Wedding Etiquette Forum

Destination Wedding STD/Invite Etiquette

We are haivng a destination wedding 4 hours from our home town in September.  Many of my friends have done destiantion weddings and each handled invitaitons different. 

What is the protcol?  Can I send e-invitaitons?  I really don't want to send print invitations, could I consider STD postcards with a wedding website with our details and RSVP info and be clear that invitations well not be sent?

I'm so confused what I should do. 

Amy Jo

Re: Destination Wedding STD/Invite Etiquette

  • I don't think that whether or not it's a destination wedding has anything to do with sending paper vs. virtual invitations.

    Why don't you want paper invitations?
  • First, 4 hours barely qualifies as a destination wedding in my world.

    E-mail STDs are OK. Do your best to make sure it doesn't get passed around to people not invited, though.

    But a STD implies a regular invitation coming later. I've received e-mail STDs, then not a paper invitation, and it's super-awkward. [I had to e-mail the groom and ask if the wedding was still on? was I still invited? turns out my invitation was lost in the mail]

    I can see where paper invitations for a destination wedding could get complicated. Just send them like for a normal wedding, with a prominent note about the website, or follow-up with an e-mail a few days after the invitations should arrive.
  • Invite whom ever you can afford and fit. Not worth the risk of having too many! But remember usually 30% of your guests will not come.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Destination Wedding STD/Invite Etiquette</a>:
    [QUOTE]Invite whom ever you can afford and fit. Not worth the risk of having too many! <strong>But remember usually 30% of your guests will not come.</strong>
    Posted by deanozzi[/QUOTE]

    <div>It's best to not even consider this as an option. Even people you assume will not be able to make it due to travel, costs, work, kids, etc may surprise you. Plan on everyone you invite to attend, and budget accordingly. Then, if some people can't make it, it's better that you overestimated and you'll have extra money, perhaps for your HM? =D</div>
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