Wedding Etiquette Forum

Night Ladies

Hey all.Today has was ok until we basically got word that we've basically exhausted all financing options and it boils down to we can't get financing for a new place until this one sells. I've had a bit of an emotional breakdown over this considering lord knows when this house will sell. All of our things are packed in a POD, and I am sleeping on an air mattress and sitting in camp chairs. This is a terrible way to start the new year.

Re: Night Ladies

  • Every other time I click on the E board there's negative timestamps. MUNI how long are you in Asheville?
  • Sorry MK, I hope things turn around for you.
    I have only been to the Biltmore in Asheville and loved it there.
  • Aw MK. I wish you were closer or I would invite you over and get you drunk on margs and life would be better.

    I am watching wife swap and getting ready for bedtime. I am a wildchild. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Night Ladies</a>:
    [QUOTE]I really like Asheville. Are you going to visit people or vacation?
    Posted by PetalPockets2012[/QUOTE]

    <div>Both, really.  We're meeting my parents there for a vacation.  We'll be there a few days, then head to their vacation house in the mountains in Georgia</div><div>
  • Did TK eat my post?

    Petal, i replied that its both, really.  We're meeting my parents there for a vacation for a few days, then headed to their vacation house in the mountains in Georgia.

    So it stops eating posts.

    Also, maybe if it wasn't hungry, it would post things in the correct order.
  • Good evening. I went to see The Muppets today and watched it snow all day. It's not sticking too much though. I realized tonight that I'm ready to come home. 5 nights is my limit. Too bad I'm here till Friday. Sorry about the house MK. Fingers crossed that it will work out soon.
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  • MK - that means things can only go up for 2012. Good luck with the house situation!

    I'm reading to kill one of my dogs... he's 10 years old, neutered, and my puppy is out of season but he's decided she needs to be bred The humping has GOT to stop. I love him, I know he's only doing what comes natural to him (especially since he is a former stud dog) but my lord. Give it a rest! So they're being separated for the time being.

    I'm beginning to regret agreeing to host NYE here. There's just so much to do to get ready and so much to buy. All of our friends are asking what they should bring, but I still feel like as the hosts we need to provide a majority of stuff to eat, drink, and do. Here's to hoping our first party (besides our housewarming BBQ with family) will go well!

    P&R because I need to make dinner
  • MK- Sorry about the house. Is there a way to get your mattress out to sleep on?

    Petal- I have figured out that I can only handle so much of each family at a time. 5 days is a long time for me.

    I am actually working on lesson plans for the new year. H thinks that I am crazy because we are still on break.
  • Haha Teacher I've toyed with that idea, but it's packed in the middle of the pod at the storage facility.
  • I enjoy spending time with the FILs. It is just a long time to be away from my home not doing too much of anything. It is different if we had gone somewhere. Lesson learned.
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  • Sorry to hear about the house situation MK.

    Maybe your current one will sell tomorrow!  I hope it does sell quickly and you can get the new loan situation fixed.  

    We're leaving for Asheville in the morning and I still haven't packed.  I have no idea what we're DOING on the trip, so I don't know how to pack.
  • I really like Asheville. Are you going to visit people or vacation?
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  • Hiya!

    MK - so sorry about the house.  That stinks. Have you thought about finding a tenant?  You can claim 75% of the rent as income to offset the mortgage and might help you quality.  You need to have a 12 month lease signed as proof though for the new mortgage so you have to find a tenant first. 
  • MK- I hope things turn around for you!
    I think trying to find a tenant is an excellent idea.

    I only have been to the Biltmore in Asheville and loved it.

  • Csmping out builds character.

    Or so I was told when I first moved to NYC.  I don't really believe that.  It sucked, you have my sympathy!
  • Why is TK being annoying tonight?  It worked over the holidays when no one was here and now when we're all trying to be back it's not working anymore... ARGH.
  • Yay for new place, Aleigh! Did the move go smoothly?

    Also, for some reason I can't get to the second page of posts, it just tries to make me comment. Maybe after it posts this and refreshes.... but this is getting ridiculous. How long has it been now?
  • The only downside to finding a tennant is it makes it harder to sell the house. No one wants to rent a place that will be sold, and it sucks for buyers to have to look at homes where people are living. I just want to hold out until like July. If it hasn't sold by then, then we'll have to re-evaluate. I'm confident that it'll sell in the Spring. It just means more months without my husband.

    Anyway, end of pity party. Don't want to be a Debbie Downer.
  • MK- really sorry about the house.  Mine is up for sale in NEPA.  I totaly agree on the rental subject.  I have let it sit empty rather than rent which may or may not be a smart move on my part.
  • Understood MK.  Since H and I can't actually afford to sell our house, we're not concerned about trying to sell it while someone is renting it.
  • I'm sorry the house stuff isn't going well, MK. I hope it sells in the spring! And tho Loopy's got a good idea about renting, it is difficult to get renters when it's going to be sold. I had to do that on a short-term apartment lease and every dang weekend there were people parading through our apartment checking it out. Super annoying, but what can you do.

    I'm at the FILs house, it's kind of a mini vacation. Lots of fun crafting stuff, and FI's step-sister is here too, she's fun and we don't get to see her often.
  • We are in the truck headed North, one night in the 1000 islands and then Canada here we come.  I am researching English Pubs in Toronto Canada to see if I can find a place to hang for NYE near the hotel.  Really not into the huge party scene.  The city looks like it is amazing if you are into that type of thing! 
  • Hi everyone!

    MK, I'm so sorry about the housing situation.  :\

    My neck hurts and I feel grumpy.
  • For the love of Pete. I seriously can't take more of this crazy knot.
  • Hello. We're in our new apartment. There's still some stuff in the old apartment that we have to get tomorrow but most of it is here. 
  • Hi everyone.  Today was the longest day ever.  What was supposed to be a 8.5 hour (at the very MOST) car trip turned out to be 11 hours.  I was making good time when my dad called to tell me that our mechanic called him first thing this morning (my car was in to be inspected and have an oil change Friday) saying that there were some empty transmission fluid bottles next to the empty oil bottles and that I needed to stop as soon as possible to get the oil changed in my car (he'll remiburse me).  I ended up being there for 2.5 hours.  Not my idea of a fun time at all.  The hugs and kisses I got from my nephew when I got here just before bedtime made it worth the hassle, though.
  • Ouch, strlz.  Did the mechanic forget to do the oil change?
  • No it turns out he put transmission fluid in instead of oil.  I amazed I drove 200 miles without anything happening.
  • Oh, wow.  Yuck.  What a pain.

    At least you got to see your nephew, though!
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