Wedding Etiquette Forum

Pitty Party

Guys. I need to vent. About my day. And you don't need to even respond or read this but I need to Live Journal and I'm going to do it. Ok? OK. Cause I can't drink. And I reeeeeeally wanna.

I worked from home today, but my boss was mad because she forgot I said I was working from home. I TOTALLY TOLD HER. She has a mind like a sieve.

One of my coworkers denied that I told her, too. I TOTALLY TOLD HER. And she never told me there were people coming into the office and I got in trouble for not being there when people came into the office which I NEVER KNEW.

My other coworker acknowledged that I told him (BECAUSE I TOLD EVERYONE) and he was sending me emails like "they're denying you told them!" but no one ever believes him on anything, so his backup is like... useless. Except at least it makes me feel like I'm not crazy.

All of this could have been avoided with an email. Why didn't I send an email? Cause I'm an idiot.

I can't drink right now, did you know that?

So myfinal was tonight. I left my house an hour and a half early. The testing site is 20 minutes away. It took me two hours to get there. I was in tears by the time I arrived. And I had to pee.

I couldn't remember any of the vocab for the fill in the blank questions. I remembered one of them on my way home. Don't you hate that?

I would totally go drink right now if I could. Instead I think I'm going to drown myself in Mexican food. And then sleep. Lots o sleep. Maybe I'll dream of margeritas.


Re: Pitty Party


    I'm sorry.
  • That really really sucks Manda.  I'm really sorry!  That sounds super frustrating.

    What was your final on?
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  • I'm sorry.  How about I drink enough for the both of us?
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • Oh Manda, I'm sorry they didn't remember you told them you were working from home today, that sucks. Did you have to drive all the way to College Park or something? That also sucks.

    I'm sorry you can't drink. But May 7th! You need to figure out your schedule so you can come drink (virgin) margaritas with everyone. I hope you feel better soon Frown.
  • Meg thank you. Andy it was intro to human resources. Beach, please do.

    At least I found the Mexican place down the street is open until eleven.

    Oh! OH! I forgot one shitty thing that happened today: I may or may not have Short Term Disability. Yeah, deductions should have started today, but they didn't. HR swears I have it and deductions will show up "eventually". What the fluck?
  • I really do feel better after venting. Who knew? I can't stay upset forever. Not with the prospect of tacos on the horizon.

    Anna I'm working on it! I need to get our camping friends to agree to a later date!
  • Well Manda, know I'm flexible on the time. If Friday works better for you I think we can make it work. Your friends can always camp later.
  • Imma help beachy cuz she's my friend k?
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  • I'm sorry :( what an awful day. I hope you enjoy your Mexican food!
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  • Everyone needs to drink for me andy. Go go go!

    Also I can't spell. I coudn't even spell pity. ::wails::

    Going to bury my face in tacos. That sounds so wrong.

    Thanks for listening to me ladies!!
  • Enjoy your tacos!

    And if it makes you feel better, I didn't even notice that you spelled pity wrong.
  • Bury yourself in Mexican food! Mexican food is delicious. I wish I had some right now.
  • Ahhh 495?  I heard it was crazy back up from a trolley or something? 
    Either way, that sounds awful but at least tomorrow will be better compared to today!
  • Oh Manda I'm sorry. That does sound like a terrible day. I hope your Mexican is delicious and that you nom some of your troubles away.
  • Mmmmmm I had been craving margaritas for a few weeks and I finally had one tonight. YAY Mexican food! Why can't you drink? That's so annoying when people don't believe you when they are the ones that can't remember. Jerks. Oh well. Tomorrow's Saturday.. yippeeeee(?)
  • Manda I'm sorry you had a shitttty day.  :(  I'm totally drinking for you if it makes you feel better. 
  • Milsey my love, look at my ticker. ;-)
  • Thanks Stacks! I took myself out for tacos, read my book while really bad karaoke was going on in the background, then drove over to Target to pick up HP 7 1/2. I feel immensely better. And tomorrow I get to spend all day with my good friend!
  • Enjoy HP!  I'm hoping Blockbuster still has it tomorrow when I'm over that way.  Otherwise I'm totally buying it b/c Mr Stack has been buying contracts and players on his XBOX live game.  He feels lame and guilty for doing it b/c it's a video game so i'm totally going to use it to my advantage.  Tacos in my world make everything better. 
  • Oh Manda :(  I'm about to head to bed, but I'm soo sorry you had a bad day.  Take a bath, read a good book, try and forget about it.  Love ya sweetie, take care of yourself *hugs*
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • LDY <3 Panda, remember? If it makes you feel better, I had the worst margaritas ever tonight. They sucked so bad. At least you got tacos. I had to eat really dry pork loin for dinner. At least you got tacos!!!!!!!!!! Tacos make everything better. And French fries....:-) LDY <3 Panda!!!!!
  • Manda, I'm hating your day for you right now.  :(  Hugs to you, hopefully tomorrow will be better.
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