
For Sale

 I still have vases sitting around from our December wedding. They are 32" clear glass clarinet vases and there are 11 of them available. I live just north of Boston and can meet up for delivery. PM me if you're interested or with any questions!


Re: For Sale

  • <div>Hi,</div><div>
    </div><div>Are the clarinet vases still available for sale?</div><div>
    </div><div>Thank you.</div>In Response to <a href="">For Sale</a>:
    [QUOTE] I still have vases sitting around from our December wedding. They are 32" clear glass clarinet vases and there are 11 of them available. I live just north of Boston and can meet up for delivery. PM me if you're interested or with any questions!  
    Posted by vtbm[/QUOTE]
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