New York-Hudson Valley

Ring sizing/fit

This falls into the category of things I never thought I would spend this much time thinking about.

When my FI proposed in August my engagement ring was a little too big.  Since then I've lost about 15 pounds and the weather has turned colder, so it's gotten to the point where it could almost fall off my finger.  Right now I put some tape around the bottom and as soon as one of us has a chance we are going to get one of those "ring snuggies" that holds the ring in place.

I mentioned to some friends that I wanted to get the ring resized, and they all said to just use ring snuggie rather than resizing it, because they said that my weight will fluctuate throughout my life, fingers get bloated when pregnant, etc.

I think they have a point - but it also seems silly to have my ring be the wrong size when it can be easily fixed (the place where he bought it from will resize for free). 

So if I do resize it... I am still eating healthy and planning on losing another around 10 pounds.  Do I resize it when I am at my "ideal weight" or do I resize it now when I'm pretty close and that gives me some leeway if I gain back some weight?  I'm not on a crazy crash diet so I am hoping to keep the weight off that I lost, but you never know.

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Re: Ring sizing/fit

  • edited December 2011
    when I got mine, it was too big. I brought it to the jewler and he put a ring guard on it. Told me to wear it like that for a year and then he would size it for me.
    He wanted me to wear it through all 4 season so I could figure out the best fit.
  • edited December 2011

    Congrats on the weight loss!

    If I were you I would let the jeweler look at it to determinie how much resizing it could take. (Just so you have an idea)

    And also how long it will take to get sized.

    But still wait to get it sized. You have a year to go until the wedding -you don't know what's going happen in the next year.

    If you lose the remaining 10 pounds and that's it great! But what if you lose more weight?

    And besides, 10 pounds may not even make much difference to the ring fitting.

    (Unfortunately, I've gained about 10 pounds since the wedding and my ring still fits fine. Some clothes on the other hand are tight. but my ring is fine.)

    So, wear the ring guard for now, if you lose the weight in the next couple of months, great! Get it sized for what you plan to be your goal or ideal weight. And then even if you gain a pound or two over that, it should be fine.

    Good luck! But definitely check with the jeweler first. You don't want to keep resizing the ring.

    And congrats again on the weight loss!

  • edited December 2011
    I had mine sized for half a size bigger than what I am. It stays on fine (sometimes it slides so that the stone is facing down in the winter), but it's nice because in the summer or when I do get pregnant, it still fits.
  • BellaSposa223BellaSposa223 member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Congrats on the weight loss! I went through the same thing just a bit more weight lost on me. Up until about 3 weeks before the wedding (I had it sized then) I wore it on my middle  finger. I know that wouldn't sit right with some people but my ring snuggie and gaurd didn't work for me so I didn't have a choice, but it was fine.
  • ssagessage member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    When i 1st got my ring, i thought it was too big.  the jeweler said that he could only resize it once, maybe twice and then you couldn't do it anymore.  I ended up not doing it and was fingers got bloated from time to time ... i also have a knuckle that is bigger than the back of my finger. 

    I ended up wearing both rings for a month after and took them off when i found out i was pregnant...i ahd already gained some weight but knew i would gain more and was afraid the rings would stick.  it is now 9 weeks after her birth and i still can't wear them...our one year anniversary is coming up and it makes me sad....but in the end, i am glad i didn't change the size.

    Wear the ring guard thing
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Anniversary
  • probablykateprobablykate member
    edited December 2011
    Thanks as always everyone for the wonderful advice.

    And thanks Terri and Jaimie for the congrats on the weight loss.  I will tell you my secret it has been very simple for me... I have an app on my phone that counts calories.  I enter what I eat before I eat it, and it gets the number of calories from it's database and shows me how many calories I've consumed for each meal and for the day.  I try to eat 1200-1500 calories per day.  And that's it.  Some days I go over, but then I try to eat less over the next few days.  If I get a craving for something high in calories, I will allow myself to eat it as long as I make it up by eating better the rest of the day.

    Now I just need to get to the gym more often so I can replace some of that fat with muscle...
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