For the life of me, I can't remember what poster this was...
We talked about IUds, and you didn't have kids. I finally found a Doc that says it's no problem. (Well, not finally. I got off my butt and called a few Docs.)
I had my consult yesterday, and I LOVE my new gyno. She spent more time talking to me yesterday than my old one did in an entire year.
Her staff is wonderful, and she was cheery and helpful.
A.) Thanks for inspiring me to get off my ass and tell old Doc he had a bad excuse.
B.) Did they give you meds before hand? She's talking about giving me something to prepare my cervix to make the process easier. Would I be out of line to ask for something for the pain? Or should it be fairly bearable?
I should have asked yesterday, but I always feel like a dopehead when I ask for pain meds.