Guys. I need to vent. About my day. And you don't need to even respond or read this but I need to Live Journal and I'm going to do it. Ok? OK. Cause I can't drink. And I reeeeeeally wanna.
I worked from home today, but my boss was mad because she forgot I said I was working from home. I TOTALLY TOLD HER. She has a mind like a sieve.
One of my coworkers denied that I told her, too. I TOTALLY TOLD HER. And she never told me there were people coming into the office and I got in trouble for not being there when people came into the office which I NEVER KNEW.
My other coworker acknowledged that I told him (BECAUSE I TOLD EVERYONE) and he was sending me emails like "they're denying you told them!" but no one ever believes him on anything, so his backup is like... useless. Except at least it makes me feel like I'm not crazy.
All of this could have been avoided with an email. Why didn't I send an email? Cause I'm an idiot.
I can't drink right now, did you know that?
So myfinal was tonight. I left my house an hour and a half early. The testing site is 20 minutes away. It took me two hours to get there. I was in tears by the time I arrived. And I had to pee.
I couldn't remember any of the vocab for the fill in the blank questions. I remembered one of them on my way home. Don't you hate that?
I would totally go drink right now if I could. Instead I think I'm going to drown myself in Mexican food. And then sleep. Lots o sleep. Maybe I'll dream of margeritas.