stuff I haven't seen or used in years and I need to get rid of it.

    Sunday I think FI and I are going to dinner. I didn't know it was winter blast weekend so maybe we will do that too!!
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