I had two showers this weekend. Last night was a tailgate shower thrown by my aunt and uncle for my side of our family. They invited my future in-laws and grand in-laws so they could visit with my side of the family. Today is my church shower thrown by two women of my church. They invited all women that were invited to the wedding from the church (my future inlaws also go there) and my Mom.
Friday night my future MIL called me and said she felt bad because she realized that her sister (my FI aunt that I see about twice a year that lives in our city) was not invited to the showers. I told her that Saturday night was for my family and today was for women of the church. May I add that my future in-laws have not offered to throw me a shower but still complain about who is not invited to them....
I basically told my MIL that I was sorry if she felt like feelings were going to be hurt, but that I didnt think to put her on the invite list for either shower becasue A. shes not on my Mother's side of the family and B. she doesnt go to our church. I REALLY wanted to say "Well if you would like to THROW me a shower, you could invite her!" But I didnt. Did I do right by kind of brushing this off and not seeming too sympathetic?