Wedding Etiquette Forum

Morning Eeners!!


Re: Morning Eeners!!

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    edited June 2012
    A, my dog is really gassy today. I don't know what his deal is, but he keeps scaring himself. Then he wants to go outside and stand around, but it's 102*. His furry, stinky ass is staying inside unless he really needs to go.

    ETA: I'm sorry you're gassy and uncomfortable. That has to suck.
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    Midge and MS Excel sitting in a tree, f-o-r-m-u-l-a-t-i-n-g! 
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    Poke: yarn sale (clicky)

    The yarn is usually pretty affordable to begin with, but they retire colors on a pretty regular basis. Buying from them, I can knit a ridiculous cabled sweater with a full shawl collar for around $45, rather than $75 for a comparable yarn.
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    Thanks Special! I am so seriously excited, it's not even funny. I've  been wanting to knit FOREVER. 
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    Aw, FUCKIT. They have cashmere on sale. I need to go find my wallet. Someone is getting a hat.
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    I can totally commiserate with Cooper today, Special.
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Morning Eeners!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I can totally commiserate with Cooper today, Special.
    Posted by adamar15[/QUOTE]

    <div>Please do not start scooting. Please.</div>
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    The Tiger Lily would make such a pretty hat. 
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    Rach, do you like pink?
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:1e418f7a-b67b-4fd1-83a1-5042cf9e1a2cPost:c8ca7e16-c7c1-46aa-8fb5-a4b59c9c37ac">Re: Morning Eeners!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Morning Eeners!! : Please do not start scooting. Please.
    Posted by specialk84[/QUOTE]

    Ha!  I can't make any promises.
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
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    Yay Holly! You got your time off! : )
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    Holly, enjoy the long weekend!
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    Afternoon, ladies!

    FI and I have decided I'll handle the budget issues when we start out, and we're going to keep our separate accounts. We may also open a joint one for bills and stuff, but we haven't totally worked that out... all I know is that I'm in charge of making sure the bills get paid because I'm better with money right now. I'm sure he'll learn to be fine with it once he's used to being out on his own and making a living.

    I want to go shopping, I need my job to pick up! I'm working again tomorrow and then she just asked me to work Monday, so I'm glad I'm getting some hours, even if it's not quite as many as I need.
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
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    Special - just out of curiosity, how many balls of yarn would it take to make a shrug?
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    edited June 2012
    Here are ~2,000 free knitting pattens for shrugs. You can adjust the search by limiting it to certain weights of yarn. Since you're moving to England, I suggest DK weight, as it's most common there.

    Edited because my clicky didn't click.
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    Thanks Special! 

    I have a feeling that once I learn to knit, my H will be sick of shrugs. I freaking love shrugs. 
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    Good luck Poke! My mom knits, I can't knit to save my life. But, I love to crochet.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:1e418f7a-b67b-4fd1-83a1-5042cf9e1a2cPost:51e4c665-390f-43ef-bf05-3f23702fd44d">Re: Morning Eeners!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Midge and MS Excel sitting in a tree, f-o-r-m-u-l-a-t-i-n-g! 
    Posted by pokepoke27[/QUOTE]

    Hahaha <3 it. Just got back from a meeting.
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    Thanks Steffi! 

    Midge - It amused me so I figured it might amuse you. 
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