Wedding Etiquette Forum



Re: Questions.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Questions.</a>:
    [QUOTE]H and I had planned to go to South Africa for our honeymoon.  Unfortunately that didn't happen...
    Posted by kellyjellybelly[/QUOTE]

    It's amazing. I'm totally biased but it really is. Cape Town is just ugh. There aren't even words to describe it and other must-see touristy places like the Kruger Park and Drakensberg are gorgeous and so fun. You should definitely try go.
  • Oh God, the Tea Party. *vomit*

    I will always regret that I wasn't here for the final fallout and demise of MrsE
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Questions.</a>:
    [QUOTE]Oh God, the Tea Party. *vomit* I will always regret that I wasn't here for the final fallout and demise of MrsE
    Posted by AmoroAgain[/QUOTE]

    I wish I hadn't been.

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • Message aside, if your political party is named after a childrens game, I will not take it seriously.

    Plus I happen to disagree with their message, so that's just a lost cause.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:3549f03c-e84b-44d5-8a66-9de4a34f1d19Post:0e3494fd-bdb5-4be5-b8a8-a83e7235c1d8">Re: Questions.</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Questions. : It's amazing. I'm totally biased but it really is. Cape Town is just ugh. There aren't even words to describe it and other must-see touristy places like the Kruger Park and Drakensberg are gorgeous and so fun. You should definitely try go.
    Posted by alixzafiris[/QUOTE]

    Oh we definitely plan to.  Unfortunately, my H's job sucks at the moment, so we're just going on a caribbean cruise.  Not really our *type* of vacation, but I guess it'll do for now.  We haven't been able to go on a big trip for 3 years now.  Our last one was New Zealand and I loved it there.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Questions.</a>:
    [QUOTE]Message aside, if your political party is named after a childrens game, I will not take it seriously. Plus I happen to disagree with their message, so that's just a lost cause.
    Posted by emilyinchile[/QUOTE]

    I always thought it was named after the Boston Tea Party? hmmm....

    I might be late in the game, but when were some of the regs that have been here for awhile married?  Specifically MrsB, Fisch, Banana, etc. that don't have bios where I can just go spy to find out. :)
  • Ok, I have a question for anyone who was around during MrsE. She sounds like a total nutjob, so is it possible to summarize why she was so awful?

    I ask because if someone accused me (or basically anyone I know) of being a nazi, I would just laugh because that person is obviously unhinged, and I would find it no more offensive than a crazy person on the street telling me I must hate puppies or whatever. Did she just somehow manage to seem normal so that you actually cared what she thought and then start bringing out the big guns?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Questions.</a>:
    [QUOTE] Everyone else, what animal would your patronus take the form of?
    Posted by georgia_bride09[/QUOTE]

    Probably a wolf (I know, generic). But that is the animal I always see when I'm meditating.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Birdie, you're right - but that doesn't change the fact that when I hear "tea party" I think of a little girl serving her stuff animals imaginary beverages with a miniature teapot.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Questions.</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Questions. : I always thought it was named after the Boston Tea Party? hmmm.... I might be late in the game, but when were some of the regs that have been here for awhile married?  Specifically MrsB, Fisch, Banana, etc. that don't have bios where I can just go spy to find out. :)
    Posted by Birdie1483[/QUOTE]

    November 2009 :)

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Questions.</a>:
    [QUOTE]<strong>Ok, I have a question for anyone who was around during MrsE. She sounds like a total nutjob, so is it possible to summarize why she was so awful?</strong> I ask because if someone accused me (or basically anyone I know) of being a nazi, I would just laugh because that person is obviously unhinged, and I would find it no more offensive than a crazy person on the street telling me I must hate puppies or whatever. Did she just somehow manage to seem normal so that you actually cared what she thought and then start bringing out the big guns?
    Posted by emilyinchile[/QUOTE]

    Honest to goodness, it's really not totally summarizeable.

