Wedding Etiquette Forum

weekend plans?

I'm going to get the camper ready and get our quadding clothes organized to go for our trip next week! Other than that, SLEEP IN. We had a late night last night, and I had a late night Monday night...I am tired. I want to go to the lake on Sunday...I hope we can.

Your plans?

Re: weekend plans?

  • Saturday will be filled with wedding crap. Bakery for the cake, stationary place to look at invites, etc. And grocery shopping at some point. I lead a VERY exciting life.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • Heya P2!

    FI and I are going to one of his GM's weddings. I'm meeting him downtown soon, and we're driving out to NW IL. RD tonight, wedding tomorrow! Should be a good time. We're rooming with another GM and his wife, who's one of my BMs.

    Basically, I wanted to see how many abbreviations I could fit into a few sentences (although what I said is true). Mission accomplished!
  • Tonight I'm going shopping with my BFF for her bridesmaid dress.  She's coming through CT on her way back home to NH from finding an apartment (she's moving to Pittsburgh in the fall for grad school).  I haven't seen her in forever, so I'm so excited.

    Tomorrow, I have no plans other than sleeping late and (hopefully) picking up my engagement ring from being repaired, although FI and I might go out and talk to the jeweler about re-setting the diamonds for my wedding band.  I hope.

    Sunday, probably hanging at my parents' house for the day.  I got invited to a ton of parties this weekend, but I feel like it's better to skip all rather than pick one.  They're all taking place relatively far away (either on the other side of the state or up in MA), and I'm really not a huge fan of driving long distances for a party on a Sunday night.  Saturday would be another question, but Sunday, not so much.

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  • Going to get nails done then dinner with friend this evening.

    Tomorrow is my b shower, so excited !

    Sunday going to run errands and start on my thank you notes from b shower.
  • We're just putzing around this weekend... no big plans. FI is going to get fitted for his tux, and I'm taking my e-ring in to get cleaned and have them look at a prong that looks like it's moved. Other than that, our MoC had her baby over July 4th weekend and we're going to try to get to their house to meet the little one!
  • I just finished my summer classes, so I plan on reading something light and fluffy, from cover to cover.
  • Final meeting with the florist and mailing invitations we forgot. Going to a friends' wedding tomorrow...should be exciting. It's at a yacht club which is pretty fancy for MN wedding. Sunday is my bridal shower with FI's family, hopefully it's not that bad.
  • Going to happy hour tonight by boat at Chesapeake Inn.

    I think we're going on the boat Sunday so tomorrow will probably consist of a lot of dock sitting, reading, napping and maaaaybe running some errands.

    We're also getting 28 Days Later from Netflix and, while I hate horror movies, these zombie, humanity-wiping-out-disease movies don't tend to linger and wake me up in the middle of the night three days later.  And I like being scared temporarily sometimes.  So I'm excited to watch that this weekend, too :)
    ttc chart
    BFP 8/01/12, EDD 04/10/12, mm/c @ 6wks, discovered at 8wks, D&C 9/05/12
  • Aaand I just noticed that today is my 1-year anniversary as a Knottie... which means we got engaged 1 year ago today. So that's kind of cool. :)
  • Tonight I will be staying in drinking lots of champagne and baking cupcakes. My bestie just broke up with her boyfriend of 9 years so I'm on damage control tonight.

    Tomorrow night we are celebrating FFIL's birthday and going out on the town. It should be fun.
  • Tomorrow we're either going to go to my sisters house and help them finish sorting through things and packing up, or we're going to meet them at my parents house later on since I have some stuff to drop off for them.   Sunday Mr. Arb and I are going to see Sublime with Rome.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:26283b37-5a61-44e2-afd9-d3ce82413fcbPost:c9d8e00f-58b4-482b-b86a-6f3cdc5ecaf9">Re: weekend plans?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Aaand I just noticed that today is my 1-year anniversary as a Knottie... which means we got engaged 1 year ago today. So that's kind of cool. :)
    Posted by akhensley81[/QUOTE]

    Cute :)  We got engaged one year ago on Sunday.
    ttc chart
    BFP 8/01/12, EDD 04/10/12, mm/c @ 6wks, discovered at 8wks, D&C 9/05/12
  • Hm, tonight BIL is coming over so we'll probably get dinner and drinks somewhere.  Tomorrow we will go boating and we have a wedding that night.  Sunday probably go see a movie like usual and do some projects around the house.
  • I'm cashing in my gift certificate DH got me for my birthday. So at 11am tomorrow I have my hour massage. Cant wait.

    I cleaned the house all last weekend getting ready for family to visit, so this weekend I'm going to try and do as little as possible.
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  • Tonight, I am going home, washing my hair, then lounging on the couch.

