Wedding Etiquette Forum

Good Morning!

Yay its almost the weekend!!

I hope everyone is ready for Thursday and that everyone has a good day.

I have a semi amusing story to share with the class. Tuesday I was getting in my FB time after being without internet for a week and I decided to check in on a (I guess ex?) best friend of mine. Turns out the b defriended me on facebook, but I really wasn't all that shocked or hurt.. just thought it was kinda petty but what can you do?

Flashforward to yesterday when I was JUST about to leave work when she sends me a fb message. Long message short she said this: she "happened" to drive by the venue of our wedding the day of the wedding and it upset her to see the wedding happening. she then became more upset when people (probably you hoars) wished me well on FB so she decided to defriend me because it made her sad to see people so happy.

Wait.. really? Did you seriously just put into words that you were UNHAPPY to see people HAPPY for me? 

Then she went on to talk about what a bad friend I was.. and at the end of the message she wished me happiness because I am one of the best people the world has ever known.


Re: Good Morning!

  • Morning married lady!  I haven't been around much so if you posted pics, I missed em.  Hope it was awesome!

    I don't know the back story about your friend, but that's sad :(

    I am happy it is Thursday because that means my H comes home tonight!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Good Morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE] That being said.... we had a great time. We went to the rainforest, the caverns, the beach, kayaking in the bioluminescent bay, ate our weight in plantains and drank more pina coladas then water. And it was fun to see my aunts and uncles. All in all, a great vacation.
    Posted by cfaszews25[/QUOTE]

    That sounds AMAZING.  You know, for someone who travels as much as I do, I really need another vacation!
  • Oh wow.  Stalker much?  Who just "happens" to be driving by a wedding venue the day you're getting married?  She sounds like an emotional gal. 

    Good Morning.  I'm going to look at that house at 8:30 this morning.  I have no idea why, probably b/c I want to see the entire thing in person.  I know I'm going to love it, but TJ drove around the area last night and it's just not going to work.  There's a lot of riff raff pretty close by and we want a place we can ride bikes with Jocelyn and take long walks.  I'm really disappointed, but thems the breaks these days.  :/ 

  • Ugh can we not talk about the beach I am going through pretty bad withdraw. :( 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Good Morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Oh wow.  Stalker much?  Who just "happens" to be driving by a wedding venue the day you're getting married?  She sounds like an emotional gal.  Good Morning.  I'm going to look at that house at 8:30 this morning.  I have no idea why, probably b/c I want to see the entire thing in person.  I know I'm going to love it, but TJ drove around the area last night and it's just not going to work.  There's a lot of riff raff pretty close by and we want a place we can ride bikes with Jocelyn and take long walks. <strong> I'm really disappointed, but thems the breaks these days.  :/ </strong>
    Posted by Stackeye210[/QUOTE]

    <div><3 You are so awesome stacks. The purrrrfect place is out there for you I just know it. </div>
  • I GO TO THE BEACH IN 22 DAYS!!!!  Woot. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Good Morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I GO TO THE BEACH IN 22 DAYS!!!!  Woot. 
    Posted by Stackeye210[/QUOTE]

    Yay!  I, uhh, go to my backyard?
  • Stacks, you're wanting to rent, not buy, right?

    When I first moved to Columbus I found lots of great stuff (including the apartment I ended up in) on  I haven't looked lately so I don't really know what's out there but maybe it's worth a look.
  • Stackeye210Stackeye210 member
    edited June 2011
    Don't rub it in Abbie!  My summer goal is to meet you and swim in your pool. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Good Morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Don't rub it in Abbie!  My summer goal is to meet you and swim in your pool. 
    Posted by Stackeye210[/QUOTE]

  • Good Morning!

    Rosie your friend sound like she's missing a few screws. I'm with Stack. How did she just happen to drve by your venue and know it was your wedding taking place? Creepy.

    Stacks you'll find the right place. I'll cross my fingers for you.

    Not much on the plate today. Work then working out. That's pretty much all I do at this point.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Good Morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Good Morning! Rosie your friend sound like she's missing a few screws. I'm with Stack. <strong>How did she just happen to drve by your venue and know it was your wedding taking place?</strong> Creepy. Stacks you'll find the right place. I'll cross my fingers for you. Not much on the plate today. Work then working out. That's pretty much all I do at this point.
    Posted by mkrupar[/QUOTE]

    <div>She is friends with my momma on fb and my mom has been a total AW about the wedding, so there is NO way the biitch didn't know we were getting married that day. I believe she said, "imagine my shock to drive by and turn my head and see you and your parents and your wedding party standing outside!!!"</div><div>
    </div><div>craycray for sure. </div>
  • Yeah I definitely think you're better off without this one Rosie.
  • Morning!  Here comes the 100* weather!  It's already getting hot this morning and I have no interest in going to work.

