Wedding Etiquette Forum

Bach Party/Shower

Are there any rules about 'if you invite so-and-so to the bachelorette party then you must invite them to the shower or vice versa?' 

Thank you :)

Re: Bach Party/Shower

  • I think the only rule is that anyone invited to the shower or bach party must be invited to the wedding.  I don't think there is a rule about inviting people to both shower and bach party.
  • Ditto PP. Pre-wedding party invitees need a wedding invite. Otherwise, they don't all have to be invited to all parties. For instance, my bach party will just be close friends; my showers also includes mothers, relatives, etc.

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  • Ditto PP. As long as someone is invited to the wedding, feel free to invite them to either party or both. There's no real rule for inviting people to your shower and your bach party.
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  • Haha...I was just thinking about how awkward it would be if some of the people at my shower were at my bach party....

    ....The idea of Grandma NOLA doing shots off some cabana boy's abs seems kinda nutsy!
  • Nope, no rule. (Just like PPs said - all pre-wedding guests must be invited to the actual wedding) and I agree with NOLA -- I don't want some of my shower guests at my B Party!  ;-)
  • Thank ladies...
    I was actually thinking of inviting a few of my college friends to my bachelorette party that aren't invited to my shower.... Big family - limited venue space thing.  Soooo, no! I definitely do not want my Grandma getting wasted floating down the river... Although - it might be comical..... :S
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