Wedding Etiquette Forum


I had to show you this today because it was so cute. 
I was straightening up the bedroom last night and picked up my gym back to put in the closet. Then I realized the bag was extra heavy. 

How is Jim doing with his terrible 2's?
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Re: *ShellyD*

  • awww what a punkin!

    Jim still sucks.  I feel bad saying it but he's such a shiit right now!
  • Did your cats go through this?

    Yesterday he tore a hole in our comforter.  I'm not sure what's going on with him.  He's lucky he's cute, that's all I got to say!
  • salt78salt78 member
    I tried to post a comment on your blog the other day when you wrote it all out, but for some reason I kept getting an error. 

    Yes Oskar definitely went through a terrible 2 stage. He was SO OBNOXIOUS. He was constantly going BSC...running around and jumping on things and knocking them over, etc. He calmed down after a little while. Baby G hasn't really gotten too bad yet, although he pulled their entire cat house/tower thing over the other day and it almost knocked over the television. Which would have been very, very bad. 
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  • Thank goodness.

    Ming has been good, but then again, Jim is the alpha cat and I think he scares Ming.  I'm a little nervous about leaving Jim with my sister this week, I hope he doesn't freak out.

    She's staying at our place, so I think that will help, but you just never know.  We've haven't left our cats for longer than 2 days.

  • salt78salt78 member
    They will be okay. Especially if they are staying at home. We were gone for almost two weeks when we went to get married and our guys were fine with the neighbors coming to check on them daily.

    Actually it was pretty cute because I think they became better friends when we were gone. 
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  • awww! I love that!  Good, I'm glad!  My sister is already being a pain about house sitting.  I'd hate to get a call saying its too difficult or something bad happened.
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