Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Infant Ring Bearer and Flower Girl

I have a 4 week old son and a 6 week old niece who will be our ring bearer and flower girl. When we get married in April they will not be old enough to walk yet. How do I get them down the aisle? Do I have someone carry each of them or should we get a little cart to wheel them in? If I do go with the cart idea, where would I get one?
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Re: Infant Ring Bearer and Flower Girl

  • edited August 2012
    I suggest nixing having them actually in the wedding. They won't know any different anyway and will likely sleep most of the time. Take a million pictures with them and just let them sit with their parents. ETA: Or grandparents or other relatives.
  • Ditto PP. They'll have no idea what's going on and won't be able to get down the aisle by themselves. I would dress them up really cute and take tons of pictures with them and call it a day.

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  • Sorry but kids that young are just props at a wedding. They are way to young to be involved. 
      Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Totally agree with this:
    Sorry but kids that young are just props at a wedding. They are way to young to be involved.
  • Kids too young to understand what's going on should not be participating in a wedding.
  • I have to echo PPs.  

    Dress them up in cute clothing and take photos with them.   Given the tempermental nature, they shouldn't have an actual role.
  • Ditto.  Kids are not props.  Just take lots of pictures with them.
  • I agree with PPs.

    If you must have them in the wedding, I've seen the mother of a flower girl (who actually wasn't in the wedding party) wear a bridesmaid dress (bought by the bride) carry the flower girl down the aisle and hold her the entire time with the rest of the wedding party.

    They will have no idea they are/were in a wedding.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Decorate a double stroller and assign somebody to walk it down the aisle. A 'snap n go' would be best, they'll be young enough to still be in infant carriers, so it would work fine. Choose a BM, or another person close to you who may not be in the wedding party. Kind of cannot believe all these people shooting down your idea of using infants. It is your wedding and if you want to use a 6 week old ring bearer, I think that's awesome. Why sacrifice picking somebody who means something to you because of an age.
    -First came baby, Then came love, Now here comes marraige in the marriage carriage??-
  • I would ask around and see if you know people that have old (vintage) baby carrage.  they tend to have no top and they can sit in it.  Then everyone can see them, and you dont have the bulkyness of a modern stroler. Ask around you may find some.  It just a idea,dont use it if it doesnt fit with your theme or you dont like, or if it wont work for the kids.  I would even see about a nice wagon to decorate and have some one pull them. just remember at 9 months old some kids are hard to keep still. I would have a person tending/holding them that they are comfortable with during the ceremony, then put them back in and pull them back down the aile  for the recessional.
  • Are there any older children you would consider using as a second flower girl or ring bearer? If so, you could have them pull a wagon with your son and neice in it.  If not, maybe your neice's mother, assuming she's not in the WP, or any other family member could wear a dress in your wedding colours and pull them down the aisle.  I've seen this done before and the bride ended up giving the young boy the wagon as a gift after the wedding.
  • I was supposed to get married this year with my 4 month old son as the ring bearer (had to push the wedding back untitl next year). I unsderstand why everyone is saying they are too young and everyone told me this as well. I pretty much said screw everyone one because it's MY wedding and I will do it the way I want!! He's my son and the most important thing to me and I will have him in my wedding. So forget what everyone else is saying and do it anyways! I've heard of people using strollers (although I hated that idea, sounded trashy) so I was going to have my brother as an honorary ring bearer and have him carry him down with a small pillow that he can grab or with elastic to put around his wrist. Use your imagination and forget what everyone else says, it's your wedding!!
  • I understand the sentiment behind this, but I can't say that it's what I would recommend.

    Your infant WILL cry while going down the aisle.  They just time things that way.  Whenever the most inconveneint time is:  that's crying time.  Miserable, screaming, red-faced kids don't really seem to convey the whole romantic wedding feel, and your guests are going to be wincing the whole time.  Also, are you going to be able to resist picking up your son when he comes down the aisle screaming for his mother because he's surrounded by strangers in a strange place?  Kind of ruins the flow, and your mood. 

    There are ways of including your children that won't potentially disrupt the ceremony, and will keep from stressing them.  Have someone bring them up to you right after the kiss.  Both of you can cuddle them and ham for a really nice photo.  Really 'aww' moment that doesn't keep you from holding them if they fuss.
    Don't make me mobilize OffensiveKitten



  • loca4pookloca4pook member
    1000 Comments 25 Love Its Name Dropper First Anniversary
    edited August 2012
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:10Discussion:09026767-f298-434a-adb1-a5c38089e902Post:86367fa7-3d5d-49fc-a5cd-db5ff60077b2">Re:Infant Ring Bearer and Flower Girl</a>:
    [QUOTE]Decorate a double stroller and assign somebody to walk it down the aisle. A 'snap n go' would be best, they'll be young enough to still be in infant carriers, so it would work fine. Choose a BM, or another person close to you who may not be in the wedding party. Kind of cannot believe all these people shooting down your idea of using infants. It is your wedding and if you want to use a 6 week old ring bearer, I think that's awesome. Why sacrifice picking somebody who means something to you because of an age.
    Posted by melissa199[/QUOTE]

    I agree. She didn't ask SHOULD i do, she asked HOW she should do it so people just shot her down instead of giving ideas

    I know sometimes people decorate a little wagon and bring them down that way. The stroller idea is cute. also, you can find a person a little older who helps them down the aisle, as a junior bridesmaid or usher

    I know people mentioned them crying, so perhaps to prevent crying, perhaps they have a cutely decorated  wedding-themed pacifier in their mouths or something.

    I love children in weddings. I could care less if they cry or run down the aisle or make it imperfect..That is what the charm is about it, IMO...
  • I would suggest someone carry them. Maybe the best man and maid of honor or even the parents. My neice is going to be 9 months old and my MOH will carry her down the aisle and pass her to my sister (the mother) when she gets to the end of the aisle. If my sister didnt have a stage fright issue I would have just gotten her to carry her down the aisle. 

    If you go with a cart or wagon you have to think about where will you store/park it during the wedding and what to do with it afterwards, with the carrying method then you have less to worry about and try to orchastrate (plus if they fuss and dont cooperate then you wouldnt have a wagon/cart gone to waste)
    Pumpernickel and olive juice
  • Check out ebay, they have tons of antique baby carriages that I think would be great.  I would definitely have someone push them down the aisle and then attend to them during the ceremony.  Not sure if you should have them at the alter with you or have them taken to the seats in a place where if they do cry they can be escorted out quickly as to not disrupt the ceremony.

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