Yay its almost the weekend!!
I hope everyone is ready for Thursday and that everyone has a good day.
I have a semi amusing story to share with the class. Tuesday I was getting in my FB time after being without internet for a week and I decided to check in on a (I guess ex?) best friend of mine. Turns out the b defriended me on facebook, but I really wasn't all that shocked or hurt.. just thought it was kinda petty but what can you do?
Flashforward to yesterday when I was JUST about to leave work when she sends me a fb message. Long message short she said this: she "happened" to drive by the venue of our wedding the day of the wedding and it upset her to see the wedding happening. she then became more upset when people (probably you hoars) wished me well on FB so she decided to defriend me because it made her sad to see people so happy.
Wait.. really? Did you seriously just put into words that you were UNHAPPY to see people HAPPY for me?
Then she went on to talk about what a bad friend I was.. and at the end of the message she wished me happiness because I am one of the best people the world has ever known.