Wedding Etiquette Forum



We are having a short engagement with a the end of september being our wedding date. Here it is May, do I need to send out STD or should I just send out the invitations?

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  • Just send out invitations.  STDs are never required.
  • Save your money.  You never need STDs, but especially not for a brief engagement.

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  • b0710b0710 member
    We will be engaged exactly 7 months to the day of our wedding.  We skipped the save the dates, but just told some out-of-town family in advance when the wedding was in case they wanted to plan ahead.  It seems they are more of a trendy thing for many people, as often friends and family know well ahead of time when the wedding would be.  I'd save the money.
  • STD is this case are unecessary.  but if your guests needs to book a hotel i might spread the word.  congrats! 
  • No you do not need to send out save the dates, just send out the invitations very end of June or beginning of July
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: SHORT ENGAGEMENT STD'S REQUIRED????</a>:
    [QUOTE]No you do not need to send out save the dates, just send out the invitations very end of June or beginning of July
    Posted by[/QUOTE]
    No, invitations should still be sent out 6-8 weeks before.  Max 10 weeks.
  • I agree with PPs...You do not need to send out STDs, but spreading the word to out of town guests would be nice so that they can make the appropriate travel plans.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: SHORT ENGAGEMENT STD'S REQUIRED????</a>:
    Posted by LDYGTR13[/QUOTE]

  • gundy21gundy21 member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary
    We had a shorter enegagement, did not do STDs, but did send out invites at 10 weeks.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: SHORT ENGAGEMENT STD'S REQUIRED????</a>:
    [QUOTE]STD is this case are unecessary.  but if your guests needs to book a hotel i might spread the word.  congrats! 
    Posted by slwager[/QUOTE]

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  • Yep, just like everyone else said... don't send the STDs, just spread info by word of mouth.  Just make sure if your parents are helping spread the word, they're only spreading it to people you're inviting!  Congrats on your enagagement and good luck planning!
  • Our wedding is the end of sept. We sent out our STD's this last week. Mainly because they say to not send the invites until a couple months before, so people that have to travel need the heads up before then to have ample time to get plane tickets and hotel rooms without them costing a crazy amount.
    IF , however, most people are right there near you, or within a couple hours drive, you're totally good.. don't worry about it.. and if there are just a few, send an e-mail STD. A little cheesy but it lets them know (if they don't already) :)
  • THANKS EVERYONE. I think I am going to go this way put the money into my dress instead. Wink
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