
Sharon Mills County Park

I was wondering if anyone was familiar with Sharon Mills County Park in Manchester.  So far I really only have my parents thoughts to go off of.  (I'm living in Washington and have had to depend upon them for preliminary searches.)  

If you aren't familiar with the park, are you familiar with their caterer Food Art Catered Affairs?  They're based out of Ann Arbor/Manchester and seem to cater events at several places in the A2 area.

Any thoughts would be very much appreciated.

Re: Sharon Mills County Park

  • matuofmmatuofm member
    edited December 2011
    I don't know this park specifically, and I don't see anything on their website about this, but you might want to double-check to make sure they don't charge per-car entrance fees.  One of the reasons that we chose a metro park instead of a Washtenaw County park is that all the county parks we saw charged $9 per car for entrance fees - which was going to add up pretty quick.  The pics on the website are pretty, though!
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  • Hi!

    I know this is from a very long time ago but I was wondering if you ever got any information on Sharon Mills. I can't get in contact with anyone at the park but love the pictures I am seeing online. Thanks!
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