Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Dogs as part of ceremony

I have three small dogs and I really want them to be a part of the ceremony. Does anybody have any ideas of how to best make them work? One of them is a stubborn walker and only walks well for me and my father, so I am thinking it may be a better idea to have people carry them versus walking? Has anybody seen either of these done and have tips on how to best execute it.
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Re: Dogs as part of ceremony

  • Please leave your dogs at home.  They won't understand what's going on.  They will likely freak out at the amount of people, and will become more of a pain than an asset.  If you really want to do something with them, take a picture at home.
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    Just because you saw it on Four Weddings, doesn't mean it's a good idea.
  • edited December 2011
    I'd take some great pictures of them with you and your FI and feature them at the reception.  It's a great way to have them be part of the day and show guests how much they mean to you without the challenging aspects of having dogs around. 

    Let's assume that they actually will cooperate during the ceremony. Still consider this:

    Who is in charge of the dogs?  Someone has to make sure they don't get lost, run away, use the restroom, get dehydrated.  Unless you hire someone, I can't imagine who would want to be the tamer of 3 dogs.  You and FI will be WAY too busy to deal with it.

    What about people who are not the biggest fans of dogs? 

    What about after the ceremony?  The little dogs probably won't be happy locked up during the reception (assuming there is even a space to do that) and, again, someone would have to take them home. 

    It's just a big logistical hassle.  
  • As a crazy dog person, even I wouldn't recommend this... Unfortunately, there are too many issues around having to deal with the dogs the rest of the day. Unless you are planning a ceremony in your backyard, the logistics just may not work out.

    There are PLENTY of ways to incorporate your dogs into your wedding.
    I used my table numbers to incorporate my dogs. I painted woodedn numbers from Michaels and placed them next to the dog and put them in 5x7 frames.

    If I could get The Knot to cooperate, I'll post a picture...

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Yah sorry. TK isn't cooperating and I can't upload my pictures.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • All I can do is say ditto to the others advising against having your dogs as part of your ceremony.

    And I fully expect this list of replies against it to be quite long by tomorrow.  It just doesn't work.

  • if you have someone who can trend to them, put a little hat or outfit on them and put them in a wagon(if they will sit there). If not then you need someone who can handle each one hold them for you.

    or maybe have your mom bring one in and your moh and his bm hold the other two.

    just some ideas

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Dogs as part of ceremony</a>:
    [QUOTE]if you have someone who can trend to them, put a little hat or outfit on them and put them in a wagon(if they will sit there). If not then you need someone who can handle each one hold them for you. or maybe have your mom bring one in and your moh and his bm hold the other two. just some ideas
    Posted by kjwest5024[/QUOTE]

    <div>I think these ideas provide more questions than answers. </div><div>
    </div><div>Who tends to them? Hopefully not the B&G or WP....they'll be super busy. Hopefully not anyone else; that's a huge responsibility and pain in the neck.  How will they stay still in the wagon? What about after the ceremony? Is this dog-sitter supposed to just keep watching them?  What if no one wants to hold them? I'm sure they're cute, but come on...who wants to be the day's pet sitter? And it's 3 dogs!  Do you really think the Mom and honor attendants will want/have time to deal with dogs that day? They sort of have big roles already. </div><div>
    </div><div>OP, I'd skip the dogs being physically present and work them in other ways (pictures, table numbers, dog themed groom's cake, etc.).</div>
  • I think it's a great idea for the right dog!  But if you have a leash puller, etc, then maybe it will be more of a hassle.  Great well behaved socialized dogs would make the best choice.  I am secretly jealous of any wedding that had dogs in the photos.  My venue won't allow dogs though (in a national park). 

