Wedding Etiquette Forum

Two Weddings... gotta invite guests to BOTH?

Fh and I are both born in the same city in Europe, but I have spent almost all my life in Canada, and he has spent most of his adult life here. Most of our family is in Europe, and most of our friends are in Canada.

Because of this huge divide, we decided to have two weddings (civil ceremony and reception in Canada, and spiritual ceremony and reception in Romania). This way every one could take part in our big day.

Originally, we had said that we will invite people to the wedding that they're geographically closer to, except maybe for super immediate close family (such as grandparents). By doing this, we would have a balanced guest list of approximately 200 people at each wedding. After fh and I seemingly agreed on this, I got a curveball.

Seems that his family wants to invite everyone from Romania to the wedding in Canada, and just host a party in Romania for those that "Can't come". I feel like this is unfair as it becomes a competiton of who can afford it and who can't... and the people that can't are going to get the short end of the stick since they won't be attending a wedding of the same caliber if we were to make the one in Canada a major one.

Also, his family wants to send out DOUBLE the invites (an invite to everyone for both weddings), which would easily cost another $2,000 more. None of these changes are in our budget... nor is the venue we had previously agreed upon big enough to make these changes (so we would HAVE to change venues!).

Do you think it would be rude to stick to the original plan (and invite people to where they are geographically closest to), or do we have to double up and invite to both? ANd if plan B is the answer, how do we go about choosing venues, budgeting, and all the other logistics stuff?

Re: Two Weddings... gotta invite guests to BOTH?

  • My mind was blown at 2 weddings.  Sorry, you only get one wedding. 
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  • I would invite everyone to one ceremony/reception in Canada, then consider having an additional reception in Romania for those who could not make it.
  • His parents have the right idea.  Have one wedding and invite everyone to it.  Then do a party elsewhere for people that didn't make the trip.  
  • Have your wedding and reception in Canada.  Invite friends and family no matter their geographical location.  Those who can't make it can't and that is that.  I know you want everyone under the sun to share in your day but that just isn't possible.  By having friends and family so spread out stinks but such is life.  You offer an invite and they will either accept or decline.

    If you still wish to have a party in Romania to celebrate your recent marriage, by all means go ahead, just make sure that it is party and NOT a wedding reception.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Two Weddings... gotta invite guests to BOTH?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I would invite everyone to one ceremony/reception in Canada, then consider having an additional reception in Romania for those who could not make it.
    Posted by specialk84[/QUOTE]

    <div>This.  One is your wedding (in Canada), the other is a reception, not a wedding.  You just get one of those.  You could do a blessing or something though at the Romanian reception.</div>
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:5c7b4f8f-18a5-46c6-b177-335232f37937Post:28be0c86-80c8-4b5f-a455-5c62ce3edd0d">Re: Two Weddings... gotta invite guests to BOTH?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I would invite everyone to one ceremony/reception in Canada, then consider having an additional reception in Romania for those who could not make it.
    Posted by specialk84[/QUOTE]

    This is exactly what I was going to say. While I can understand why you may want the two weddings, it's just not possible. You can only have two weddings if you get divorced or widowed in between the two of them.

    I was recently at an at home reception for a couple friends of mine who married in Florida last month. They showed a video of the ceremony at the reception. I would maybe try to do that for your guests in Romania.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Two Weddings... gotta invite guests to BOTH?</a>:
    [QUOTE]My mind was blown at 2 weddings.  Sorry, you only get one wedding. 
    Posted by Habs2Hart[/QUOTE]

    <div>Yep, in Canada you do only get one wedding- because the priest usually has the legal right to marry you.</div><div>
    </div><div>In Romania, however, the priest does not. So there it is common practice to have two weddings. One day you get married legally (since only the state can marry you there), and have a reception. Then another day you have the religous ceremony (so you can be married according to your church as well), followed by another reception. </div><div>
    </div><div>It's very rare that someone can book all this in one day since the State and Church are rarely available for the same day. So people there sometimes get married with the state or church weeks- or even months apart for this reason.</div><div>
    </div><div>While I get that having two weddings is weird for the North American part of the world, it's actually common practice where we're from.</div>
  • OP, my step-dad is from Croatia and when he and my mom got married they did have two weddings. They had a civil ceremony here and invited all of my mom's family and their friends in the US, and they had a Catholic wedding in Croatia with all of my step-dad's family and Croatian friends. No one was invited to both, not even me and my sister. 

