
Registry Questions...

Hey everyone,

I'm having a hard time deciding what to do about our wedding registry. 

The thing is that we already own our our home and it is fully furnished - so, there's nothing really material that we need/want. We are paying for our wedding ourselves and won't be able to afford a honeymoon so that's really what I would like for our wedding gifts. 

I have heard that it's tacky to ask for money but I found a website called honeyfund.com where guests can purchase items for your honeymoon like "wine for $40" or "part of airfare for $60". Nothing is actually paid through the website but guests would print out a certificate stating what part of the honeymoon they would like to give as a gift and bring that to the wedding (or mail it) with cash/check.

I do still plan on registering at macy's or target for things like sheets or towels for the guests that prefer giving material gifts. 

Do you think the honeyfund idea is tacky?
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Re: Registry Questions...

  • amyn1919amyn1919 member
    edited December 2011
    i don't think it's tacky...i think the people that think it's tacky don't understand how it is to own your home and have all the home stuff you need. This is my second wedding and my FI's first, so we are having a shower. I have all my kitchen stuff from my first wedding and I would rather do the honeyfund, then get more kitchen/house stuff that i don't need....i know that if i were buying a shower gift, i would be more than happy to buy the couple something they will use on the honeymoon!! Go for it!!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    I agree with amy!
  • emarston1emarston1 member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I think it's tacky.  And I have lived with FI for over 3 years and we have a lot of what we need so I am definitely not in the "I don't know what it's like group."  If you have everything you need, don't register and decline any showers.  The point of a bridal shower is to "shower" her with gifts to start her life with her husband.  Not to give her gift certficates for a vacation.

    Just don't register and people will get idea that you want cash.  If people ask where you are registered just state, "We aren't registered anywhere because we are saving up for XYZ"
  • edited December 2011

    Ditto emarston. It's tacky and don't have a shower if it's not necessary.

  • lisa89760lisa89760 member
    Fourth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I don't think it's tacky at all.  And I think not registering can get you into trouble with people buying you stuff they think you want which you don't and no one wants that.  (I've seen it happen before!)  Plus I think it's a good idea to have the honeymoon registry and the registry at traditional places to make everyone happy.  If some guests don't like what your registered for, they'll give you cash anyways!
    August 2011 sig challenge: Honeymoon!! (We bought a boat!!)
  • edited December 2011
    I don't think it is tacky at all. We did a (mini) registry on Honeyfund.com for a few activities for our honeymoon and everything got purchased right off the bat. In fact, I've had seven guests ask me if we were going to add more to it because they thought it was a fabulous idea. We love to travel and our family and friends know that, so it definitely suited us. We are planning on taking pictures of ourselves doing the activities people purchased for us and then sending them a copy with their thank you card.

    I can't even begin to tell you how many people thought it was a great idea and wanted to give us a memory versus a $40 casserole dish.
  • rak123rak123 member
    2500 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    If people want to give you money, they will.  There is no need to register for it.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • amyn1919amyn1919 member
    edited December 2011
    The whole point is it's not just money.....it's buying an excursion or a nice dinner on your honeymoon. I mean if you think about it money is money. You spend money to buy a crockpot and you spend money for an excursion. If you return the crockpot you don't need, then you have money for your honeymoon. i would much rather buy the excursion for the couple and then hear how much fun they had on it. It's great knowing that I gave that to them as a gift!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • lndskellylndskelly member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks so much for your input! amyn1919 - we are totally on the same page!

    I think I will go ahead and do the honeyfund. I could see how it might be weird if I was having a bridal shower but I'm not, this is only for gifts for the actual wedding. And of course, gifts are totally optional, but I like the idea ladysunkissed had of sending pictures of the honeymoon activities with the thank you cards. I'm not a "traditional" bride and many of your opinions have helped me decide that the honeyfund fits myself and my FI :)
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  • edited December 2011

    I want my money to be well spent and to buy someone something they really want and will totally enjoy! I don't think it is tacky, times are changing. But I do know a lot of people will think it is tacky. You know your family & friends best, and they know you!
    Sidenote... maybe I am some material object hoarding person but I don't understand how people don't want anything! FI and I own a home, have lived together 2 years, and we have all that we need. I still WANT! I am horrible! I went into every store and wanted everything!

  • amyn1919amyn1919 member
    edited December 2011
    That's a great idea to send a pic of you on your honeymoon with the Thank you card!!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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