    We'll get epics done with the pup (by pup I mean 8 year old dog).
  • I should have clarified - I am hiring someone to bring them from my house and take them home right after the ceremony. It will not affect friends/family.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • Thanks! I love the wagon idea!
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • kmmssgkmmssg mod
    Moderator Knottie Warrior 5000 Comments 500 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Agree that having them in the wedding is a very bad idea.  First, they aren't props and it just isn't fair to them!  When have they ever been in that kind of atmosphere?  That can be an overwhelming number of people no matter how socialized they are. Please do not do this.

    There is also the matter of those who are allergic to dogs (me) and those who are scared of dogs.  I do know people who are.  I adore dogs and am heartbroken at how badly my allergies have changed to the point I can't even be around them. 

    Please rethink this.  There is a reason the overwhelming advice on this thread is to not have your dogs at your wedding.
  • edited December 2011
    Just wanted to agree with PPs that I think it's a bad idea.  I think the wagon idea would be cute--if all three of your dogs are never frightened by new situations, have never barked at an unfamiliar person, always sit/stay when you tell them to, for exactly as long as you tell them to, never get distracted, etc.  As in, if your dogs are better behaved than any dog I have ever seen in my entire life.  I know several people who are really afraid of dogs, and others who are very allergic.  What happens if one of the dogs gets startled and jumps out of the wagon and runs into the crowd?  Or even just start barking- which sets off babies crying, which just creates a big mess.

    Can you just take pictures with your dogs beforehand?  Or even bring them to the ceremony location to take pictures there after (or before, if you're doing pics before) the ceremony.  That was they can be a part of your day, but they're not being forced to perform on command in ways that are likely to frighten/upset them, no matter how well-socialized they are.
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Dogs as part of ceremony</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thanks! I love the wagon idea!
    Posted by avigailandcharlie[/QUOTE]

    Try pulling your 3 fur babies around in a wagon to see how they behave. Make sure you dress them in cute little costumes. Now take them to a new location (maybe a pet store or mall)  and do the same. How do they react? If you still think it's cute, sign up for obedience training to make sure they are able to obey your commands. You will probably have to handle the dogs during the ceremony, unless you can get someone else to train with them.

    I love my dogs. One dog barks and howls at strange noises and  new people, although she is a sweetie once she has been properly greeted. The other darling pees and poops when she gets nervous. (how's that for a wedding photo op?) We are able to manage their behaviour at home or at the dog park, but they are not wedding material.

    Your dogs will not understand the significance of your marriage ceremony, so there really is nothing in it for them. I like the idea of having pictures done with your pets while you are preparing for the wedding.
  • OBX2011OBX2011 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 25 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    I am against the norm on this one.  We have a yellow lab and she was our ringbearer and behaved beautifully.  She stayed right by our sides and even laid down in front of us while we took our vowels.  We also got married on the beach which could make a big difference for your dog too.  Having 3 dogs may be a bit of a handful though....and I mean that literally.

    I don't get why people say "don't use your dog as a prop" b/c she is not a prop, she is my dog, my baby, with a beating heart and a wagging tail.  I think everyone has a difference of opinion this though and always will, so there is no point in hashing it out. 

    No one knows my dog like I do and I know how well behaved she is and what she is comfortable with and what she is not.  She is very used to going to the beach and being around a lot of people, so for her, this worked quite easily.  I could also be the exception on the dog rule b/c of all of these factors. 

    What may work for me may not work for others though and that's fine, but we wouldn't have done it without her and I am glad that everything worked out for us.  Fortunately for us, we have a beach house and were able to keep her inside with us until it was time to walk, the ceremony lasted about 15 minutes and then we took her back inside after that. 
    Sooooo, like I said, I am probably the exception to the dog rule but I honestly don't think I could do it with 3 dogs.  That is 3 times the worry and stress for someone to take care of them before, during & after the reception BUT they are your dogs and only you and FI know them best.

    ETA:  Ohhh and we also made our guests aware ahead of time that she would be there.  We didn't want anyone to feel uncomfortable and thankfully, everyone thought it was a great idea that she was included.  A lot of people commented on how well behaved she was and that she laid right by us during the ceremony.  Again, the possible exception here.


