

  • sunkissed212sunkissed212 member
    edited December 2011
    Is there a maximum character limit for replies?! lol...I am so easily annoyed it's not even funny.

    Here's a small sampling

    *People that always have to "1 up" other people and take the spotlight.
    *People that stop their cart in the middle of the aisle at the store to browse the shelves or racks. Or, people that stop to talk in the middle of anywhere really (mall, airport, ballpark, whatever. I usually run into them on purpose)
    *My condo association
    *My loud @ss neighbor and her loud @ss friends
    *People that park in "my" spot outside my condo. I know it's not really "mine" but I park there every day so I feel I'm entitled to call it mine :)
    *the sound of ice in liquid sloshing around in a paper or plastic cup (I know, weird)
    *paper cuts!!
    *one of my friends that has to be a major socialite and doesn't understand when I don't want to hit every hot party downtown
    *when people don't pick their stuff up from the printer
    *when I go grocery shopping on Monday night and Kroger is out of EVERYTHING!
    *when my FFIL starts talking about history and books that he's read and I am forced to pretend I'm listening and care because everyone else is busy doing something else.
    *people that use money (lack of) as an excuse to not do things that they really just don't want to do and then turn around and spend money on other stuff the same day. Just frickin' say you don't want to do it instead of lying and looking stupid!
    *people at the airport that get all flustered when they get up to security and don't realize they have to take their shoes off...um,there were like 13 signs while you were standing in line you mean to tell me you didn't see a single one of them???

    Oh boy...
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    08/2012 IVF #1, 2 5-day blasts transferred 8/19 = BFP! Beta 1 (8/28)=241, Beta 2 (8/30)=457, Beta 3 (9/5)=3,813, u/s 9/13=Twins!, u/s 9/21=Surprise...there's one more! TRIPLETS!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • edited December 2011

    Wow! Kim I don't even need to make a list. lol Totally agree with you about the Airport and people leaving their carts in the aisle.

    Things I find annoying:
    -The mail woman who thinks its ok to walk across our grass.
    -People on airline with bags that are too damn big to in the overhead who block the aisle trying to see if a miracle is going to happen.
    -dishes in the sink
    -Being on hold then get disconnected
    -Rude people
    -People who think they know everything
    -Sales people and JW's who knock on my door when my daughter is napping.

  • GwenwhyfareGwenwhyfare member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    • Hopefully this doesn't come across snarky, but it really annoys me when people ask if my hair is real. Yes, it is, yes I get it cut (it grows very fast) and no I am not part of a cult.
    • Ditto, people (especially the new neighbors) who park in MY spot at our apartments. There is no assigned parking, but I park in the same spot everyday. Can't miss it, I drive a bright red civic.
    • Rude people at stores (any). Carts, do not belong in the middle of the aisle, I will promptly move it if you don't!
    • My car insurance agent; he just plain annoys me.
    • Liars. The last time my car was in for an oil change the dealership told me I needed new tires because of a 1/4" gouge in two of my tires. Both FI and I looked and there is no such gouge.
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  • edited December 2011
    Winter annoys me. Its took 2 hours yesterday and over an hour today to get to work (normally a 30-40 minute drive). Its early January and I've already been late to work twice and I HATE being late. Living 25 miles away from work stinks.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • shrades77shrades77 member
    edited December 2011
    • People who answer their cell phones at dinner (while in a restaurant)
    • People who don't watch/discipline their kids while out in public, so they run all over like hooligans (lol - is that even how you spell that?!)
    • Bitter old ladies
    • People who chomp on their gum
    • All the things above that Kim mentioned - including my condo association :)
    • When you're at Home Depot and you cannot find a sales associate for the LIFE of you
    • People who speak their mind no matter who it hurts (sometimes you just need to censor yourselves, people!)
    • The new Knot boards
    • Traffic
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  • edited December 2011