    I'd say you should probably only invite the North Americans to the Canadian wedding and the Romanians to the Romanian wedding with the possible exception of parents/siblings.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Two Weddings... gotta invite guests to BOTH?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I personally think that if it's within your culture to have a religious ceremony and the state ceremony separately, then it's fine to have the religious ceremony in Romania.  However, I would probably invite everyone to both, just to be on the safe side of etiquette. At least that way, your family in Romania won't feel that they've been purposely excluded from coming to the Canadian wedding, and can come if they want.  Plus, some of your friends may be interested to see the religious ceremony in Romania.  I'd be interested, although I probably couldn't go because of financial reasons, but it would be very interesting to me to see it.
    Posted by Holly4212011[/QUOTE]

    <div>Thanks for the adivce Holly :)</div><div>
    </div><div>I'm not really opposed to inviting to both... I just honestly don't know how to budget or figure out the numbers. If I invite 200 people from Romania here, how do I estimate how many will come in order to choose a venue? If I choose a venue that's too big it will look weird if people don't come... if I choose something in the middle and more people come I'm stuck as to where to put them.</div><div>
    </div><div>I feel like there are so many complications and I honestly don't know how to have an accurate guesstimate in this situation... and it's really stressing me out! Obviously I don't want to offend anyone, I just don't have any clues as to how to make it work :(</div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Two Weddings... gotta invite guests to BOTH?</a>:
    [QUOTE]OP, my step-dad is from Croatia and when he and my mom got married they did have two weddings. They had a civil ceremony here and invited all of my mom's family and their friends in the US, and they had a Catholic wedding in Croatia with all of my step-dad's family and Croatian friends. No one was invited to both, not even me and my sister.  I'd say you should probably only invite the North Americans to the Canadian wedding and the Romanians to the Romanian wedding with the possible exception of parents/siblings.
    Posted by annakb8[/QUOTE]

    <div>Finally someone that understands the two weddings thing :) My parents had their two weddings over 3 months apart!</div><div>
    </div><div>Did the weddings turn out ok the way your parents did it, or did some people get offended or think it was odd?</div><div>
    </div><div>and thank you for sharing!</div>
  • I think everyone was ok with it. It was my mom's second wedding, so I don't think anyone expected anything big or fancy. They had the civil ceremony here first then went on their "honeymoon" to Croatia where they had their Catholic wedding, so the ceremonies were about two weeks apart. It was my step-dad's first wedding so I think the party in Croatia was a lot bigger. 

    Anyway, his family doesn't travel so I doubt the were offended to not be invited. From what I know about them they probably would have been more offended to be invited to the wedding here because none of them can really afford it and he knows that. No one in my mom's family expressed interest in going to the Croatian wedding. 
  • OP, if it's culturally accepted to do both weddings, then go for it.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Two Weddings... gotta invite guests to BOTH?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I think everyone was ok with it. It was my mom's second wedding, so I don't think anyone expected anything big or fancy. They had the civil ceremony here first then went on their "honeymoon" to Croatia where they had their Catholic wedding, so the ceremonies were about two weeks apart. It was my step-dad's first wedding so I think the party in Croatia was a lot bigger.  Anyway, his family doesn't travel so I doubt the were offended to not be invited. From what I know about them they probably would have been more offended to be invited to the wedding here because none of them can really afford it and he knows that. No one in my mom's family expressed interest in going to the Croatian wedding. 
    Posted by annakb8[/QUOTE]

    <div>That's a good point.. I know 99% of the people in my family could definitely not afford to travel.... and that's assuming that they would even get permisson to enter Canada!</div><div>
    </div><div>His family, on the other hand, is a bit better off than mine. The major difference is that his parents have a lot of money, and they can afford to pay to bring people over. I guess this is the part that kind of offends me... that it's all becoming about money and who has most of it. There's so much more to the story on that issue... I think I'm just becoming very sensitive to this whole "well my parents can pay for it" type of thing. (I wish I could blame it on that time of the month... perhaps I'm being a bit too sensitive!)</div><div>
    </div><div>It's really cool that your mom and step-dad did something similar, I only know one other couple that did this and it turned out really well! Except that the poor bride got her dress dry-cleaned between weddings (obviously) and somehow it had shrunk! Her poor boobies :P</div>
  • edited February 2012
    TK ate my post.

    OP, if the two weddings are what's expected in your culture, go for it.

    ETA: Now it's there. I'm not crazy.
  • annakb8annakb8 member
    edited February 2012
    Holly, I think that usually in countries where the civil and religious ceremony are separate the civil ceremony is a quick trip to the courthouse with maybe immediate family and the religious ceremony is the "wedding."

    In my mom's case her wedding in the US was a short ceremony on a river cruise, performed by the captain of the boat, with a simple lunch afterwards. Maybe 50 people were invited/came. Super simple.

    Her wedding in Croatia was a full Catholic mass with a huge reception, dancing til dawn type of thing and there were probably a few hundred people there (the whole town was invited I think). They were two weeks or less apart. 

    And while I was 14 at the time and kind of trying to ignore the fact my mother was getting re-married, I really don't think anyone even batted an eye at this. 