    Tomorrow, I have a gig!! Oooh yeah! A chick I used to work with at a salon in edmonton lives here and wants some assistance with some bridal updos.

    Then tomorrow night I have dinner with my cousins, their parents, my sis and her BF. One of my cousins is finally done her internship and will officially be a dietitian as soon as she registers. Yay! We're going to Mike's restaurant. .

    Then Sunday Mike and I are hitting up the stampede grounds. Corn dogs, mini donuts here I come!

    "It's shart week." -georgiabride
    "This post is seriously retarded." -Stackeye210
    Mrs & ZOMG we built a howse!
    being healthy. blog.
  • Hey! Tonight we're going out to the Cheesecake Factory. Today is our 3 year dating anniversary, so we're going to use our gift card and 'celebrate'. We haven't been oout on a real date in forever, so I'm really excited about that.

    I'm going to a wedding alone tomorrow (weird) and H is going to clean his new car. Sunday, going out with some friends to an arms museum and then out to dinner on the river.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • I've never been to a wedding alone. Well, maybe one, but all of us girls were single.
    Mandy - our town fair was last week, so I went to the 4H beef sale, and wanted to walk around the midway for terrible junk like that, but didn't...Mark was sick and didn't want to meet me there. I am sad I didn't get cotton candy, mini donuts and booth fries.
  • I'm going camping in Shenandoah  this weekend!
  • Tonight:  Andy and I are going on a cheap date

    Tomorrow:  Rise n' shine early to do the DMV stuff, banking accts, and all that newlywed bliss stuff.  Then we're going to have a thank you note party since we haven't done many considering we just moved and all.

    Sunday:  church shopping.

    wow.  We're lame.
    My Bio Updated 4/6/10
  • Hopefully today I'll be a new car owner (T is at the dealership right now).  Other then that it'll be a chill weekend.  A little grilling, T is going to a bday party for one of his soccer kids he coaches.  Sunday I get to visit with my mom for a bit, so that'll be nice. 

    Nothing major, which makes me very happy! 
  • Stacks! What kind of car?
  • Meeting with a florist tomorrow, then going to the ballet. Sunday we're either doing a hike near a bar we like followed by... the bar, or we're doing a beer and cheese tasting later in the day. I want to keep things relatively open because I felt really busy last weekend.
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  • angel2210angel2210 member
    edited July 2010
    Tomorrow I'm working and packing for our trip to Minnesota, and then around 2 am Sunday morning will begin our long trek up there. But by late afternoon Sunday, I'm gonna be on a bass boat!!
  • salt78salt78 member
    Going to our shore house FINALLY. I'm so excited!
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  • A Dodge Charger.  Mr Stack's choice, not mine.  Although I've learned to love it after hearing about it for the past 9 months.  ;)  My only requirements were that it be 4 door.  My car now is a 2 door and with Jocelyn it SUCKS. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: weekend plans?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I've never been to a wedding alone. Well, maybe one, but all of us girls were single. Mandy - our town fair was last week, so I went to the 4H beef sale, and wanted to walk around the midway for terrible junk like that, but didn't...Mark was sick and didn't want to meet me there. I am sad I didn't get cotton candy, mini donuts and booth fries.
    Posted by pumpkinpumpkin[/QUOTE]
    It's a weird wedding, it would get torn apart on here. It's...potluck. I love these guys to death, so I'm going to go ahead and go at least to the ceremony. I probably won't stick around long for the reception, but I really want to see them and a ton of other friends that I know will be there. Because I'm going to know so many people is why I didn't even ask H tocome with me. And he's excited to have a day alone with his car lol
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Mery - what ballet?  I love going to the ballet so so so much! 
  • Tonight we're going out for dinner and going to see Inception in IMAX (because I still love Leo like I did when I was fourteen Tongue out)

    Tomorrow golfing in the morning and then working in the afternoon. Probably just going to lounge about in the evening with a movie and bad-for-you food.

    Sunday we're going for a late lunch at Snug Harbour with my parents for Jay's and my dad's birthdays.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: weekend plans?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Mery - what ballet?  I love going to the ballet so so so much! 
    Posted by Stackeye210[/QUOTE]

    I just last night set my calendar to buy tickets to see Chroma at the National Ballet of Canada in November! I'm so excited. Two of my favourite things mashed into one, ballet and The White Stripes.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: weekend plans?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Mery - what ballet?  I love going to the ballet so so so much! 
    Posted by Stackeye210[/QUOTE]

    The Sleeping Beauty. It's only 5 performances, I think. I got tickets last month because FI and I have been talking about going to the ballet or opera. The LA Opera did Wagner's Ring Cycle last month and FI wanted to go, but it was too expensive, and the ballet tickets were surprisingly cheap.
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