Wedding Etiquette Forum

Holiday Lovefest

So, I'm at work and bored.  And I was thinking about how this is my first Christmas on E.  And while I'm not around too often these days, I love you ladies, and think you all deserve to know that.  All of you.  So I was hoping to start a lovefest to send us into the holidays.  I will definitely forget people, and this list is nowhere near all-inclusive, but here it goes.

Eagles - You crack me up.  And almost every time you talk, I find myself nodding along.

LDY - You have been a real inspiration this year for me in trying to get back in shape!

Mica & Birdie - you two are doing awesome jobs as Mods!  I don't envy your position one bit.

Mica - you are my favorite person to KUI.

MuSu- I am looking forward to seeing pictures from your wedding so much.  I am so impressed at you planning a wedding in law school, and going straight from finals into your wedding!

Bay - You had so many challenges at work and at home this year.  And you handled them with so much class and grace.  You are really an inspiration.

Daff - I love how you are really true to yourself and always say what you are thinking.  Same goes for Mery.

Anna - You are pretty much the cutest thing I have ever seen.  And you say pretty smart and well-spoken things.

Stacks - You are my inspiration on what I want to be as a mom.  You have an amazing relationship with your husband and a great little girl.  You also seem like you still have a lot of fun!

Veggie - You don't come around much these days, but I miss you a lot.

MK - I really admire how well-reasoned and level-headed you are.

Ciara - I really enjoy talking to you in the nighttime threads.  You were one of my first favorite knotties.

Loopy - I think about you and your H a lot.  You're doing an awesome job with your current situation, and I hope you're together again really soon!

Manda & Kiki - Congrats on your new babies!  It was really fun to "watch" you go through your pregnancies, and I am looking forward to seeing you both be awesome moms.

To all the ladies of E who will be moms soon (Matilda, Fezz, tons of people I'm forgetting) - yay!  I'm so excited for you all, and excited to see your behbehs.

To everyone who talked Harry Potter and Pottermore with me: Thanks!  <3 Harry Potter.

Ok.  Like I said, not a complete list.  And I'm bad at feelings, so I really hope someone else participates so I don't feel so vulnerable and exposed.



Re: Holiday Lovefest

  • I'm bummed that I missed out on the Pottermore registration.
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

    BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!

  • I can't believe they still haven't opened it to the public. I still stuck on Book 2 for some reason, it won't let me go past it. 

    I love everyone here. You guys are such an amazing support system and you're all better than my IRL friends. 
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:3fb85a69-a687-4d0e-926f-3f7f441beeeePost:a7ffbbdc-d7e4-4244-8cc9-cb6d2723f496">Re: Holiday Lovefest</a>:
    [QUOTE]I can't believe they still haven't opened it to the public. I still stuck on Book 2 for some reason, it won't let me go past it.  I love everyone here. You guys are such an amazing support system and you're all better than my IRL friends. 
    Posted by aleighk1[/QUOTE]

    BOOK 2 is OPEN?  I had no idea.  I know what I am doing on my vacation, now.
  • I love everyone here. I can't make a list bc I always always forget peeps.
    ttc chart
    BFP 8/01/12, EDD 04/10/12, mm/c @ 6wks, discovered at 8wks, D&C 9/05/12
  • I love all of you ladies (and Chrmun - where the hell are you dude??)!  I wish Anna and I lived closer together.  I think we would get along well IRL.  Really, I wish we all lived closer to each other.  But not so close that we all end up hating each other :)

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Holiday Lovefest</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Holiday Lovefest : BOOK 2 is OPEN?  I had no idea.  I know what I am doing on my vacation, now.
    Posted by Meg1036[/QUOTE]

    <div>Not for me. I did all of Book 1 and now it won't let me go into Book 2. Are you having the same problem?</div>
  • MK-- You are a total inspiration.  Amazing.

    Eagles-- You are so fun and I love it.

    Mica-- Giiirl you know it's true!


    MandaPanda is my heart and I ruves her.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Holiday Lovefest</a>:
    [QUOTE]I love all of you ladies (and Chrmun - where the hell are you dude??)!  I wish Anna and I lived closer together.  I think we would get along well IRL.  Really, I wish we all lived closer to each other.  But not so close that we all end up hating each other :)
    Posted by adamar15[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>Just wait! I will move back to FL eventually and we will start the Knottie Compound. Organic veggies and free range babies in tie dye cloth diapers.

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:3fb85a69-a687-4d0e-926f-3f7f441beeeePost:48ad4327-351d-4a6a-9499-8c6d50ba1e96">Re: Holiday Lovefest</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Holiday Lovefest : Not for me. I did all of Book 1 and now it won't let me go into Book 2. Are you having the same problem?
    Posted by aleighk1[/QUOTE]

    Yeah.  I think that's on purpose.  But I don't really know.  They seem to be having a lot more trouble rolling this out than they thought.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:3fb85a69-a687-4d0e-926f-3f7f441beeeePost:d71b7144-0d61-42e2-8a16-f253ea174fe9">Re: Holiday Lovefest</a>:
    [QUOTE]<3 That's for everybody.  I know I'm not very prominant on the board, but I do enjoy the conversations we do have, and hearing about everybodies happy and challenging stuff they get through. 
    Posted by Beaniebeach[/QUOTE]

    Beanie, I love that you love Michigan.  I love other things about you, but being a Michigan fan puts you pretty high in my book.
  • I have mad hard love for all the ladies here.  You make my day complete.  I love that I can come on here with any question or random thought. 

