So, I'm at work and bored. And I was thinking about how this is my first Christmas on E. And while I'm not around too often these days, I love you ladies, and think you all deserve to know that. All of you. So I was hoping to start a lovefest to send us into the holidays. I will definitely forget people, and this list is nowhere near all-inclusive, but here it goes.
Eagles - You crack me up. And almost every time you talk, I find myself nodding along.
LDY - You have been a real inspiration this year for me in trying to get back in shape!
Mica & Birdie - you two are doing awesome jobs as Mods! I don't envy your position one bit.
Mica - you are my favorite person to KUI.
MuSu- I am looking forward to seeing pictures from your wedding so much. I am so impressed at you planning a wedding in law school, and going straight from finals into your wedding!
Bay - You had so many challenges at work and at home this year. And you handled them with so much class and grace. You are really an inspiration.
Daff - I love how you are really true to yourself and always say what you are thinking. Same goes for Mery.
Anna - You are pretty much the cutest thing I have ever seen. And you say pretty smart and well-spoken things.
Stacks - You are my inspiration on what I want to be as a mom. You have an amazing relationship with your husband and a great little girl. You also seem like you still have a lot of fun!
Veggie - You don't come around much these days, but I miss you a lot.
MK - I really admire how well-reasoned and level-headed you are.
Ciara - I really enjoy talking to you in the nighttime threads. You were one of my first favorite knotties.
Loopy - I think about you and your H a lot. You're doing an awesome job with your current situation, and I hope you're together again really soon!
Manda & Kiki - Congrats on your new babies! It was really fun to "watch" you go through your pregnancies, and I am looking forward to seeing you both be awesome moms.
To all the ladies of E who will be moms soon (Matilda, Fezz, tons of people I'm forgetting) - yay! I'm so excited for you all, and excited to see your behbehs.
To everyone who talked Harry Potter and Pottermore with me: Thanks!
Harry Potter.
Ok. Like I said, not a complete list. And I'm bad at feelings, so I really hope someone else participates so I don't feel so vulnerable and exposed.