Wedding Etiquette Forum

Royal Hats

Not sure if this was already talked about today, but one of my favorite parts about the royal wedding is everyone's sharp outfits

 with their matching hats.... makes me wish I was British....

Then I saw these...... wtf...

Re: Royal Hats

  • I want that antler hat.
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  • Eugennie's hat looks like it came from Who-Ville.
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  • As I watched the wedding this morning and the one on the right stepped out of the car I literally said..."What the f*** is she wearing on her head?" and then..."I wonder who gave her the black eyes?"  Lots of amazing hats (and I agree, it makes me want to attend an English wedding) but this one was crazy.  Oh and I wasn't a huge fan of Posh Spices hat either...maybe if it wasn't so far on her forehead...

  • The Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice always wear bad hats. I wasn't surprised by these.
  • I love hats.  I am very upset that H's family guilted us into skipping the Derby this year.  I am thinking about wearing my outfit (with hat) to the pig roast.

    However, those two hats are hideous.  I thought Fergie was stylish, why do her daughters wear such bad hats?
  • I hate Eugenie's dress, but her hat isn't appalling.
    I like Beatrice's dress, but her hat is just awful.

    Though, really, it's possible Eugenie's hat only looks good next to that pink bow monstrosity.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:50aa5b96-7e58-483d-a3a4-721623050326Post:e16a9ece-e2bd-49df-9fc0-dcaf994949a5">Re: Royal Hats</a>:
    [QUOTE]I hate Eugenie's dress, but her hat isn't appalling. I like Beatrice's dress, but her hat is just awful. Though, really, it's possible Eugenie's hat only looks good next to that pink bow monstrosity.
    Posted by msmerymac[/QUOTE]

    Hahaha I agree with all of this.
  • Hehehe they look ridiculous. They clearly got Fergie's fashion sense. You'd think they have picked something that was a little more flattering to their faces...and Eugienie's suit dress does not flatter her figure at all!
  • Between the hat and the makeup, I seriously thought it was Lady Gaga for a minute.

    But I do kind of want to get my mom a hat now (if she wants one). I think it would be so nice outdoors. Something with a nice large brim to keep the sun off her face.
  • I saw pictures of them earlier this morning and I couldn't hardly believe it.  I mean all of those hats are quite different from anything people near where I live would wear so they've always looked a little odd to me, but that being said when I saw these two I was just like "seriously?".  Just not attractive at all to me.

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  • While those hats are awful, there were some really great ones. It definitely makes me want to ask people to wear hats to our wedding (but I won't). It makes me think of all the ladies wearing hats on Easter Sunday in church when I was a kid. Maybe one day I will go to a British wedding and get a cool hat.
  • I think they look like they got caught playing in grandma's dress up closet. That suit dress is straight from my gran's for sure. The hats were atrocious!
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  • those two were a hot mess, but I loved the rest!  I am so wearing a hat to the next wedding (not mine!) I go to : 
  • I still don't understand the whole wearing a hate on your forehead thing. However, I'm really impressed with their anti-gravity skills! There's definitely some magic going on there to keep some of them in place.
  • I was laughing with my mom about their hats earlier. I loved some of the hats, but when I saw these 2 i told my mom, "Did they really get dressed, look in the mirror, and think, Wow! I look great!???" lol.
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