    *People who hum or talk to themselves
    *People who dont close there mouth  when they eat
    *People who go to the gym to "pick up" people
    *The cold wind
    *When I cant find something
    *Late fees

    I know there is more,but I cant think of them right now

  • Julz629Julz629 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    • When people stare at me when my dog poops on their yard when I'm walking him.  I really can't control my dogs bowel movements, but I carry plastic bags and I promise to pick it up.  It might touch your grass for about 10-15 seconds, but I assure you it won't do any permanent damage.
    • On that note, people who DON'T pick up after their dogs.
    • People who park their car so it blocks the sidewalk when they obviously could have pulled farther forward.
    • The neighbor across the street who FREAKS out if one of our guests parks their car in front of their house when they come to visit us.
    • The guy next door who NEVER shovels his sidewalk.  When it gets warm, the snow melts, then it gets cold again and it freezes into a layer of ice.  I might as well wear my ice skates. 
    • When people leave their trash cans and recycling bins out for 3 days after trash pick up.
    • When the garbage men throw your garbage can smack in the middle of the driveway so you have to get out of your car and move it before you can even pull in.
    • People with workout equipment (i.e. ellipticals, treadmills) in their family room.

    And my number one current pet peeve:

    • People who are at the gym as part of a new years resolution.  Just let me get on a d@mn elliptical please.
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  • edited December 2011

    pretty much everything already listed (especially one uppers!) also:

    -backhanded comments/compliments (I've already gotten "I guess I wasn't that high maintenence when I was a bride" in regards to my reading bridal magazines)
    -The fact that I have gotten someone else's mail in the neighborhood every day for the last two weeks (all different neighbors too)
    -people who can't return carts to the cart coral.  they are probably the same people who leave their carts in the middle of the aisle.
    -Shows like 'Conveyor Belt of Love'

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  • edited December 2011
    OMG...you girls are cracking me up! I agree with so many of them!

    *People who don't know how to operate a grocery cart. When you're coming out of an aisle, please be aware that people are walking by.
    *People who block aisles areas at the grocery store, especially when they can't make a decision on what they want.
    *The idiot baggers...this really gets me. I unload my basket the way I want it bagged...frozen, boxed, fruit, meat, etc, all grouped separately. What do I get instead? Overfilled bags, cans w/ my bananas, etc. Drives me nuts.
    Can you tell I hate grocery shopping?!

    *I actually get annoyed when people park in front of our house. Only because they park in the middle. There is enough room for 2 cars to park in front of our house. Since we have a small driveway, many times we have to move our cars to get out. Instead of being able to park in front of the house, we have to park across the street or next door because the yahoo next door has to take up the entire space.

    *Also people who don't watch their kids & let them wreck havoc.
    *Poor customer service.

    Amanda....people still p/u people in gyms? ha ha ha
  • edited December 2011
    A lot of the same ones above! I seem to have a great disdain for people in general these days!!! And........

    *people who stop right at the front door at Costco/Sams/Whatever and talk on their phone and block everyone, along with the people who stop in the middle of aisles to gab. 
    *one of the people I work for who has NO regard for personal space. Or the fact that I've been doing my job for 13 years. And sorry, but sending me an email then coming out to tell me you sent an email and then asking me if it's done 20 minutes later IS micromanaging, which you promised not to do.
    *work in general- is it bad that I want to get pregnant for the time off? lol
    *my relatives telling me "don't be cheap" with my wedding planning. I know you've offered to help, but until I see your check, I'm spending like we have to pay for the whole thing. K, thx. Oh, and it WONT BE CHEAP. It is the opposite of cheap. It is way too fricking expensive, and we should have eloped.
    *the guy on my street who parks his car in a guest spot for weeks at a time and doesn't park close enough to the curb, thus not leaving enough space for the other 3 cars that are supposed to be able to park there. You have a 2-car garage, jacka$$. Whose fault is it that you can only fit 1 in there??
    *the fact that my mother's husband- who has not had a job in YEARS refuses to shovel his driveway. Inches of snow on top of already melted and refrozen inches of snow. I guess what does he care? If anyone sues they'll go after my mom.

