Wedding Etiquette Forum

Re: So sad...

  • Have you looked at the pictures? One of the buses is ON TOP of the semi....
  • I read the article and I'm trying to figure out what happened.  Extremely sad.

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • And if you read the comments, there was a Chevy Blazer that was underneath  both of them! It sound like the semi blew a tired and lost control but came to a stop, the SUV rear-ended the semi and the bus rear-ended and looks like drove over the SUV. There are conflicint reports on if the two dead were from the SUV or possibly from the bus.
  • That's what I was just going to say - it looks like there is another vehicle between the semi and underneath the bus.  The tires don't match the semi's tires, they're much smaller. 
  • I didn't look that closely, holy crap! I still don't understand why buses don't have seat belts.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: So sad...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I didn't look that closely, holy crap! I still don't understand why buses don't have seat belts.
    Posted by katiewhompus[/QUOTE]

    The buses in NJ have seat belts.  However, whether the kids wear them or not is the question.

    Also, I remember when my daughter was about 2.5 and going on a field trip for school and when we put the car seat on the bus, my mom made comment to the bus driver about how "when we were kids we didn't even have seatbelts" and the driver said "yeah that was when it was safer.  Imagine the bus flipping over and now I have to unbuckle 20 kids from their car seats and get them off a burning bus".  Needless to say, my daughter did not go on that field trip.  (Update: Now she is 5 and does ride the bus but we were so freaked from that comment we wouldn't allow her to go on trips where they put the carseats on the bus)
  • The last I heard the reasoning (and this was a while back) was that they were actually a liability (could be used as a weapon), and there was something about getting kids out faster without them. That's one of the reasons school buses were redesigned with super high backs that are padded, etc.  But, this is entirely from memory.
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
  • That makes a little more sense Missy. I guess the accidents happening where the bus rolls or flips are probably so rare that the high backs cover 90% of the accidents.
  • As soon as I saw this story I figured they must be on their way to Six Flags. That is an incredibly busy stretch of highway there. Maybe 10 years ago there was this horrible fatal accident. A whole family was rear ended (I believe by a semi) and killed on their way to Sic Flags for the day. I think they've sense added some more lanes to relieve congestion, so accidents of that kind are less likely.
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