I recently was a bridesmaid in my roommates wedding and when it came to the bachelorette all the bridesmaids paid for everything for the bride and any extra costs for the group (like limo etc) but the other girls attending not bridesmaids paid for their own drinks. Now I am invited to a friends bachelorette that requires me to travel out of town to attend and I am not in the wedding party. I planned on attending the party and staying at a friends in the town of the bachelorette and then I just got a text asking how much I will be paying for the party. Is proper etiquette to ask a guest to pay for the party (limo, hotel, etc) I understand if I was planning on staying in the hotel I would pay for part, but I am not and when I helped host we didn't ask this of anyone attending. Just wondering. Also is a bachelorette gift expected? Like I mentioned before I was a bridesmaid last one I attended and we all went in on the gift. Also I promise I am not cheap, I am just a poor law student and funds are tight.