New York-Hudson Valley

My new obsession...

is shopping for honeymoon clothes! I can't stop!!!! If I keep this up for the next five monthsI won't be getting married because there won't be any money left!... I'm obviously exaggerating  :)
At least, I found a way for FI not to give me crap about "another pair of shoes"... buy him some too!  Cool

Re: My new obsession...

  • edited December 2011
    I know how you feel,we are going on a cruise in June and i keep buying everything i see LOL.Whenever i come home with bags or i get a package in the mail My Hubby says "another shopping spree huh".
  • riab85riab85 member
    edited December 2011
    haha i did the same thing!! with all this snow on the ground, it was great to go buy some clothes for Aruba.... so glad i'm not the only one starting 5 months early lol :)
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