    Let's see... some high points... she was always right. She had the bestest wedding in the world ever (complete with new car and fireworks ZOMG)... she was totally batfuckingshitcrazy and had no problem telling anyone and everyone what she thought of the smallest thing. She was a board-war hoor and revelled in starting schit with other posters/boards/websites. She was always a nutcase, but then she'd go through like week-long cycles of being totally cool... before reverting back to a raving lunatic again... She was the best at everything. She had the best taste in music, nobody but her was capable of appropriately attiring themselves, we all had horrible hair cuts, terrible taste in purses and absolutely no sense of the world because how could we possibly compete with her high-class NYC life? Oh and also, she liked True Blood.

    Did I miss anything? Guys?
  • Yes, Charleston really is great.  I can't imagine living anywhere else.

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  • Oh, and Mery - are you remembering the bizzaro-world FFF where BIP and colleen went at each other and mutually silently GBCK'd after that?  Or something similar?
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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Questions.</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ok, I have a question for anyone who was around during MrsE. She sounds like a total nutjob, so is it possible to summarize why she was so awful? I ask because if someone accused me (or basically anyone I know) of being a nazi, I would just laugh because that person is obviously unhinged, and I would find it no more offensive than a crazy person on the street telling me I must hate puppies or whatever. Did she just somehow manage to seem normal so that you actually cared what she thought and then start bringing out the big guns?
    Posted by emilyinchile[/QUOTE]

    She could be really very nice, then she'd be insane.  Even people who met her in real life had different experiences with her.  She'd been here a long time and when I started she terrified me because I thought people cared what she thought. 

    And I think for the most part they did, or at least enough to look the other way.

    Also, it wasn't just calling me a nazi sympathizer, it was a lot of what she said about nazis and the like.  She really liked finding information about people online and using it against them and I kinda worried that she may be able to find out more about me and use it in some way.

    Also, it's rather unpleasant to have your words twisted against you like that.

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • Alix, you've covered all of it and missed 99% of it all at the same time. 
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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Questions.</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ok, I have a question for anyone who was around during MrsE. She sounds like a total nutjob, so is it possible to summarize why she was so awful? I ask because if someone accused me (or basically anyone I know) of being a nazi, I would just laugh because that person is obviously unhinged, and I would find it no more offensive than a crazy person on the street telling me I must hate puppies or whatever. Did she just somehow manage to seem normal so that you actually cared what she thought and then start bringing out the big guns?
    Posted by emilyinchile[/QUOTE]
    ohhh, emily. emily emily emily.
    ::opens pandora's box::
    ok. she posted on here on 9/11 saying that people shouldn't be so jolly on such an anniversary. an argument ensued. there was another argument about an old man who was a Nazi who was up for trial or something, and she said no matter what his age, he should have to face the consequences. (which I actually agree with). but she an moose got into it and she called moose a nazi sympathizer.
    then she started in on me because I started making fun of her saying she is jewish all the time. so she tried to blackmail me into apologizing to the jewish sect of the knot. and it just...was ugly.
  • I was married May 23rd, 2008. :)
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Questions.</a>:
    [QUOTE]Alix, you've covered all of it and missed 99% of it all at the same time. 
    Posted by squirrly[/QUOTE]

    I know. But there's just no way to even explain just how crazy she was. Like... was it here who told that chick during UnDis to go have a miscarriage? Holyshitballs she was a loon there was just SO much crazy that I can't even remember it all.
  • Hey, I thought he should stand trial, if his health permitted.  I also made the mistake of saying that if we don't have sympathy for people, we're no better than the nazis.

    Ergo, nazi sympathizer.

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • I remember when we were talking about her here and she came on later and said we were lame for talking about her "behind her back" and we should've waited until she was online. she seemed to think people were too scared to tell her to her face what they thought of her. which, to be honest, a lot of people were scared. she's an internet ninja.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Questions.</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Questions. : ohhh, emily. emily emily emily. ::opens pandora's box:: ok. she posted on here on 9/11 saying that people shouldn't be so jolly on such an anniversary. an argument ensued. there was another argument about an old man who was a Nazi who was up for trial or something, and she said no matter what his age, he should have to face the consequences. (which I actually agree with). but she an moose got into it and she called moose a nazi sympathizer. then she started in on me because I started making fun of her saying she is jewish all the time. so she tried to blackmail me into apologizing to the jewish sect of the knot. and it just...was ugly.
    Posted by laladypoet[/QUOTE]

    Ha, right.  Lala's smelly balls.


