Wedding Etiquette Forum

Kindle vs. Nook

I know a few of you have mentioned having a kindle or nook, and i was wondering what one you have and why?

I'm thinking of buying one, but have no clue which is better. 

Re: Kindle vs. Nook

  • I've got a kindle and I love it.  Super easy to get books off of, our library supports renting books on the Kindle, you can buy a waterproof cover for it(essential for bath and pool reading).

    I don't know much about the nook, but I'm pleased with my Kindle.  The battery life is phenomenal.  I've had it since Christmas and only had to charge it 4-5 times.
  • I have a kindle!!  The biggest thing for me is that it supports internationaly purchasing, unlike Nook.  That basically the main reason why I didn't buy nook.  But, I love the interface, it's easy to read, I don't feel like I "miss" holding a book.  The only thing that bugs me, is not being able to sort my stuff into folders.  It's just randomly all *there*.  I tend to read a few things at a time, so they're always at the top, but I kind of wish that stuff I've finished would go to the last page or something.
  • I have a Nook and I'm a big fan.  I like that it's more compatible with libraries and you can lend books.  I also prefer touch screens to manual keyboards, and just like the aesthetics of the Nook better.

    There was a big thread about this on the Nest yesterday:
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  • I have a Nook and love it. I got the nook because of the ability to purchase from different sources and load them onto the Nook, the ability to borrow from the library and share with other Nook users. I got mine in February and haven't had any issues since.
  • What Brie said. Epub format is really open, and you can download nook compatible books for free from places like Project Gutenberg. I also like that you can lend popular books to friends, though I haven't gotten a chance to use that feature yet.
  • CellesCelles member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited July 2010
    I have a Kindle and I love it.  I chose the Kindle over the Nook since I read reviews stating that the Nook has a slower, more sluggish response time.  I read very quickly so I knew that would annoy me. 

    Amoro - You can create file folders on a Kindle now.  I don't have mine with me so I can't tell you exactly how, but I know the functionality is there.  You might have to update the software or something?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Kindle vs. Nook</a>:
    [QUOTE]I have a Kindle and I love it.  I chose the Kindle over the Nook since I read reviews stating that the Nook has a slower, more sluggish response time.  I ready very quickly so I knew that would annoy me.
    Posted by Celles[/QUOTE]

    This was actually a problem with the initial Nook release, but they upgraded the software and now it is on par with the Kindle.
    two years!
    after two losses, now happily expecting baby #1 09.16.12
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  • Is that a DX feature or the regular kindle feature?  I tried it a couple of weeks ago and it laughed at me. 

  • I have the kindle and love it.  I received it as a 40th gift last year and the nook was not an option so I don't think B made any comparison.  I have no complaints though and absolutely love it.
  • CellesCelles member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:0acd3770-1579-46c2-9998-3ca71bf86c38Post:906a1b64-8a03-4acc-8b35-7c2784130ee1">Re: Kindle vs. Nook</a>:
    [QUOTE]Is that a DX feature or the regular kindle feature?  I tried it a couple of weeks ago and it laughed at me. 
    Posted by AmoroAgain[/QUOTE]

    Regular Kindle.  I remember having to look for the options; they were buried in one of the menus -- not user friendly or intuitive at all. 
  • edited July 2010
    I have a kindle. I just liked it and liked the variety of books that were available from amazon. I like that I have version 2, because some of the kinks have been worked out (plus they do software updates for free every so often). I like the note taking/highlighting capability on the kindle much better.

    I agree with PP - the battery lasts me about a month. And they JUSt released a software update that supports folders/organization. The kindle also supports .txt and .pdf files, so you can download from project gutenburg.

    But really, they're both good products. You can't go wrong with either.
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  • When you all say libraries, do you mean that your public library has options of kindle books??
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • thanks for all the input, it sounds like either will be a great choice. 
  • edited July 2010
    I have a Kindle, and have had it for about a year and a half. I LOVE it!! Here's a post I wrote about it a while back... long!

    A lot of people have asked what I think of the Kindle 2, so here is some info! Paul got it for me for Christmas, and at first, I wasn't too sure about it. I knew of the Kindle, but I LOVE books. I'm such a bibliophile, and have stacks and stacks, which was part of the problem... but what about the smell of the book, cracking the spine on a brand new paperback, writing my name in the books I'd want back and loaning them out by the dozen? Well, I love it. I really do. But I still buy books, too. Here's the info.


