Wedding Etiquette Forum

Ceremony- Reception

Hello gals... I have a question.... Is it acceptable to have your ceremony at 1pm and then hold off to have your cocktail hour until 5pm? Being a guest does it seem rude to have a wedding outline this far apart?
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Re: Ceremony- Reception

  • No, it's not okay, and yes, that's rude.  Gaps suck.

  • This is a definite do not do.  
  • Nope, if ya want the evening reception change your time. We are having a first look just so that we do not have a long gap while we are off taking pictures leaving all our guests scrambling for something to do in their dress clothes.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Ceremony- Reception</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hello gals... I have a question.... Is it acceptable to have your ceremony at 1pm and then hold off to have your cocktail hour until 5pm? B<strong>eing a guest does it seem rude to have a wedding outline this far apart?</strong>
    Posted by Loveyk[/QUOTE]

    Absolutely rude.  As hosts, a B&G should always plan with the guests in mind.  Make it easy and convenient for them.
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  • That's a long gap.  If you can't get a later ceremony time, consider an afternoon reception.
  • Agree with the others, it is rude.
  • I don't like gaps, but with enough notice I don't think there rude. Having that large of a gap will probably cause low attendence at your wedding and higher attendence at your reception. I know when gaps are that large in my area people have a tendency just to show up for the free party. Yes I know this is rude, but people still do it (occassionally even myself).
  • At the very least, you need to have something for people to do. Which doesn't involve telling them there's a msueum/zoo/whatever nearby. Move the ceremony later if possible. Move the cocktail hour to 4. Minimize the gap. Have refreshments at the church until the reception hall is opened.
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  • Thanks ladies! I havent been to a lot of weddings so I wasnt sure if this was acceptable or not.
    Visit The Nest! Anniversary
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