Wedding Etiquette Forum

RSVP Wording

I have a few general questions about RSVP wording.
1. I am having a buffet dinner as opposed to a plated dinner.
Since its buffett stye do I need to include entree oprions on the RSVP card so the venue can have an idea of how much to make of everything. And if so, do I include all 5 meats that will be on the buffett.

2. How many weeks before the wedding date should I set as the deadline to RSVP.


Re: RSVP Wording

  • We have the pay the balance on our ceremony venue 21 days before the wedding and need to know how many extra chairs we need (as they provide 50 but its extra for more) we KNOW we will need more but do not want to pay for un needed chairs so the RSVP for us will be about 6-7 weeks before the wedding to get the count for food and chairs
    Nichole Tampa, FL BabyFetus Ticker
  • You should ask your venue both of these questions. Some venues do require an entree estimate for a buffet, although most do not. 

    For your RSVP date, it depends on when your final #'s are due. For example, milkduds needed 2.5 weeks for her 1 week deadline. We have to turn in #'s 2 weeks in advance, and a 50% deposit 4 weeks in advance with estimated #'s. We are having a 5 week RSVP timeline. It's a bit longer than most people recommend but what we have to do for our venue.
  • My RSVP date is five weeks before the wedding (Sat, 5/21) because that's when I wanted to know by.  And I have been asking the holdouts this week if they are coming or not.  I am not a patient girl when it comes to waiting.  I keep joking that I am only giving people a week to repsond the next time I get married.  The joke part is that I don't plan on getting married again, but I would only give people a week if I could have a do-over :)  I don't need to give vendors a headcount or pay until 2 weeks before, but I want to get it done sooner so I can stop worrying about money :)  My advice is to pick a date two weeks before you actually need the final headcount because it seems A LOT of ppl don't RSVP on time.  Unless they are fearful of the bride's wrath if they are late (as my friends and family have been since I was about 18 years old).

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