Wedding Etiquette Forum

F/U to FSMIL FB issue...

Well, yesterday afternoon I sent a "blanket" email to all sets of parents... 1) Giving them an update on where we're at with RSVPs, and 2) addressing the fact that some people are asking why they weren't invited, and that we need to respond politely but firmly that we cannot accomodate everyone we would have liked. Then I invited our parents to have these people call me directly if they're uncomfortable letting them know.

This afternoon, FSMIL called me back and I pretty much told her the same thing. She apologized and told me she would call the step cousin's half sister and explain that we cannot accomodate. She claims she didn't understand that it's a "by invitation only" event... which may or may not be true. But once I explained how much FI and I are paying per person for this reception and described why it's important that we keep a handle on the guest list, at least she didn't argue with me.

It could have been much, much worse. Hopefully this won't be happening again. Lol.

Re: F/U to FSMIL FB issue...

  • Glad it got resolved!
  • phewf! here's hoping!
  • I'm still miffed that she claims she didn't realize it was 'by invitation only.' I always thought she was kind of smart, but really? I fuss for 9 months over a guest list and addresses and invitations and include very specific response cards with paid postage but I'm throwing an Open House?

    She even asked me at one point in the conversation yesterday, "well, this is all for the reception, right? So more people can come to the ceremony?" And I had to explain to her that I think it would be terribly rude to ask people to come to the ceremony, knowing full well we can't accomodate them at the reception.

    Sorry, now I am truly just biitching. I just don't understand this woman.
  • I definitely side eyed the invitation only question of hers.  Jebus. 
  • I know Amoro, I didn't realize that we had to specifically address that key detail back when we started planning. Hehe. Oh well.

    At least at the end of our phone call yesterday, she sort of sighed and said "Well AK, next time anything comes up from anyone about anything, I'll just give them your phone number and ask them to call you." Thankyouverymuch.
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