Wedding Etiquette Forum


We are having an adults only reception (18 and over). I have several cousins that are not in relationships that are on the younger end (18, 19, 20..) just wondering if it is proper to invite them with guests or just invite them with their family? Thanks!!

Re: Guests?

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    Are you sure they aren't in relationships? We just gave a guest to everyone over 18 to avoid hurt feelings.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Guests?</a>:
    [QUOTE]You do not have to extend "plus ones" to truly single guests. However, if you are extending them to everyone else (who are single), I would offer to them.
    Posted by Beaniebeach[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>Exactly this.  And, as they are over 18, they each need to receive their own invitation.</div>
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