This falls into the category of things I never thought I would spend this much time thinking about.
When my FI proposed in August my engagement ring was a little too big. Since then I've lost about 15 pounds and the weather has turned colder, so it's gotten to the point where it could almost fall off my finger. Right now I put some tape around the bottom and as soon as one of us has a chance we are going to get one of those "ring snuggies" that holds the ring in place.
I mentioned to some friends that I wanted to get the ring resized, and they all said to just use ring snuggie rather than resizing it, because they said that my weight will fluctuate throughout my life, fingers get bloated when pregnant, etc.
I think they have a point - but it also seems silly to have my ring be the wrong size when it can be easily fixed (the place where he bought it from will resize for free).
So if I do resize it... I am still eating healthy and planning on losing another around 10 pounds. Do I resize it when I am at my "ideal weight" or do I resize it now when I'm pretty close and that gives me some leeway if I gain back some weight? I'm not on a crazy crash diet so I am hoping to keep the weight off that I lost, but you never know.