    ETA: My mom wore the same dress at both ceremonies, but it was not a "big white dress" by any stretch of the imagination. I think it was technically a prom dress and not a wedding dress at all. 
  • Didn't know about that cultural aspect of weddings in Romania OP. Go for it, but if his parents really want everyone invited to both and it's going to strap you that much for cash, I would have them pay for the extra invitations.
  • annakb8annakb8 member
    edited February 2012
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Two Weddings... gotta invite guests to BOTH?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thanks Anna. That's really interesting.
    Posted by Holly4212011[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>Yeah, it was. And basically most places that had a big movement towards secularization at some point (i.e. the French Revolution in France) or was Communist at any point (which also pretty much always involves a push to secularize culture) does weddings like this. The power to decide who and how people legally married was transferred from the church to the state. Of course people didn't automatically lose religion overnight so many still want their marriage blessed by God so they still go to church and have a re-do with the priest even though they are legally married. </div><div>
    </div><div>ETA: And the diffence between this and people who JOP here and then have a huge party later is that there you CANNOT legally get married in church. Here you can. Big difference. I'm sure lots of people in these countries would just go to church if that's all they had to do.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Two Weddings... gotta invite guests to BOTH?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Now I'm just curious.  How does this two weddings thing work?  Are they both these big ceremonies, with a big white dress and all that?  Or is one of the weddings more low key?
    Posted by Holly4212011[/QUOTE]

    <div>hahhaaa Holly, it is a bit different, isn't it?</div><div>
    </div><div>I'm not an expert, since I've lived in Canada since I was a toddler, but I will try to explain as best I can. Excuse me if it turns into an essay :)</div><div>
    </div><div>In Romania, you can only get legally married at city hall by an officient of theirs. There is only one city hall per city, so the marriages are short (30 minutes) and they are usually booked asap so that the people get an early date. Because of this, people have very little control over their civil wedding date. Also, in Romania, it's common to have an engagement period that lasts only a few months, so people usually jump on the first possible day the city hall has to legally marry them.</div><div>
    </div><div>Once you are legally married, you can get married in a church (but ONLY after). Since there is little say over the civil ceremony time, they often fall on different days because it is hard to coordinate both (though some people do manage this... though it is often the exception, and not the rule).</div><div>
    </div><div>For those that have the civil ceremony, they usually wear business attire and a birdcage veil. For those that are lucky enough to have both on the same day, they wear a wedding dress since it is too crazy (time-wise) to change in the middle of it.</div><div>
    </div><div>The receptions after are whatever the couple want- some choose to celebrate one more than the other, depending on which is more important to them. Some have celebrations of the same style, and even at the same place with the same menu! The reception styles are very flexible. </div><div>
    </div><div>If the couple has a reception after the civil ceremony, they usually wear a white dress, but not the same dress that they'd wear if they also have a reception following the spiritual ceremony. It's still a typical wedding dress (just sometimes less fluffly or without a train so it makes dancing easier).</div><div>
    </div><div>There are many parties that Romanians host pre-wedding, and sometimes the engagement party is just as important as the wedding. The couple usually invites more people to these than the wedding, knowing that some people can't afford the wedding. In ROmania, it's usually cash gifts at a wedding-and lots of it ($500+ per person is the starting point). At engagement parties, it's home gifts (glasses, cutlery, etc), so it's less stress and obligations for guests. Many guests will even say that they will come to the engagement party but not the wedding because they can't afford it, and then, out of politeness, the couple will not extend them an invite because it's considered that even getting an invite requires the invited couple to at least send someone to come to the wedding (their adult kid, or sister, for example) and offer the cash gift. </div><div>
    </div><div>The customs are VERY different than what they are in North America, and it's been really interesting for me to try to figure out who expects what since they are all pretty much opposite!</div><div>
    </div><div>Does all that make sense? </div><div>
  • Threads like this make me love the fact that these boards are international - Andra and Anna, thanks for sharing.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Two Weddings... gotta invite guests to BOTH?</a>:
    [QUOTE]TK ate my post. OP, if the two weddings are what's expected in your culture, go for it. ETA: Now it's there. I'm not crazy.
    Posted by specialk84[/QUOTE]