  • ms nobodyms nobody member
    edited December 2011
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  • edited December 2011
    * when my FI does the laundry which is so nice but then leaves the dry clothes in the dryer when they are done..... sometimes for days. 

    that's all I have time for no since I have to go to work which annoys me too lol.
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  • edited December 2011
    OMG don't start about grocery carts, there is a kroger about 1 mile away from my apartment building and there are a *TON* of people from my apartment building who walk there, shop, bring their groceries back in the cart, then LEAVE THE CART ON THE FRONT LAWN OR IN OUR PARKING LOT! I feel like I live in some strange urban redneck colony or a scrap yard!

    !!!!!!! so annoying !!!!!! 

  • edited December 2011
    • When random people touch my hair...two people have done this and it makes me uncomfortable. They grab my hair and run their fingers through it. Really? I just washed it and now your hands, which who knows where they've been, just touched my hair.
    • When parents let their kids control the grocery cart
    • When people merge at the very last second. I am that person that will NOT let you in, under no circumstances
    • When I'm right behind someone walking into a store and they don't hold the door open and then it slams in my face. RUDE!
    • Which brings me to my next annoyance: rude people
    • When people absolutely hate their jobs. It's not my fault you don't like your position. Were you forced to be a cashier or work at McDonalds? Don't take it out on me.
    • When I clearly am about to pull into a parking space and someone beats me to it. My blinker is on and I'm waiting for the car to pull out. D-bag.
    • The fact that our street is a sheet of ice and Redford is too broke to salt the roads. Awesome.
  • GwenwhyfareGwenwhyfare member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://livonia.weddings.com/main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_michigan-detroit_tell-tuesday-22?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:88Discussion:f13caf40-4714-472b-9eea-958f74e82a17Post:20f59e09-98ec-430c-8c44-e7576ed33853">Re: TELL US TUESDAY</a>:
    [QUOTE]When random people touch my hair...two people have done this and it makes me uncomfortable. They grab my hair and run their fingers through it. Really? I just washed it and now your hands, which who knows where they've been, just touched my hair. Posted by corinne2010[/QUOTE]

    Oh oh! This one, too!! Whatever happened to personal space?
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  • becandjim10becandjim10 member
    edited December 2011
    *most things that annoy me are cliche's and offend people when I say them so I try not to.

    *I also get annoyed when people use the word "squee" on here

    *I get annoyed at people who are having the wedding paid for and still complain about it

    *People who smile 100% of the time like my aunt. Im happy your happy but seriously dont make me feel like oscar the grouch because I do have feelings that arent from the end of a rainbow all the frickin time

    *My little sister who is engaged after knowing him 3 1/2 months and already hes cheated on her. Shes only engaged because hes a country singer who just got signed and she thnks he will be rich one day.

    *My mom who ever since my dad passed agrees with everything my sisters do and tells me secretely how much it bothers her but tells me the only reason she does it is because shes scared to lose a child after losing dad ( which I understand its still just annoying)

    and probably everything else you ladies said.
  • edited December 2011
    OMG....I forgot a few! ha ha

    *I also get mad when people don't shovel their walkways. So lazy & rude! It's pretty bad in my neighborhood. I might not care as much if I didn't have to walk through it with my dogs.

