Wedding Etiquette Forum

Unfortunate dress choice

I went to a wedding yesterday and after looking at the invitation I came to the conclusion their colors were black, ivory and red (these were the only colors used) so I decided I wouldn't wear my new red dress. Instead, I wore a basic tealish blue dress. Turns out, it was the exact color of the bridesmaid dresses!! All night people made comments about how I fit in the with the wedding party. During dinner I was even asked if I was the sister of the bride because of my dress! This wouldn't have been so bad if it was a wedding for someone I'm close with, but it was for an old high school friend of FI -so we're not exactly close friends.

I would LOVE to hear your wedding disaster stories or poor clothing choices -maybe I'll feel like less of a screw up :)

Re: Unfortunate dress choice

  • I broke a heel at a wedding once.  Does that count? 

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • That would be so uncomfortable!

    This wedding yesterday was really exciting...the tornado sirens went off during the speeches and the power went out during the dance. This is one I'll never forget!
  • Oh no, poor bride and groom!  Did everyone manage to have a good time anyway? 

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • I had that happen once!  I wore pretty much the exact same dress as the BMs except short, and I kept getting herded around by the DOC as part of the WP. 
    two years!
    after two losses, now happily expecting baby #1 09.16.12
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  • Everyone had one seemed to notice anything was going on until the lights started flickering.
  • edited July 2010
    I did this literally 2 minutes before my FFIL's wedding ceremony was suppose to start: 

    I almost went flying out the door into a face plant outside where everyone was seated, but somehow I managed to catch my balance when my heel went right into that vent near the back door.

    Looking back, I should have picked my cute blue dress so I wouldn't have to wear those heels - I've got them stuck in sooo many places.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I've done that before.  Thankfully, I'm close to the family so we just laughed.
  • I bought a pretty sage green dress on clearance from Ann Taylor one summer. I planned on wearing it to the three weddings we were going to that summer, since they were all with different crowds. At two of the 3 weddings the bridesmaids wore sage green. Everyone kept asking if I was part of the bridal party.
  • not exactly at the wedding, but...

    i had just found out i was pregnant before attending my cousins wedding... the only people i told were my mother and my fiance.. my mother was not invited to said cousins wedding (long story)

    anyway, so we're (my fiance and i) sitting at the table with some relatives and people I had never met in my life at the pre-wedding party.. when one of said relatives pipes up  - "so i hear you're knocked up?"

    anyway, long story short, my mom couldn't keep it to herself so she told a relative, who told another, who.. well you get the idea... anyway, after going into crying hysterics in my hotel room, a few people found out i was pregnant (through word of mouth) before i wanted them too..

    and the night of the wedding i was seated at the same table as the jerkoff who referred to me as being knocked-up.. not fun at all!
  • That's awful! I hate the phrase knocked up or preggers...I would probably punch a guy if he said that to me.
  • My cousin hired two musicians for her wedding, one to play the piano and one to play the flute.  The one who played the flute had allergies and had gone into her doctor's office for shots the day before the wedding but something went wrong and she went into anaphylactic shock and had to go to the ER, she didn't make the wedding. 

    Then during the ceremony there was a soloist.  While she was singing the bride and groom stood there looking lovingly into each other's eyes.  And then the Best Man collapsed.  Fortunately one of my cousins is a trauma nurse so everything was ok.
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