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As of today, you can get Netflix!  Go do it, it's awesome.


    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution


    "It's shart week." -georgiabride
    "This post is seriously retarded." -Stackeye210
    Mrs & ZOMG we built a howse!
    being healthy. blog.
  • You guys get free healthcare?
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • Yeah we do but it sucks. They're very "rushy", pushy and very quick to write prescriptions. At least, that's been my experience. I've been trying to get my leg mystery solved for the last 18ish years.

    Bonus! Netflix is only 7.99 here so nyah free healthcare and cheaper netflix for us Canadians Before I go and get it, is it actually worth it? Does it have a good selection? I really want it but I want to make sure it's worth it first.
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • Where do you live, avsfan? I have no complains about our health care system, other than to get an appointment for a CT scan, ultrasound, etc. you have to wait months. BUT, it is getting better.

    Plus, it's not exactly "free" - we're taxed at extremely high rates to pay for it. BUT, if they took away our healthcare, it's not like our taxes would go down. And, I'd rather pay taxes for healthcare than pay taxes to repay debt from wars. KWIM?

    P2 explained it well. We have higher taxes to pay for it.

    Honestly, I don't like our healthcare system. I don't HATE it, but I don't love it either. Maybe it's because I think my doctor sucks. And I'm still waiting on blood test results. It's been 3 weeks. Normally if I try to make an appointment with my doctor, I can't get in for a couple weeks. That bugs me. (I'm from Ontario if that makes a difference).
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: HEY CANADIANS</a>:
    [QUOTE]FINALLY! P2 explained it well. We have higher taxes to pay for it. Honestly, I don't like our healthcare system. I don't HATE it, but I don't love it either. Maybe it's because I think my doctor sucks. And I'm still waiting on blood test results. It's been 3 weeks. Normally if I try to make an appointment with my doctor, I can't get in for a couple weeks. That bugs me. (I'm from Ontario if that makes a difference).
    Posted by heyimbren[/QUOTE]

    <div>yay for netflix!</div><div>
    </div><div>if you don't like your doc, go to <a href=""></a> and find a different provider.</div><div>
    </div><div>i work for our health care system so i know it's flaws but i also know how invaluable it is.</div>
  • Yeah, i realize that we "pay" for it.  But, they're going to tax us no matter what.  And, I have been paying taxes from the beginning of time, so for me it's money I never had and I don't see it as MY money.  If I owe at the end of the year, then yeah, I feel like I just got fucked by the gov't.  But, when it comes off my pay, I just don't see it that way.  AND I don't look at the deduction part of my paystub cause it's depressing.  Haha.

    "It's shart week." -georgiabride
    "This post is seriously retarded." -Stackeye210
    Mrs & ZOMG we built a howse!
    being healthy. blog.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:38ab5810-fb36-44a3-923c-3e707d7e3612Post:73ce9b9e-d421-470d-920f-fe32c77d1772">Re: HEY CANADIANS</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yeah, i realize that we "pay" for it.  But, they're going to tax us no matter what.  And, I have been paying taxes from the beginning of time, so for me it's money I never had and I don't see it as MY money.  If I owe at the end of the year, then yeah, I feel like I just got fucked by the gov't.  <strong>But, when it comes off my pay, I just don't see it that way.</strong>  AND I don't look at the deduction part of my paystub cause it's depressing.  Haha.
    Posted by mandysmear[/QUOTE]

    Agreed. It's different when you never get to actually touch the money anyways. It's like it was never yours.

    I like the idea that everyone has access to healthcare. I like not having to pay for stuff all the time. I do like the idea of a two-tier system in theory. I'm not sure how well it would work in real life (I know a lot of doctors would want to switch into private healthcare to make more money and I don't like that necessarily). But I do think that if I can afford more attention to care, and I'm willing to pay for it, I should be able to.

    Honestly, I don't see my doctor enough to really warrant a need for switching when I don't have any other particular doctors in mind.
  • It's two tiered in Alberta now.  Unfortunately I lost my doctor because of it, but now I have another great doctor.  So it's fine.  This way the people who biitch about our system can pay the 3k (that's what my old doctor charges) to get immediate care.  I personally don't mind waiting 2 weeks to get in for my physical.  And if I am sick and need meds I go to the walk in.  NBD, IMO anyway.

    I've never been one to biitch though.  I am just thankful for what we have.  My dad is a contractor, so chances are he wouldn't have purchased health care for my family if we were in the states.  Maybe us kids, but not he or my mother.  My mother had lots of cancer treatments 5 years ago (and 10 years ago).  We would have been bankrupt... and even if we had insurance/coverage who knows if they would have denied my mother.  I hear horror stories about people getting denied even when they do have it. 

    "It's shart week." -georgiabride
    "This post is seriously retarded." -Stackeye210
    Mrs & ZOMG we built a howse!
    being healthy. blog.
  • Sorry I totally forgot about this thread :)

    I'm from Northern Ontario. So a lot of my complaints is because I'm isolated. I've had bad experiences with doctors in the past in the town I used to live in. Such as, I went in because I was fainting - doctor assumes I'm pregnant, high and drunk because I'm 14. He didn't take blood, do a pee test or anything. Turns out- I have anxiety. I almost punched him. There was also another time I got dragged to the ER from my University because I passed out sick in the bathroom. They assumed it was alcohol. No, it was a panic attack mixed with the flu. Idiots. Just because my friends were drinking in their room doesn't mean I was.

    The city I live in now, I went in for sharp pains all over and the doctor told me it was a pulled muscle. I've had a pulled muscle - that pain was different. Again he did no tests, just assumed because I was at the gym I MUST have pulled a muscle in my side. I eventually got dragged to the ER by FI and it turned out it was an UTI. I also find they're really quick to prescribe stuff. No matter how many times I say no, doctors keep trying to give me meds.

    I'm also slightly bitter because I'm in extreme pain 24/7 with my leg. I broke it when I was 2 (prime example of don't turn your back for even a second. I was a brat) and I've had problems ever since. I don't hate our health care system but I do think there are some things that could be fixed.

    My old roommate abused our system sooo bad. She would go to the walk in clinics for literally everything. I'm actually convinced she has a pill problem. She got new glasses and started getting headaches. I told her that's normal just takes a few days to get used to them. Nope not good enough. Came home with more pills a few hours later. She did this with everything. She never had "just a cold".

    ...I could write a novel with the amount of typing I do on random things.
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • Yeah no complaints with "Canadians have free health care" (ahaha Fische and Mands) here either.

    My doc is in the heart of downtown TO so annuals are booked the year beforehand and three weeks is the norm for test results but that's not the healthcare system, it's just the amount of traffic in the area and at the labs. Same with prescription happy doctors, they're twats, that's not the healthcare system, it's the professionals you're seeing. You can't blame a government system for two lackeys working it.
  • I don't have an issue with the system, I have an issue with people who abuse it. Also the people I've encountered as doctors and nurses. My area is much different than TO so I can't really compare my area to yours. It doesn't take overly long to get appointments or get results, so that doesn't bother me. Though it did take them 3 years to schedule an EMG test. I had actually forgotten about it. With the amount of X-rays I've had to go get, I'm pretty happy it's free.

    I have no issue paying for "free" health care. I'd rather have my money go toward that than something like war. My ex-roommate drove me nuts with the abusing of it though. It actually made me wish that after 10 visits in a month, you'd have to start paying for it. It's one thing if you're actually sick but frig. But that wouldn't be fair to people who actually go for a real illness 10 times in a month.
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