    *Corinne...I'm w/ ya on the icy roads & we're right on the border of Redford, in Detroit. Our streets NEVER get plowed. I'm a little happy that DH has a plow on his truck now, so if we need to, we can dig ourselves out. It's funny you said Redford is too broke for salt after however long it took them to redo 6 mile/McNichols, east of Beech.
    I also almost got t-boned by a dude trying to steal the parking spot I was waiting for months ago as I was going to a knottie GTG! He passed it & realized the person was backing out but didn't see me, so he kicked his truck into reverse & floored it! I was totally freaked out because he really came close to hitting me.
  • edited December 2011
    On top of everything everyone else said lol, I'd like to add

    - that a woman over the age of 20 can't vomit without being accused of pregnancy. Seriously why is it that I was ill for 4 days and the only response people have is "Are you pregnant?" How about asking if I feel better!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Julz629Julz629 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.weddings.com/Sites/Weddings/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_michigan-detroit_tell-tuesday-22?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local Wedding BoardsForum:88Discussion:f13caf40-4714-472b-9eea-958f74e82a17Post:20f59e09-98ec-430c-8c44-e7576ed33853">Re: TELL US TUESDAY</a>:
    [QUOTE]When I'm right behind someone walking into a store and they don't hold the door open and then it slams in my face. RUDE!
    Posted by corinne2010[/QUOTE]

    On this note....when I am a far distance behind someone and they insist on standing the door and holding it for 30+ seconds.  It makes me feel like I should rush so they don't have to stand there as long.  It happened to me this morning and I felt the need to rush, but it was icy and I was wearing heels so I can only go so fast.  I appreciate the gesture, but I can get the door on my own, thanks.
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  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.weddings.com/Sites/Weddings/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_michigan-detroit_tell-tuesday-22?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local Wedding BoardsForum:88Discussion:f13caf40-4714-472b-9eea-958f74e82a17Post:d9aab428-be74-42be-8d60-0992f767cda9">Re: TELL US TUESDAY</a>:
    [QUOTE]On top of everything everyone else said lol, I'd like to add - that a woman over the age of 20 can't vomit without being accused of pregnancy. Seriously why is it that I was ill for 4 days and the only response people have is "Are you pregnant?" How about asking if I feel better!
    Posted by Booger+Bear[/QUOTE]

    THIS. It gets exponentially worse once the woman is engaged.

    I went home with the kind of stomach flu you get when you take 2 BCP's on the same day because you were a bonehead and forgot and it doesn't react well.

    The next day, 8 people asked if I was pregnant. All the people that work in my general area are on baby watch. Sorry guys, but that's just my normal pooch.
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_michigan-detroit_tell-tuesday-22?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:88Discussion:f13caf40-4714-472b-9eea-958f74e82a17Post:d9aab428-be74-42be-8d60-0992f767cda9">Re: TELL US TUESDAY</a>:
    [QUOTE]On top of everything everyone else said lol, I'd like to add - that a woman over the age of 20 can't vomit without being accused of pregnancy. Seriously why is it that I was ill for 4 days and the only response people have is "Are you pregnant?" How about asking if I feel better!
    Posted by Booger+Bear[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>Also, my former roommate is a hypochondriac, and included in her list of feared diseases was pregnancy. She must take a pregnancy test every month.</div>
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_michigan-detroit_tell-tuesday-22?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:88Discussion:f13caf40-4714-472b-9eea-958f74e82a17Post:8a2e185a-a033-47b6-a6ef-54b774ea98c1">Re: TELL US TUESDAY</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: TELL US TUESDAY : THIS. Also, my former roommate is a hypochondriac, and included in her list of feared diseases was pregnancy. She must take a pregnancy test every month.
    Posted by k-nem[/QUOTE]

    Pregnancy as a feared disease - hilarious. But man that's gotta get expensive taking a test every single month.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • catstoy73catstoy73 member
    edited December 2011

    **All the above**
    *The renters in my houseare getting divorced and he moved out, hasn't paid any money to the wife and she will be moving out sometime this month because she cna't make the rent payment. Hello, not my fault.
    *DH tells me we are out of something at 11pm and expects me to remember it come morning and if I don't go out an get it he wonders why. It's not that hard to write it down.
    *People who blow the stop sign in front of our house. They do this especially when school is in session. Not my fault your late taking your kid to school. Cops in Redford just don't care and will if someone get hits.
    *Telemarketers! I really don't want to talk to you so when I say "We are on the DO NOT CALL LIST" or "Give me your number and I will call you back when your eating dinner or going to bed and we will see if you like it". They hang up real fast.
    *I love kids, but the screaming 4 yr old next door drives me nuts. If his sister won't play with him or he doesn't get his way, he screams and cries. I can hear him through the closed doors and windows.
    *The neighbor taking out his trash at midnight. I am in bed and hearing the scraping on the driveway echoes. Get your wife or her kids to take out the trash. Oh wait, they don't do anything that involves work.