    I wish I lived closer to everybody.  :(
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  • Yes!  I love this idea.  This is happening.

    Meg, thank you:)  I think you're pretty awesome yourself!

    I can't tell all of you how great you all were to me during this past year.  It was rough but we made it through, and you are seriously the best bunch of people I could meet.  Thank you so much.

    LDY and LVB, thanks for the cards when I most needed them.  I can't tell you how much that meant to me.

    MandaPanda, you were my first E friend.  I am so happy for you with your beautiful baby boy!

    I want to give out a ton of shout-outs but I'm always worried I'm going to miss someone and hurt their feelings.  So know that I love each and every one of you to pieces, and I think you're all just incredible.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers

  • Heh. Free range babies.

    I love all you bitches a lot.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Holiday Lovefest</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Holiday Lovefest : Just wait! I will move back to FL eventually and we will start the Knottie Compound.<strong> Organic veggies and free range babies in tie dye cloth diapers.</strong>
    Posted by annakb8[/QUOTE]

    High five!
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

    BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!

  • You had me at hello..........YOU......HAD...ME.....AT.....HELLOOOOO.  
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:3fb85a69-a687-4d0e-926f-3f7f441beeeePost:74ac16e7-b5fd-43c0-a212-c105c8e23dea">Re: Holiday Lovefest</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Holiday Lovefest : Just wait! I will move back to FL eventually and we will start the Knottie Compound. Organic veggies and free range babies in tie dye cloth diapers.
    Posted by annakb8[/QUOTE]

    Love it!
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • I would move to that compound, Adamar and Anna.

    I love everyone and don't want to single out anyone.  Sorry, being politically correct.  But I do love you all, even when people call for my un-modding. Well, I don't love the trolls.  :P
  • I <3 everyone here. The last month and a half have been really up and down for me. I love that I've made real friends here, even if we haven't met each other IRL. Seriously, it was awesome getting all of the messages and cards of support from you guys after my aunt died. You were better friends to me than some people I know IRL.

    I'm sorry I haven't been very present lately. November was pretty rough for me and I've been afraid of being a debbie down when I do post. I've been lurking a lot though!

  • I heart you guys! I have to run to a meeting so I can't mention anyone individually until later, but for now: swoon.
  • Also, I love everyone too. And I will miss you all when I'm on vacation. Almost as much as I'll miss my cats. 

    And joking aside, I do hope that sometime I can meet all the Florida ladies, especially Adamar, Fezz, and Mica. 

    I love Manda and Cfas, and I'm glad I get to be IRL friends with them instead of just internet friends. I'm also really pumped for MK to move up here so I can see her more often.

    LDY is like my favorite person ever. She always makes me smile. And I'm glad she doesn't care that I always accidentally text her instead of my H. 

    I also want to throw out some love for Birdie, Stacks, Rosie, Eagles, Mel, TR, and probably some other people I'm forgetting. I love you all and you all brighten my days!
  • I'm on my iPod so typing about all of you lovely people on this would take forever. I'll try to get specific later, but I love you all.
  • aw eagles i adore you.

    I love pretty much everyone. for reaslies. I wish that TR didn't move so dang far away from me :(
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:3fb85a69-a687-4d0e-926f-3f7f441beeeePost:61d78993-01ad-4b13-b04f-319f0f67eda6">Re: Holiday Lovefest</a>:
    [QUOTE]I would move to that compound, Adamar and Anna. <strong>I love everyone and don't want to single out anyone.  Sorry, being politically correct.</strong>  But I do love you all, even when people call for my un-modding. Well, I don't love the trolls.  :P
    Posted by mica178[/QUOTE]

    Me too. 

    On the singling out though, you are an excellent mod! 
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Oh, of course I forgot people. 

    Shan, I think you are freaking hilarious. 

    Rach, I think you would be fun to hang out with. And I like having some fellow sorority girls here.

    LC, you are awesome. But you already knew that. 
  • I think Birdie is so pretty and smart.  She's far from a debbie downer, she handled some very rough life things this past month with strength, class and a good attitude considering.  I feel very lucky to know her and hope to meet her in real life some day when I meet LVB.  
  • Stacks, you're one of my favorite people :)<3
  • Anna, you totes met me already.  But yes we need to have a FL g2g.  :)

    I love a lot of you hoars.  You know who you are. ♥
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  • Oh shiit, Fezz. I did Embarassed Too many margaritas.

    But I mean we can hang out and stuff. For more than two hours.
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