
My wedding this Saturday :(

The forecast for my wedding this Saturday just changed from beautiful, sunny, 10% chance of rain to cloudy and 60% chance of rain.  I have a feeling it's just going to get worse.  I am so upset - this ruins everything I had planned for my pictures.  And on top of that, I feel horrible because I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to be glowing with happiness right now, but instead I am just sad and angry.

I know people say rain is good luck, but I feel like those people didn't actually have rain on their wedding.  Rain will ruin my hair (it frizzes), my dress (huge train I wanted pictures of), and just basically my attitude.  Sorry for this vent session.
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Re: My wedding this Saturday :(

  • I'm sorry.

    After all that planning, I'm sure you have a right to feel sad & angry. But, I do remember seeing brides post after their weddings when it rained (or snowed!), and while they recall the weather, they mostly remember how wonderful they felt the entire day, in spite of the weather.

    I'll cross my fingers you get better weather than what's forecasted. And just because it is going to rain, doesn't mean it will rain all day.
  • Also keep in mind that this is MICHIGAN! And the weather could end up being nice again.. Just stay positive and everything will be fine! I understand your frustration but your marrying your best friend and your wedding will be beautiful!
  • I had actually HOPED it would rain on my wedding day. I had found so many pictures I loved that incorporated the rain and umbrellas. But, alas, just clouds and freezing temps.
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  • I'm pretty sure we had a 60% (possibly higher) rain forecast for the entire day. I'd come up with indoor and outdoor photo plans, so we were planning on the indoor locations, but I remember being really bummed too.

    As we were getting ready that day, it rained and rained. But, once the ceremony was over at 3 p.m., it was just a bit overcast. We were able to proceed with all of our outdoor shots and they turned out great! Overcast days can actually be better lighting for photos.

    Bottom line, don't get too down yet. If it does rain all day, maybe you'll still get a window where you can get a few outdoor shots. Or, maybe you'll just get a little clouds but no rain!
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  • Thanks everyone! I just needed to vent.  I'm going to plan for rain and get an umbrella, and if by the grace of God it turns out nice, I will be a happy girl.  Thanks for letting me let my frustrations out!
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  • Google "rainy day wedding pictures" and see what comes up! Im sure there are many beautiful shots you'll steill be able to get :) And dont forget, 60% chance of rain also means 40% chance of sunshine!
  • Forcasts have been wrong so many times before that beyond getting an umbrella and looking up some cute pics to use it for idea, I wouldn't worry about it until the day off.  No need for added stress.
  • Usually overcast clouds make the best photos....Mine was last February and I chose it with expectations of snow and wintery pictures and all I got was crummy early spring type weather and absolutely no snow...I am still a little but the day of, you won't care. You will be having a blast!!! Unless your hair is completely down, you will have product that will keep your hair from frizzing too much. Just ask your hair stylist if she has any additional anti-frizz products she can use or that you can use to dry your hair with before the updo.

  • tell your bridesmaids to have their cutest rainboots ready JIC! That could make for super cute outdoor photos!!!
  • Was thinking about you yesterday! The weather was great!! Hope your day was fantastic! 
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