
Another what...

What is the best advice you've ever received?

My grandma told me to marry a man who is nice to his mother, because that is a reflection of how he will treat you.

She was right, and I did. :)

She also said play hard to get, but that kind of backfired with DH because he played too and we dated for 7 years before getting engaged!

Re: Another what...

  • Julz629Julz629 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Can I get a what what!

    Um, best advice...  When I was in high school, I had a serious BF and I thought I was going to marry him.  My mom told me that under no circumstances was I to choose a college based on him.  He went away to Michigan Tech while I was still a senior, and then moved back home and went to U of M Dearborn to be by me.  We continued to date and I went to U of M Ann Arbor the next fall (my #1 choice, not due to proximity).  We broke up 2 months after I moved there.  The next semester, he transferred back to Michigan Tech.  I wish his parents had given him that same advice, but I am so glad I made the decision for me and not for anyone else.
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  • larzhopelarzhope member
    edited December 2011
    The best advice I ever received was "if you have doubts, walk away"  I went through a few relationships that could've led to marriage (one almost led to engagement) but I couldn't shake the feeling that despite the fact that nothing was wrong, perse, I didn't feel right about it. Fast forward to FI - no doubts here! :)
  • edited December 2011
    My mom told me when I broke up with an ex, "The things you think you will never recover from and in the moment seem like the worst thing in the world to you.  Most of the time they end up being the best thing that ever happened to you."  So far she has been right.  In the moment I thought breaking up with the loser ex was the end of my world but little did I know it was the beginning of something much better.  
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  • edited December 2011
    My dad has always been so encouraging to me. I used to always say "I can't." He would always push me and tell me I could. That is the best advice I've ever gotten. And I still carry it with me to this day. I think that's why I'm so motivated to do some of the things I've done :)
  • GwenwhyfareGwenwhyfare member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Because of recent events, I've learned that it's OK to say you're not okay, stressed, upset, etc.
    There is no death. Only a change of worlds
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  • edited December 2011
    My mom always says to me "it's not what happens to you, it's how you react to it!" I use that in many situations every day.
  • Sue-n-KevinSue-n-Kevin member
    Seventh Anniversary 5000 Comments 25 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011

    Best advice my Mom has always given: "Take the high road, don't burn bridges". I've always used that in situations where I might want to tell someone off, or be angry.

    My sayings to my kids, based on my life experiences: " Will this (whatever is happening, whatever the argument or frustration is about) matter when you are on your deathbed?" It's sort of along the lines of "don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff" (great book by the way). Because I'm older and have lived longer, this comment really explains how to handle life's frustrations. I use the "death bed" theory ALL the time.

    My other one , which I use for myself, and my kids know by heart: "There is nothing I can't do, only things I haven't tried". Over my long-ish life, I've found I can do so many things I had to do by myself because I was a single mom. By buying repair books, redecorating books, I've built, fixed, made or renovated hundreds of items. It was mostly by necessity, but every thing I accomplished built upon a prior project, to the point that I now do so much. My daughter knows she can do things, and my son has learned not to get entangled with helpless women, LOL.

  • edited December 2011
    I always go back to this one fortune cookie I got a while back:  "The limit to your abilities is where you place it."  It's probably not the BEST advice I've gotten and it's not even from a real person, but I think about it often and it's helped to push me along.
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