New York-Hudson Valley

Married In Summer how to avoid the sweat/shine in photos?

I know this is the hardest but for bride/groom/party what is the best way to help in staying "shine" free for photos etc in the hot sweaty summer months of wedding?

Re: Married In Summer how to avoid the sweat/shine in photos?

  • ssagessage member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011

    I got married in the fall but was in a wedding in the summer.  I had my makeup professionally done so she accounted for that and then in both cases, I just used powder for those shine moments.

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  • hudsonriverhudsonriver member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    As a wedding photographer in the Hudson Valley I can tell you it does get very hot and steamy here for summer weddings.

    My advice:  1) hire a professional makeup artist who knows how to deal with this issue.  2)  bring tissue, hankerchief to dab at your sweaty spots.  3) stay in the shade between photos and perhaps bring a fan/hand electric fan  4) wear appropriate summer wedding clothing!

    The last is perhaps one of the most important.  So often, I work with couples who are dressed for an indoor wedding.  Full tux, long elaborate thick dresses.  Wearting that in 90 degree heat with 90 percent humidity will not keep you cool <img src="" border="0" alt="Cool" title="Cool" />

    Hope this helps!  Good luck and congrats,

    In Response to <a href="">Married In Summer how to avoid the sweat/shine in photos?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I know this is the hardest but for bride/groom/party what is the best way to help in staying "shine" free for photos etc in the hot sweaty summer months of wedding?
    Posted by michaelm0377[/QUOTE]
  • edited December 2011
    The girl doing my makeup suggested rice paper (I believe that is what it is called... I am going to double check with her) to blot one's face with after having makeup done. I believe it soaks up sweat and oils.
  • edited December 2011
    What about for the groom? Grooms don't get makeup so that is what makes me nervous.
  • edited December 2011
    well she said rice paper soaks up sweat, so if you get sweaty you can use that. my wedding is next saturday, so i'll let you know what my groom does.
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