Wedding Etiquette Forum

confessions anyone?


Re: confessions anyone?

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    I'm guessing this is the brother in law, NC?
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
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    bahahah!  fishy.  you're funny.

    "It's shart week." -georgiabride
    "This post is seriously retarded." -Stackeye210
    Mrs & ZOMG we built a howse!
    being healthy. blog.
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    Hahaha....yeah, that's him....he's much better looking without his pants pulled up to his shoulders.
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    I can't get any of my pictures to size other than thumbnail.....
  • Options maybe the pics of him in my bio don't do him justice....
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    I can understand having your heart set on a specific breed of dog. I've always wanted a Golden Retriever because I had 2 growing up. DH and I are just waiting until we get a house one day because our apartment is too small for a dog that size.
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    I think he's cute, NC! My Michael Vick comment broke the thread. Fuuck.
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
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    I thought Fische's pictures were just random guys until I looked in your bio NC! But yes, he is cute.
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    While I am delightfully random, there is, at times, a method to my madness.
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
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    So even though this thread is basically dead, I've been wanting to post this video because everytime you say "I like pizza" it makes me think of this video... [url]<a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>[/url]
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    I would much prefer to adopt a dog, but I honestly don't see anything wrong with getting a dog from a reputable breeder.  Not the same thing IMO as buying from a pet store. And even though I think dogs do better in houses with yards than apartments (which is why we're waiting until we have a house), it's true that a lot of shelters won't adopt to people in apartments.  I understand why, but that doesn't mean having a dog in an apartment is inherently the worst idea in the history of the world.
    Leo says hi. He's...special.
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    Ohh he is cute but you are just as pretty DC. No need to feel awkward!
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    That video was hilarious!
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
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    tvl, I do agree on the pet store thing, I won't ever buy a dog from a pet store.
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    Hdutko, as I said before, I don't have a problem with people adopting from reputable breeders.  It just seems incredibly irresponsible to me that you a) are flagrantly violating your lease, which could wind the dog up in a shelter and b) you don't appear to have researched your breeder beyond the fact that your first dog is fine, which could just be dumb luck.  I understand wanting a specific breed or size of dog, but there's a responsible way to go about it--waiting for one to come through a shelter, googling "Italian greyhound rescue" and finding a breed rescue group, OR thoroughly researching and checking out a breeder.  You didn't 'exhaust your options' if you didn't check out a breed rescue or research your breeder.You say you'd never adopt from a pet store, but guess what?  The pet store gets their dogs from bad breeders and puppy mills.  The only difference between buying from a pet store and buying from a bad breeder is the mark-up in price you get at a pet store.  I'm not saying that your breeder is bad, but you haven't provided any evidence to the contrary, and the sad fact is that there's far more crappy breeders out there than good ones.I just hope that next time you'll check your breeder out more thoroughly than you have.  I really hope your dog is fine.
    two years!
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    I drank too much at a work birthday celebration, and I am hoping to sober up by going home time. And by going home, I mean driving to my fiance's school for some fundraiser.
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    I saw Italian Greyhound and apartment in the same posting..... please tell me I didn't. There's a reason why Greyhound placements require fenced in yards. I hope for the dog's sake you aren't in an apartment for long. Please do much research on the breed and ways to be safe with it - they are fragile dogs but very, very fast and don't always think before they act.  
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
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    As long as you are going with a reputable breeder, I see no problem with people wanting a dog of a certain breed.  There are a myriad of reasons why someone may want a certain breed: sentimental (like ggmae), breed personality characteristics, etc.  While adopting from a shelter or rescue is a great idea, a lot of those dogs have unknown backgrounds and can have serious behavioral problems.  In my area, most of the dogs in the shelter are pit mixes and that's just not a responsibility I want to take on.  I do agree, though, that adopting a second dog when it's a violation of your lease is not a good idea.  All it takes is for one neighbor to complain about YOUR dogs, and your landlord can make you get rid of one.  No matter what other people are doing.
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    I'm late, but it's the pit mixes and other large dogs that need loving homes the most. People are ignorant about the breed and think they're going to eat their young.My pug is more vicious and violent (and stubborn which = untrained) than my pit bull/rotweiller/boxer mix. Dogs from breeders can have the same tendencies and behavior issues bred into them that dogs from a shelter have. That's Brie's point about researching your breeder and their history.
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    That's fine, Vogt, if you want to adopt a pit mix, adopt a pit mix.  I know they're misunderstood a lot, but some people just don't want to take a chance on dogs that may have been abused.My point was just that as long as someone is getting a dog from a responsible, reputable breeder, I don't think anyone should jump on her for not adopting a dog instead.  Dutko's breeder may or may not be reputable, but it seemed like people were ready to jump on her for not adopting, no matter whether she was using a good breeder or not. 
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