Wedding Etiquette Forum

Poll: I judge...

I judge.....

People who buy groceries on a food stamp card then turn around and pay forty bucks in cash for booze and smokes.  Glad my tax money is affording you the money to get drunk. 

Now your turn. 



"Whatever East. You're just mad I RSVP'd "lame" to your pre-wedding sleepover."

Re: Poll: I judge...

  • I worked at a drug store, and people would try to use the access cards to purchase cigarette's.

    Worst part, it wasn't blocked, so some cashiers would do it. I had to make signs saying NOT ALLOWED. People were not pleased... but I refused to ok it.
    So... I feel your pain. Half the time, they had kids with them. Pretty sure it's supposed to be buying food for that little one, not your nicotine addiction.
  • i judge people who put up their Christmas decorations and play Christmas music before Thanksgiving.
  • People who smoke and complain about their health.
  • I judge people who text and drive (which is officially illegal in NC as of yesterday, w00t!)

    I judge people who have disruptive children, tell them to stop, and then just sigh in defeat when their kids don't stop.
  • I judge people who complain all. the. time. and DO nothing about it to make it better.
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • I judge...

    People who bitch about how their life has been harder than anyone else's even though they brought it all on themselves by making bad decision after bad decision and each time has been bailed out by their parents and is now, once again, mooching off of them while enjoying the 46" flatscreen TV they bought even though they're $5,000 in debt.

    Ok so maybe it's one person in particular...
    ttc chart
    BFP 8/01/12, EDD 04/10/12, mm/c @ 6wks, discovered at 8wks, D&C 9/05/12
  • I know I'm really bad about this but I do judge people who use food stamps to buy crap food. 

    Fruit Loops? (okay, I'm dating myself) but why?

    Oatmeal is cheap, tastes good, put some cinnamon on it and it keeps you going all day!

    Rice is a good breakfast.  Flavor it up with fruit.  You don't need sugar and crap on it
  • I judge the people in my office who have diabetes and continue to eat gargbage that certainly isn't helping their situation. There is no exercise and little or no diet management.  They're supposed to "watch" how much they eat of certain things, but because it's not "that bad" yet, they don't "have" to really worry. Ok, so keep going and let it get worse so you get to the point of daily injections. Have fun with that. I know 2 other people who have it and are so committed to managing it, and I just don't understand how when it is a serious health issue, these other people don't take it seriously. And I'm sure I will be the one to drop dead at 47, and I'm not the lazy one shoving cookies in my mouth every day.
  • JK10910JK10910 member
    1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2009
    I judge the person FI told me about last night whose medical assistance wouldn't pay for her husband's Lipitor three days after his heart attack, who loudly insisted he HAD TO HAVE IT NOW.  FI offered her one or two tablets at $5 a piece, barely making a profit for the pharmacy, to get them through until the insurance was cleared up, and she refused to pay $5 for her husband's medication to help prevent another heart attack, and promptly paid for a pack of cigarettes and left.
  • I Judge people over the age of 21 that are obsessed with Twilight.  You like it and enjoy the books and.or movies?  Hey, no problem.  You OMG LOVE IT and make all your status updates about it and are in love with Edward the Vampire? Umm, no.  Hi.  Adulthood called.  You're due back.


    "Whatever East. You're just mad I RSVP'd "lame" to your pre-wedding sleepover."
  • I judge people who complain about their weight but do nothing at all to fix it, or they do something so minimal that it's obvious it isn't going to help.  "Well I cut back from 2 cokes a day to 1...." and yet you still get a double cheeseburger everyday so I don't know what to tell you.
  • I judge people who are too prideful to get over themselves.

    Example: A girl I know bought her wedding dress online without measurements or anything.  It was really cheap.  Everyone who has seen it on her offers to buy her another one.  She hates it.  She refuses to let her mom and grandma, who are well off, buy her a dress simply because she is too proud.
    my read shelf:
    Amber Lea's book recommendations, liked quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (read shelf) imageTell Me A Tale
  • I judge people who put information on a public forum, then get upset when people read and comment on that information.

    I judge people who claim that internet security doesn't bother them, then get creeped out by people searching them on the net.

    I judge people who act like MF'ing children in WoW, wiping our group several times because our guild tank is undergeared and they know better.  H is one of those.  I called him (and the rest of them) fucktards last night. Yes.  I did.

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • I judge people over 35 who go to school full time without working.

    I judge people who write checks.
  • Oooh these are good.  Laughing
  • I judge people who dont like christmas and tend to complain about it all. the. time. Whaaa I hate christmas music, whaaaa I hate christmas decorations. Get over it. I hate halloween and I dont complain for months about every little thing I dislike about it.
  • I keep trying to love Twlight but it just doesn't happen.

    Last week I figured out that it's for teenages and that's why I didn't  "get it"
  • I judge people who have kids and most of their facebook statuses have to do with getting blitzed and going out.
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • Oh and I seriously judge people who cant, in this day and age, tell when they get an internet scam in their email.
  • I judge people who get into the elevator after running/exercising and hit "2".  You just worked out for an hour but can't climb a flight of stairs?
  • Whew.  I'm not 35 yet so I can still do the career change if I can afford to do so.  What a ridiculous thing to judge.

    I also judge over the top twilight fans over 21 and once again agree wholeheartedly with East.

    I judge people on the trains in the morning who would push over their own grandmother to get a flippin' seat.

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:27a929ee-298b-4387-b8f6-6b0ce4e34075Post:85ebe931-385f-47ec-a97f-6f0031191714">Re: Poll: I judge...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I judge people who write checks.
    Posted by kikibaby[/QUOTE]

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:27a929ee-298b-4387-b8f6-6b0ce4e34075Post:9d12e804-8523-4493-afe7-006248f2e3e4">Re: Poll: I judge...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I judge people who are too prideful to get over themselves. Example: A girl I know bought her wedding dress online without measurements or anything.  It was really cheap.  Everyone who has seen it on her offers to buy her another one.  She hates it.  She refuses to let her mom and grandma, who are well off, buy her a dress simply because she is too proud.
    Posted by Night_Sprite[/QUOTE]

    <img src="" border="0" alt="Frown" title="Frown" />  This is totally me.  I'm working on it, though- I actually let FI buy me dinner sometimes now!
  • people who read twilight and consider it good literature.
    people who watch twilight and consider it a good movie.
    people who find the guys from twilight attractive.

  • I judge people who wear really dirty tennis shoes.  (of course not for doing work, but for everyday wear)

    I judge bad hair dye jobs.  If you can't keep up with your roots, perhaps you should just go natural. 
  • I judge people who judge overweight people.

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • I judge young people who don't get up to give their seats to the eldery, injured, disabled, or pregnant.
  • I love that east and I feel the same way about twilight.
  • I judge people who text or email at the dinner table. It doesn't matter if it's a group of people or just one on one.  It's rude.  People do not need to be accessable every f*cking second of their lives.  It can wait.  What ever happened to just enjoying the company you are with and giving them your undivided attention? 


    "Whatever East. You're just mad I RSVP'd "lame" to your pre-wedding sleepover."
  • I judge people who feel like the world owes them something because of tragedy.

    You aren't the only one.
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
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