    Rosie, biitch has issues.  I don't remember you telling the story of your friend-break-up but it sounds like you made a good decision.  She sounds nuts.


    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Good morning all! Last night was ROUGH. I had to walk around our whole plant (takes 2 hours) and it was 100+ in there. I got so hot and apparently didn't have enough lunch, so I got really sick. I ended up trying to go to McDonalds and got stuck in my hot car (a/c hadn't had a chance to cool down yet) by a train for 30 min. Then I just got some french fries and a coke an sat there another 30 min. I don't know what happened to me, but it wasn't good!

    I'm a little allergie'd this morning. But, it's Thursday and I'm going to get my hair touched up, so it's going to be a good day!

    Rosie, I'm so freaking nosy, that I want to read the note she sent you. Purely so I can point and laff. But then again, I think I'm a horrible person sometiems.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Hey! I don't know if this is for everyone, but my comapny is offering today's Living Social deal. 2 movie tickets for $9 bucks. If you're interested, please use the link on my FB so I can get free tickets. Cause I'm a greedy hoar like that.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Dude, Rosie, your friend has issues. Probably better off with her defriending you.

    Stacks, we have that same issue. There are lots of nice houses we can afford (probably), but they are in crappy areas. I LOVE the houses in an older part of town here, and they are ridiculously cheap with land, but it's an area that's "rebuilding" and sorry, I'm not willing to risk all my shiit getting stolen like others have while they clean up the area.

    I have nothing new to add, my days are usually the same old boring thing.
  • YES Sesh.  That's how they describe this neighborhood.  "up and coming".  I'm sorry, my 3 year old would like to ride her bike today, not maybe in 3 years. 
  • Sorry about the house, Stacks. TBH, I'm surprised you're finding so many rental properties. We've searched forever for rental houses here and they're just not a big thing. It's either apartments or buy a house.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • There are rentals everywhere here, no one can afford to buy. And a lot of the places for sale are foreclosures. Ideally I'd like to live jsut outside of town, but it's too far a commute to both our jobs so it wouldn't be worth it. Our place now is the perfect location, but it's a rental and we won't have it forever.
  • Honestly, I'd be happy to rent until we can afford whatever comes next after a 'starter house'. But, I would like to rent a house so I can have an actual yard. Renting is just so EASY. And I don't want to trade worry free living for a tiny ass 2 bedroom house that won't fit our king sized furniture. To me, it's worth it to save up for a much nicer house. Too bad H doesn't feel the same way.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Rentals here go in waves.  I'll go 3 weeks w/o finding a new one and then all of a sudden there's like 8 new ones.  There just isn't one place you can access them, so I have a list of websites I have to check like every other day.  I'm sure there are a ton more out there but I just don't know how to find them.  The newspaper isn't any help either, people forget that there are classified ads and don't put one in apparently. 
  • LVB I feel the exact same way.  We have a kid, we don't fit in starter homes so we need to wait a few years and get the next step up. 
  • Ditto LVB.  I'd love to rent a house, but all of the "house rentals" that are available online end up being "owned" by people in Nigeria or the Ivory Coast, and if I just send them the application and a check for $700, it's mine!  No thanks.

    We're renting the first floor of a two-family home, and it's in a decent area.  I'm perfectly content to stay there until we can afford our own home.  It's a three-bedroom, so it will be awhile before we "outgrow" it.  I wish we could afford to own NOW, but it's just not in the cards.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Good morning, all.

    Rosebutt-  Your ex friend sounds like a douchecanoe. 

    Stackalac- Sorry about the house. :(  There's one out there for you guys.  No worries.
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  • FutureMrsFezzFutureMrsFezz member
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments
    edited June 2011
    I've also just spent 5 minutes playing with the Google header .
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  • We can't have an apartment due to all of H's business equipment (OK, and my crap, I have a lot of random, useless stuff), so we need a big garage and yard for his nursery. The only reason we are able to rent our house is because our landlord is his customer, and they know us so they trusted us to move in even though H's credit sucked at the time.

    I agree about renting being so much easier. I worry about when we do buy, having to pay for all those repairs our landlord has to pay, like our AC breaking, having 2 huge pine trees removed, the well pump breaking, etc. My mom keeps bugging us to buy because apparently we are "wasiting our money paying rent" but whatever, it works for us right now.
  • I just can't see it as a waste. You have a place to live that is totally maintenance free. That's important to me at this time, so I'm willing to pay for it.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Morning everyone!

    We rent as well and I really wish we could buy but I just don't see it happening anytime soon.  FI runs his own business so that's always tough because we don't know when he will have a good few months or a rough few months.  We get a reaaaally good deal at our current rental house but our landlords are craycray so it's kinda frustrating.
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    and really anyone that wants to read the craziness let me know. I feel icky actually posting it on here though. but maybe I shouldn't.
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