I thought about making a KPS about this, but it would be super obvious who it was, so there's really no point. I'm afraid this might be a little LJ-worthy, but I have to get it off my chest.
I've been obsessed with thinking about my mother lately. I've mentioned before that our relationship is not so good and frankly, I think she sucks at life. We've had a pretty stable relationship the last five years or so because I've worked out that if I hold her at arm's length and just don't give her much information about my life she can't be too toxic toward me (there's nothing for her to comment on, ya know?). I've also been doing that thing where I agree with her just to agree with her, because what's been the harm in that?
But now. Now I've got this kid coming and it's changed everything. My mother has made it very clear that she expects to be involved in things. She invited herself into the delivery room for god's sake. I told her that no, that wouldn't be happening and she got really upset. She's demanding to know how long after the birth she has to wait to come down and how long she can stay. Very normal mom questions but I don't know how to answer them. Whenever she's in my house she treats my belongings like crap and is a very demanding houseguest. On my bachelorette weekend she used one of my really good towels to clean up my nephew's diaper mess. When I complained she threw the dirty towel onto the floor and got the mess all over my carpet.
I can't stop thinking about what I'll do/say if I have a daughter and my mother starts making comments about her weight. I can't stop thinking about the temper tantrums my mother has when I tell her that we do things differently in our house. I can't stop thinking about what I'll do if/when she takes my child aside and teaches them her version of Jesus (which is "the world is split into believers and non-believers and non-believers go to Hell so you'd better be a believer". She taught this to my sister's five year old.)
There's pretty much nothing I can do, right? I should calm down? Stop worrying? Move farther away? Fake my own death? There's no point to this post other than me venting really. I just can't stop thinking about it and being afraid of what new twists and turns the relationship with my mom is about to take.