  • I love my doggie, but there is no way I would try bringing her to my ceremony.  It looks cute in the movies, but they could of had a 100 takes to get it perfect!  Too much can go wrong.
  • I thank everyone for their words of caution. I would appreciate if people didn't give unwarranted advice without knowing the size/location of the wedding, the nature of the dogs, and the experience of animal/behavioral training I have. I am very aware of differing opinions to help out and I do appreciate the words of caution, but I would much rather just hear creative ways that any of you have seen things done, rather than people cautioning me about something that will not be an issue. 

    For those doubters, I have trained service and guide dogs, and all three of my dogs have been in public sitautions where they had to sit for several hours including restaurants, airplanes (without medication), and even a university invocation in the Duke Chapel! Two of them weigh 7 pounds, and one weighs 13, and they can be leashed to the wagon (as that is the only creative idea i received) so as to avoid jumping into the crowd. I woud love to hear ideas of what people have done that HAVE used dogs. Have you seen them be ring bearers? Have you seen them carried and held? Do they typically get brought up just for the ring bearer part or for the whole ceremony? Two of my bridesmaids have requested to carry them for the ceremony (I'm sure one more could carry, or I could ask one of the ones who asked about it to carry two?) Let me know if you have any thoughts on these details! Thanks.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:10Discussion:037c8438-ce9e-46b5-9f23-95728f15765bPost:7d7861a5-d5f5-4af9-8b1c-b9a34c935ae5">Re: Dogs as part of ceremony</a>:
    [QUOTE]I thank everyone for their words of caution. I would appreciate if people didn't give unwarranted advice without knowing the size/location of the wedding, the nature of the dogs, and the experience of animal/behavioral training I have. I am very aware of differing opinions to help out and I do appreciate the words of caution, but I would much rather just hear creative ways that any of you have seen things done, rather than people cautioning me about something that will not be an issue.  For those doubters,<strong> I have trained service and guide dogs</strong>, and all three of my dogs have been in public sitautions where they had to sit for several hours including restaurants, <strong>airplanes (without medication)</strong>, and even a university invocation in the Duke Chapel! Two of them weigh 7 pounds, and one weighs 13, and <strong>they can be leashed to the wagon (as that is the only creative idea i received) so as to avoid jumping into the crowd.</strong> I woud love to hear ideas of what people have done that HAVE used dogs. Have you seen them be ring bearers? Have you seen them carried and held? Do they typically get brought up just for the ring bearer part or for the whole ceremony? Two of my bridesmaids have requested to carry them for the ceremony (I'm sure one more could carry, or I could ask one of the ones who asked about it to carry two?) Let me know if you have any thoughts on these details! Thanks.
    Posted by avigailandcharlie[/QUOTE]
    If you have trained guide dogs and service animals, you should be teaching proper leash manners - so why is it that your small dogs do not know them (since you admit that you have a "stubborn walker")?

    Are your animals service animals? As that is the only way they are allowed onto a plane without being crated in some way (sherpa bags under the seat, typically). My shows dogs fly regularly unmedicated, yet I wouldn't expect them to behave perfectly at a wedding.

    As for leashing them to the wagon - what if they <em>do</em> try to jump out? Now they are leashed to the wagon and potentially hanging/choking. Have you ever seen a dog in a position where they are caught by the collar and choking? I've seen dogs get excited while in a noose on a table and slip/fall - they panic and it is an extremely ugly sight, even when someone is RIGHT THERE to assist in getting the dog back into a safe position. What happens if your dogs get tangled up together in the wagon? Will they sit politely without jumping around with one another? The fact that you are saying you'll leash them to the wagon tells me no. So not only is the risk still there for them to jump/fall and hang themselves, but there is potential for them to tangle themselves up with one another and cause harm.

    For the safety and well-being of your pets, I urge you to reconsider. You claim that you love them - so why not make a decision that has <strong>their </strong>best interest at heart, instead of just the emotion of your wedding.

