My fiance has a friend (it is actually his sister's BFF) and I know her too. We want to invite her to the wedding, but not her husband. Too many long stories to count, but we don't want anything to do with him. Besides addressing the invitation to JUST HER, how do we tell her not to bring her husband?
Secondly, my fiance's Dad is a budding photographer and has offered to do our wedding (and all the trimmings i.e. engagement photos, bridals, etc) as our gift from him and my fiance's mom for the wedding. Even though she really isn't going to be involved in them. We offered to hire him an assistant for the day (a family friend) and offered to pay her $200. I feel bad that he is going to be doing all that work and not getting anything. Should we offer to pay him $200 too or is that an insult that we pay him the same as the assistant or that we are even offering at all since he said it was a gift?
Thanks in advance!