

So I bitch and bitch about grad school and now that it is done for the semester I have nothing to do.  I cannot move forward with wedding stuff because we don't have final numbers.  In all actually even with final numbers there isn't much I could be doing other than the seating chart.  FI is grabbing a drink with some friends so here is I sit, bored.  I should watch TV since I never get to anymore.  You ladies doing anything fun tonight?  You are 3 hours ahead so probably getting ready for bed.  
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Re: Bored....

  • Trying to figure out all our song lists/dances and what not. Super sick of it. I'm cranky. I fed some baby geese though today so that was cool.

    It's not even 9 yet! We're old ladies here but not thatttttt old haha.

    I'm watching Frozen Planet with FI too. There's a sea lion chasing around peguins and it's funny.
    June 16, 2012
  • I was just playing an xbox game, but not FI and I are going to watch an old episodeof How I Met Your Mother (we are tryin to catch up). I need to look over my photographer contract and some other things the venue sent me. Tomorrow we go look at flowers. Yes I thinnk I am an old lady 11pm is the latest I go now haha. Relax and enjoy your free evening :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I just finished stamping all of our shower Thank You's. I am also watching the DVR but on the computer at the same time. 

    FI is at work tonight so I am just vegging out.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • So I'm the only one who is fast asleep by 8:30?!  That is sad on my part :(  4:30 is super early though.  I was watching Frozen Planet but FI came home and the tigers are on at 7 so he wanted to watch a recap of the other games, boo.  I wanted to finish my show, oh well.  

    We love How I!!  We are all caught up except for the most recent season because it's not on netflix yet.  

    Loton, stamping your own thank you's sounds like so much fun!  Wish I was even a little bit talented to do that.  I'm just buying some from Jo-Ann's.  I'm going to put a picture in it though so that will add a little something extra.

    I did nothing wedding tonight.  Spoke to FMIL tonight but I don't want to vent about it tonight because I'm in a good mood and FI does not agree with me on this.  So instead of getting into it, I'll sleep well and vent about it tomorrow :).  Gonna go watch the Tigers!  
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Oh yeah!  I made tapioca pudding because I have been craving it like crazy!!  I didn't even bother to get a bowl, I'm just eating it out of the pot, yummy!!!  Diet, goodbye for the night.  
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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