    I, too, have trained service and therapy animals, as well as dogs for competition conformation, rally, and obedience... my one boy will be 10 by the time of my wedding, and while I trust him more than any other dog I've ever had, I'd never put him in the position of being at a wedding in a strange place with LOTS of commotion, strange people, etc. because that's not fair TO HIM.

    Also, this is an open forum. Anyone may comment as they see fit - you cannot dictate how other posters respond.
  • Terrible idea, whether you want to hear that or not.

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:10Discussion:037c8438-ce9e-46b5-9f23-95728f15765bPost:7d7861a5-d5f5-4af9-8b1c-b9a34c935ae5">Re: Dogs as part of ceremony</a>:
    [QUOTE]I thank everyone for their words of caution. I would appreciate if people didn't give unwarranted advice without knowing the size/location of the wedding, the nature of the dogs, and the experience of animal/behavioral training I have. I am very aware of differing opinions to help out and I do appreciate the words of caution, but I would much rather just hear creative ways that any of you have seen things done, rather than people cautioning me about something that will not be an issue.  For those doubters, I have trained service and guide dogs, and all three of my dogs have been in public sitautions where they had to sit for several hours including restaurants, airplanes (without medication), and even a university invocation in the Duke Chapel! Two of them weigh 7 pounds, and one weighs 13, and they can be leashed to the wagon (as that is the only creative idea i received) so as to avoid jumping into the crowd. I woud love to hear ideas of what people have done that HAVE used dogs. Have you seen them be ring bearers? Have you seen them carried and held? Do they typically get brought up just for the ring bearer part or for the whole ceremony? Two of my bridesmaids have requested to carry them for the ceremony (I'm sure one more could carry, or I could ask one of the ones who asked about it to carry two?) Let me know if you have any thoughts on these details! Thanks.
    Posted by avigailandcharlie[/QUOTE]

    While that is all wonderful and good, this is the internet and people are going to offer pov's that are relevant to your post even if they aren't what you want to hear.  You still have not addressed guests who are allergic to dogs or scared of dogs. 
  • edited January 2012
    People are going to comment on whatever you post. You may not like the answers, but giving honest opinions is not against the board rules. You don't get to decide what others post.

    All we know from your op is that you have 3 little dogs, one is a stubborn walker and you are not sure how to get them to perform in your wedding ceremony. How would we know that your dogs have had extensive training and socializing from that?

  • The reason you only got one `creative idea`is because the majority of folks would never consider using their dogs in the wedding ceremony for sooo many reasons.  The dog`s safety and stress levels being the largest, but what about your guests who are allergic or terrified of dogs... does your need for a `cute processional` supercede their safety and stress levels

    Please take some great shots with the dogs, then leave them at home.

    84image 73image 11image Wedding date: June 11, 2011 :)
  • OP---our yellow lab was our ringbearer, well actually we had our 2 nephews walk her down and they had the rings with them.  I didn't want to take the chance of them coming off her collar and getting lost in the sand.  She laid right beside us during the entire ceremony and once it was over, we took some pics with her and took her back inside the beach house.  Like I said, I may be an exception here b/c she is a beach dog and is comfortable with large groups and is just all around sweet & loving, so it wasn't a stressful day for her. 

    Having dogs as part of wedding will never be accepted on this site or any other one, but only YOU and FI know your animals well enough to make this decision.  If this is something you are firm about and you are confident that your guests will be comfortable (I told mine ahead of time so there wouldn't be any surprises) and that no one is allergic, then go for it if it makes you happy.  If your BM's are into this and want to carry the dogs, then again, this is your decision and you have to do what makes you happy.

    I don't think any of the posters here meant to come across the wrony way, but like 1 mentioned earlier, we only know what you provided us in your OP and again, dogs are never going to be a big hit with most posters anyways.