    1. The size is fantastic. It's incredibly lightweight and thin. I do a lot of reading in bed, which is not such a big deal with a paperback, but a 400 page hardcover can be a little on the tricky side, and the Kindle solves that problem. It fits in my handbag, and I'm rarely without it.

    2. It will hold a LOT of books. I think something like 200 titles. You can access Amazon's Kindle store from the device, and it only takes a minute or two to have it delivered wirelessly. Mostly this will come in handy when I travel. I travel a lot, and I read a lot. Often up to 5 books in one week. What this has meant in the past was that my suitcase was often half full of books. Especially when traveling to a country where English wasn't the primary language. I'd be so worried I'd run out of stuff to read, I'd have POUNDS of books in my luggage. Now I can bring more than I'd ever need to read on a holiday and it fits in my handbag. Also, once you've ordered a book, if there is no room on the Kindle, it's permanently stored in your Amazon account and you can move it back to the device whenever you want. Also, the battery lasts ages when you have wireless off. About 2 weeks or so, and I read every day for a couple of hours.

    3. It does cut back on book clutter. I read constantly, and there are times when I read something particularly heavy and then I just want lots of light reading, and for that, the Kindle is ideal. I can buy all these "toss away'' paperbacks, and they don't lie in stacks waiting to be donated. On the downside, I'm not donating as many books.

    4. It's not backlit. You need a light to read it, so you don't get the eye strain you'd have reading on a computer. You can also change the text size, which is great when I've left my reading glasses at home. There is a function where it reads to you, but it's a very odd sort of robot voice, and I can't really see utilizing it, unless you're into bedtime stories a la Hawking.

    5. Great accessories. I recommend the Kandle book light and M-Edge covers.


    1. No more lending books. Grrr. This is my main irritation. For this reason, I still buy paper books regularly- to complete a set, if I have everything else by that author, or I'm sure it's something I'm going to want to loan out a lot, I buy the book. I have full bookcases, and plan to fill more bookcases in the future. I love books. I won't stop buying them, but not being able to lend them out is a shame. You can add several accounts to your own. Paul has an iphone, and I added his account to mine, so he can access all of my book purchases. I think you can put 5 devices on one account, so if everyone in the family has a Kindle, you can all read the same books... but it's not really the same.

    2. Books aren't -that- much cheaper. In some cases they are, but in many, they're not. I'd have thought price would be significantly less, and maybe that'll change. Also, I love the 4 for 3 promotions Amazon does, and there's no deals like that with the Kindle so far.

    3. Some of the books have more weird typos than others. I know this is something they're working on. It's not that big a deal, but I do notice it, so thought I'd mention it.

  • I had the Nook for about a week and have enough issues with it to just get a refund. The first one I had would not connect to my wireless internet at home. After trying all night, I exchanged it for another one the next day. The second one connected but had a very slow response time. Also, the text was all crazy sometimes and random words and sentences were italicized or bolded. The page turning arrows would crack when I turned the page, I didn't feel like the frame was very good quality. The touch screen wouldn't respond until the 5th or 6th time I touched it. I'm aware that many users are happy with their Nook, I just had a bad experience with it. I would probably try the Kindle if I were going to get another ereader.

  • edited July 2010
    I want the Nook because a) I'm a B&N loyalist, no idea why really other than it's the most common bookstore near me--with my B&N membership, ebooks can be very cheap for me, b) it is easy to borrow from the library, c) I read very very quickly, and often bring 3 books for just a weekend trip to visit family; it will definitely save on packing space, and d) it takes epub and pdf files, which make it easy to download stories and read them that way instead of hauling my laptop all over the place.

    Glenna Harding Photography
  • Kindle!!!
    I can check my gmail for free on Kindle, which is just kinda cool.

    That aside, I don't like touch sceens, for me its just something to break or go wrong.
    I use Calibre for my computer library and reformat (Easily) anything to be readable on the Kindle.
    I've heard that Nook has a lot of freezing issues, but they do replace it if you have it happen.
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