    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • oh, and she called me trailer trash.
    ::looks around house::
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Questions.</a>:
    [QUOTE]I remember when we were talking about her here and she came on later and said we were lame for talking about her "behind her back" and we should've waited until she was online. she seemed to think people were too scared to tell her to her face what they thought of her. which, to be honest, a lot of people were scared. she's an internet ninja.
    Posted by laladypoet[/QUOTE]

    Oh my god that was the best. "WHY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ME WHEN I'M NOT EVEN HERE?! CAN'T YOU SAY THIS STUFF TO MY FACE?!" Like somehow... we all just had time to set aside our conversations until she was online to participate.
  • MrsE used to claim to know stuff about people, too, that they hadn't shared on here.  And, for a while, knotties had other knotties call their boss/email their husband/cancel their caterer/other crazy shiit.  She'd be a prime candidate in most of those situations.

    She captured the whole attention of the board when she posted.  And she was SO crazy and SO convinced of the evil of anybody who dared speak against her.  Combined with her internet sleuthing looking for ANYTHING about you, it made people reluctant to disagree with her, for fear of getting fired, essentially. 

    She was also really persuasive, so in situations where it was less obvious or dire than calling somebody a Nazi sympathizer, she would almost always have followers.

    I stayed out of her way, mostly.  She disliked my dress and told me it wasn't flattering (in slightly less kind words), but that's all she aimed my way.  I knew well enough to just not respond to her in that thread.  Before Daff got a chance to tell me strapless dresses are horrible.  :D
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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Questions.</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hey, I thought he should stand trial, if his health permitted.  I also made the mistake of saying that if we don't have sympathy for people, we're no better than the nazis. Ergo, nazi sympathizer.
    Posted by wadingmoose[/QUOTE]

    Well... both those words are... kind of... in the same sentence... Common mistake, I'd imagine, reading that and seeing "nazi sympathizer". Yep. Could've happened to anyone.
  • that was around the time I started adding "9/11" to the ends of my posts.
  • What's funny is, she totally singled out Moose in that thread, even though Moose and I were arguing the same points.

    Neither of us were saying that he was NOT guilty of his crimes in Nazi Germany, rather, that his extradition had not been conducted in the proper manner.  So, we were actually saying that once his extradition had been done properly, then it's up to the German courts from there. 

    But nope.  Moose is a Nazi sympathizer.

    I also remember when she tried extra hard to be nice to me (after almost a year of following me around and saying something nasty/negative in EVERY thread, as well as starting the rumor that I don't actually live overseas.  Anyway, we got into it after she'd been nice to me for about a month or two, and she said, "I'm so glad I get to be mean to you again.  Everytime I had to be nice, I wanted to punch you in the face."
  • i don't need your thread fishy.  when i wan to know crap about posters i ask them in my own thread.  i'm too smug to use this thread for that.

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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Questions.</a>:
    [QUOTE]Birdie, you're right - but that doesn't change the fact that when I hear "tea party" I think of a little girl serving her stuff animals imaginary beverages with a miniature teapot.
    Posted by emilyinchile[/QUOTE]

    Haha I see. It's been one of those weeks at work, so my brain is completely fried. I'm not too quick on the uptake today! :)
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Questions.</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Questions. : I know. But there's just no way to even explain just how crazy she was. Like... was it here who told that chick during UnDis to go have a miscarriage? Holyshitballs she was a loon there was just SO much crazy that I can't even remember it all.
    Posted by alixzafiris[/QUOTE]

    Yup.  Because she got pregnant and was HIV positive and intended to deliver vaginally.  MrsE had done OH SO MUCH work with shelters and people with HIV/AIDS that she knew better than the chick's doc that the baby would for sure have HIV and die. 
    DIY & Planning | Married 

    Married: 2010
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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
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