  • sunkissed212sunkissed212 member
    edited December 2011

    ooh! I have more!

    *people that whip into a parking spot and don't pay attention (or care) to the fact that they are on a f'd up angle, and partially in the next spot. This is either because a) they are lazy f*ckers and can't (or don't know how to) drive. or b) they drive a vehicle that is too large for them and instead of parking it in a spot farther out where maybe it doesn't matter if you're a little crooked, you have to park it in the 3rd spot from the front! Your legs aren't broken f*cker, use them!

    Funny thing is that this happened twice over the break to FI and I and both times, I happened to make smart@ss comments about it out loud. The first time, the lady happened to be walking to her car. I didn't realize it was her but I know she heard me and I really don't care. The second time, we were putting groceries into the back of FI's truck and this lady in a Yukon Denali whips into the spot next to us totally hanging over the line and into our spot. She gets out and walks around the back to see how bad she's parked and I was giving her the look of death. FI says "um,you're a little crooked" and she says "ohh, it's ok. It's not that bad" and FI says "Actually yes it is" and I said something like "you lazy @ss idiot" and he made me get in the car lol. She ended up fixing it though so that totally made my day.

    omg I'm sorry this was so long, I just wanted to tell that story!

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    TTC #1 since 8/2010...2 years, 6 IUI's and 1 m/c later...
    08/2012 IVF #1, 2 5-day blasts transferred 8/19 = BFP! Beta 1 (8/28)=241, Beta 2 (8/30)=457, Beta 3 (9/5)=3,813, u/s 9/13=Twins!, u/s 9/21=Surprise...there's one more! TRIPLETS!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • katiebird1981katiebird1981 member
    edited December 2011
    I agree with all of you (traffic, Grocery shopping idiots, etc.)!  Why don't people have common sense?!

    I'm sorry if this offends someone, but ring back tones.  I can't stand them! 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_michigan-detroit_tell-tuesday-22?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local Wedding BoardsForum:88Discussion:f13caf40-4714-472b-9eea-958f74e82a17Post:e9d325b0-f532-4d42-b597-4ac557eb05e7">Re: TELL US TUESDAY</a>:
    [QUOTE]OMG....I forgot a few! ha ha *I also get mad when people don't shovel their walkways. So lazy & rude! It's pretty bad in my neighborhood. I might not care as much if I didn't have to walk through it with my dogs. *Corinne...I'm w/ ya on the icy roads & we're right on the border of Redford, in Detroit. Our streets NEVER get plowed. I'm a little happy that DH has a plow on his truck now, so if we need to, we can dig ourselves out. It's funny you said Redford is too broke for salt after however long it took them to redo 6 mile/McNichols, east of Beech. I also almost got t-boned by a dude trying to steal the parking spot I was waiting for months ago as I was going to a knottie GTG! He passed it & realized the person was backing out but didn't see me, so he kicked his truck into reverse & floored it! I was totally freaked out because he really came close to hitting me.
    Posted by scarywife1026[/QUOTE]

