So here is the scoop. When my fiance and I got engaged last june...we made a few mistakes. the biggest one being so excited to ask our friends to be part of the wedding party that we didnt really think it through all the way.
At first, our intentions were to have a very informal ceremony, probablly outdoors with just a small group of family and friends. we decided that doing it this way, we could make up our own rules and do whatever we wanted. my fiance and i both had three people on each side we could not decide between for maid of honor/best man. Well, several months down the road, things have changed. We are now have a big formal, catholic ceramony with many more vendors and people involved. With theese changes, I feel the wedding party should be more traditional, with a maid of honor and matron of honor...which leaves one girl for me to change from maid of honor to bridesmaid. This girl still means the same to me, and i want her to be just as involved. the only thing really truly changing is her name on a program...but i dont want to hurt her feelings and i dont know how to go about it. My showers are comming up so i need to tell her soon and i just dont know how. please help...ill take any suggestions!@!!