Wedding Etiquette Forum

Invitation etiquette

Hi there. My fiancé and I are paying for our wedding. His parents are having a second reception for us back in his home- town which they are paying for. My mom bought my dress but can't contribute to the wedding itself and my dad is passed on. What would be the proper way to word our invites? Do we invite people on our own behalf, include our parents, or something else? Thanks for your input!
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Re: Invitation etiquette

  • em01092em01092 member
    edited January 2012
    We said the "Mylastname and Hislastname families request your presence at the marriage of..."

    My grandma is paying for 90% of the wedding, but the wedding is in FI's parent's church and town, plus they are pitching in also. I don't know if this is "proper" or not, but it's what we wanted to do and it worked for everyone. 
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  • We had our names  "and their families" line on ours. I think that it is a very diplomatic choice. My parents contributed a lot toward the wedding financially. H's family doesn't have much money, but they contributed their time helping us set up and did as much as they could. We put a lot of our own money into it as well, so our option reflected all of that while not pointing out that one side paid.
  • You could always do "together with their families"
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Invitation etiquette</a>:
    [QUOTE]You could always do "together with their families"
    Posted by DramaGeek[/QUOTE]

    That's what we did.  We did Chelsea middle last and Alexander middle last together with their families
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