    Mo and Corinne you both need to move to Dearborn. The intersection by my house was icy yesterday. I called and the city was here in less than an hour salting. Come on over ladies. lol
  • terbear_86terbear_86 member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_michigan-detroit_tell-tuesday-22?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:88Discussion:f13caf40-4714-472b-9eea-958f74e82a17Post:d9aab428-be74-42be-8d60-0992f767cda9">Re: TELL US TUESDAY</a>:
    [QUOTE]On top of everything everyone else said lol, I'd like to add - that a woman over the age of 20 can't vomit without being accused of pregnancy. Seriously why is it that I was ill for 4 days and the only response people have is "Are you pregnant?" How about asking if I feel better!
    Posted by Booger+Bear[/QUOTE]

    Amen. Please let me just have my stomach flu and leave me the heck alone.
  • terbear_86terbear_86 member
    edited December 2011
    Things that annoy me:

    **People who talk through movies.

    ** Bosses who yell just to hear their own voice.

    ** The customer is always right mentality.

    ** People who buy my son every toy in the world that makes noise, sings songs, or needs batteries.

    **people who buy said toys and do NOT buy at least the first set of batteries.

    ** People who believe that single mom also means single white trash gold digging b!tch on food stamps who is getting married to have a steady paycheck.

    **People who have the gall to tell me this to my face.

    ** Those that would rather cut off someone on crutches to the point of knocking them down and then laugh as I untangle myself.

    ** When the movie you wanted to pick up at Blockbuster is all out.

    ** The neighbors with no courtesy.

    ** My apartment association.

    ** Texting while driving.

    **Blatantly disobeying traffic laws.

  • edited December 2011

    I haven't responded in this thread all morning for fear of opening a can of worms, but...

    •  People who don't know how to drive.  Seriously.  The roads were really icy this morning and some girl who was talking on her cell phone and not paying any attention decided she didn't like the lane she was in and moved over into mine...on top of me...despite my blaring horn.  Yeah, driving on the shoulder of the road was a blast...in fact, I'd love to do it more often.  Dumb a$$.
    •  MIL.  I really shouldn't have to say more than that, but for fun, I'll elaborate.  Right before Christmas, my mom begged me for a picture of the whole family from the wedding.  Since we hadn't gotten our pictures yet, I had to contact Amy and ask her if she could send one over.  She did and Mom had her Christmas cards made.  MIL got one...and won't leave us alone about the pictures now.  When I tell her we still need to go through the DVD and select the ones we like, her response is always "but YOUR mom got pictures"...ugh.  My mom got ONE PICTURE, for the love of Peter!  I want to tell her to shut the eff up and leave me alone.  Needless to say, this is making me not want to go through my pictures.
    • My boss sending me an email saying "Did I talk to Jeff about him going to this conference?"  Ummm...last I checked, I don't follow you around and track your every move so I have no clue if you talked to him or not.  What a stupid email.
    • My coworker standing at my desk unboxing equipment.  I know it's convenient to stand here because it's right next to the door of his office, but it creeps me out.  I feel like he's watching over my shoulder.

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  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.weddings.com/Sites/Weddings/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_michigan-detroit_tell-tuesday-22?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:88Discussion:f13caf40-4714-472b-9eea-958f74e82a17Post:8437ef54-9316-4283-b6fb-a11cc5f0c83d">Re: TELL US TUESDAY</a>:
    [QUOTE]OMG don't start about grocery carts, there is a kroger about 1 mile away from my apartment building and there are a *TON* of people from my apartment building who walk there, shop, bring their groceries back in the cart, then LEAVE THE CART ON THE FRONT LAWN OR IN OUR PARKING LOT! I feel like I live in some strange urban redneck colony or a scrap yard! !!!!!!! so annoying !!!!!! 
    Posted by k-nem[/QUOTE]

    LOL k-new, do you by any chance live in Ann Arbor?  I lived near the north campus Kroger for 3 years, and this was a horrible problem there!  I've never seen people steal shopping carts anywhere else like they do in Ann Arbor.  There were always literally dozens of carts stashed by every nearby bus stop.  I wanted to yell at people every time I saw them pushing carts down the side walk - "you do not own that cart - leave it on Kroger's property you moron!"  
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