    Good luck to you in whatever you decide!  :)


  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:10Discussion:037c8438-ce9e-46b5-9f23-95728f15765bPost:5ab30dcb-c924-441a-a72a-10301fa98f42">Re: Dogs as part of ceremony</a>:
    [QUOTE]OP---our yellow lab was our ringbearer, well actually we had our 2 nephews walk her down and they had the rings with them.  I didn't want to take the chance of them coming off her collar and getting lost in the sand.  She laid right beside us during the entire ceremony and once it was over, we took some pics with her and took her back inside the beach house.  Like I said, I may be an exception here b/c she is a beach dog and is comfortable with large groups and is just all around sweet & loving, so it wasn't a stressful day for her.  Having dogs as part of wedding will never be accepted on this site or any other one, but only YOU and FI know your animals well enough to make this decision.  If this is something you are firm about and you are confident that your guests will be comfortable (I told mine ahead of time so there wouldn't be any surprises) and that no one is allergic, then go for it if it makes you happy.  If your BM's are into this and want to carry the dogs, then again, this is your decision and you have to do what makes you happy. I don't think any of the posters here meant to come across the wrony way, but like 1 mentioned earlier, we only know what you provided us in your OP and again, dogs are never going to be a big hit with most posters anyways. Good luck to you in whatever you decide!  :)
    Posted by OBX2011[/QUOTE]

    I 'second' everything stated above. It's your wedding :) Don't worry about anyone else - and even though it is difficult (especially with the several uncooperative and uneducated girls on this site), try to ignore the comments. Girls LOVE to use this website and its relaxed policies to play that 'mean girl' role. Ignore it :)   

    I like the idea you mentioned about your bridesmaids holding your pups. Super cute :) The wagon might make me a little nervous. I would suggest assigning each dog to a BM. Just a thought... Good luck!
  • edited January 2012
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:10Discussion:037c8438-ce9e-46b5-9f23-95728f15765bPost:d647ed0d-a162-4b6f-85b7-719e3be8d735">Re: Dogs as part of ceremony</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Dogs as part of ceremony : I 'second' everything stated above. <strong>It's your wedding :) Don't worry about anyone else</strong> - and even though it is difficult (especially with the several uncooperative and uneducated girls on this site), try to ignore the comments. <strong>Girls LOVE to use this website and its relaxed policies to play that 'mean girl' role.</strong> Ignore it :)    I like the idea you mentioned about your bridesmaids holding your pups. Super cute :) The wagon might make me a little nervous. <strong>I would suggest assigning each dog to a BM</strong>. Just a thought... Good luck!
    Posted by LawyerBride2012[/QUOTE]

    1) It ceases to be all about the couple the moment they choose to include other people. OP has done that by inviting guests, asking a BP, etc. Therefore, to be gracious hosts they DO need to worry about other people - lest they burn bridges and harm relationships. And over what? One day of the rest of your life? Sad.

    2) It is has nothing to do with "playing the mean girl role" and everything to do with being honest with brides when their families or friends may not be. Too often people nod heads and agree with the bride for fear of a bridezilla moment... then turn around and badmouth said bride behind her back. We'll be honest, albeit blunt here.... not validating bad ideas is NOT the same thing as being mean.

    3) How would you like to be a BM, presumably in a somewhat formal dress and heels tasked with carrying around an animal that may drool, pee, or poop. How would you like to be charged with carrying around baggies (where? in your bra?) to clean up if the dog has an accident? What if you don't like dogs or they make you nervous? What if the dogs get scared, excited, or bored and try to struggle out of the BM's arms? Land wrong, and now you not only have a scared puppy on the loose, but you could likely have an INJURED scared puppy on the loose. What if the dog gets scared or excited and scratches or bites the BM? Now you have an injured BM who may need medical treatment.

    There are too many variables and too many issues that could crop up to make this a good scenario in any way, shape, or form.

    I never understand why people claim to love their animals, yet insist on putting them in a position that is uncomfortable - and quite honestly - potentially dangerous, all for the sake of some cute pictures.
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