    <div>I probably should have mentioned the cultural aspect in the original post, but it was such a long essay already that I didn't want to overwhelm people with more :)</div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Two Weddings... gotta invite guests to BOTH?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Holly, I think that usually in countries where the civil and religious ceremony are separate the civil ceremony is a quick trip to the courthouse with maybe immediate family and the religious ceremony is the "wedding." In my mom's case her wedding in the US was a short ceremony on a river cruise, performed by the captain of the boat, with a simple lunch afterwards. Maybe 50 people were invited/came. Super simple. Her wedding in Croatia was a full Catholic mass with a huge reception, dancing til dawn type of thing and there were probably a few hundred people there (the whole town was invited I think). They were two weeks or less apart.  And while I was 14 at the time and kind of trying to ignore the fact my mother was getting re-married, I really don't think anyone even batted an eye at this.  ETA: My mom wore the same dress at both ceremonies, but it was not a "big white dress" by any stretch of the imagination. I think it was technically a prom dress and not a wedding dress at all. 
    Posted by annakb8[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>Oooooh another person who knows of this stuff :)</div><div>
    </div><div>When my parents did this, they had 60 people at their civil ceremony and that reception, and 100 at the wedding. The out-of-towners wanted to come to the wedding itself since they wanted to see my mom "as a bride".</div><div>
    </div><div>The info you gave about the dresses seems pretty similar, too!

  • ceh789ceh789 member
    1000 Comments First Anniversary
    edited February 2012
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Two Weddings... gotta invite guests to BOTH?</a>:
    [QUOTE] In ROmania, it's usually cash gifts at a wedding-and lots of it ($500+ per person is the starting point). At engagement parties, it's home gifts (glasses, cutlery, etc), so it's less stress and obligations for guests. Many guests will even say that they will come to the engagement party but not the wedding because they can't afford it, and then, out of politeness, the couple will not extend them an invite because <strong>it's considered that even getting an invite requires the invited couple to at least send someone to come to the wedding (their adult kid, or sister, for example) and offer the cash gift.</strong>  The customs are VERY different than what they are in North America, and it's been really interesting for me to try to figure out who expects what since they are all pretty much opposite! Does all that make sense? 
    Posted by andra loves andre[/QUOTE]
    That's what's next - gimmie brides are going to start having Destination weddings in Romania.<div>
    </div><div>ETA: Thanks for sharing all that - very interesting!</div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Two Weddings... gotta invite guests to BOTH?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Didn't know about that cultural aspect of weddings in Romania OP. Go for it, but if his parents really want everyone invited to both and it's going to strap you that much for cash, I would have them pay for the extra invitations.
    Posted by midgetthemighty[/QUOTE]

    <div>It would strap us for cash only because weddings here are a lot more expensive than those in Romania... and we had already split the budget to afford both and have good quality at each.</div><div>
    </div><div>To give you an idea, the menus in Romania are less than half price, and include a lot more! More food (10 courses are the NORM), more booze, and partying until whenever you want (usually 8am the next morning). Here we're paying a lot more and getting a lot less... and we definitely didn't plan on how much it would all snowball into if we invite everyone to both... even only 10% of the people that may be showing up here would cost us over $5k in difference of just day-of costs... and in Romania it's considered rude to not pay for guest's accomodations (so add a hotel bill for at least a week for 20+ people, transport, food costs...).</div><div>
    </div><div>I think i'm gona get started on planting my money tree :P</div><div>
    </div><div>I agree that his family should pay for all these add-ons, but I know they would get beyond offended if I even suggested that (they routinely call me cheap for not going along with every upgrade they suggest).</div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Two Weddings... gotta invite guests to BOTH?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Two Weddings... gotta invite guests to BOTH? : Yeah, it was. And basically most places that had a big movement towards secularization at some point (i.e. the French Revolution in France) or was Communist at any point (which also pretty much always involves a push to secularize culture) does weddings like this. The power to decide who and how people legally married was transferred from the church to the state. Of course people didn't automatically lose religion overnight so many still want their marriage blessed by God so they still go to church and have a re-do with the priest even though they are legally married.  
    Posted by annakb8[/QUOTE]

    <div>I think I'm gona use this to explain our situation from now on lol :)</div><div>
    </div><div>you do a great job of explaining this stuff- probably better than I ever could!</div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Two Weddings... gotta invite guests to BOTH?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Threads like this make me love the fact that these boards are international - Andra and Anna, thanks for sharing.
    Posted by StephBeanWed61502[/QUOTE]

    <div>Glad to hear you liked reading up on it :)</div><div>
    </div><div>And ditto about liking that it's international! So many ways to do weddings in so many different corners of the world... hard to imagine that something considered "tacky" or "rude" here is the opposite somewhere else!</div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Two Weddings... gotta invite guests to BOTH?</a>:
    [QUOTE]That is really interesting!
    Posted by rachers1017[/QUOTE]

    <div>That's what I keep saying whenever I talk to family members about Romanian customs, and again what I say when I talk to friends about the Canadian ones!</div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Two Weddings... gotta invite guests to BOTH?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Two Weddings... gotta invite guests to BOTH? : That's what's next - gimmie brides are going to start having Destination weddings in Romania. ETA: Thanks for sharing all that - very interesting!
    Posted by ceh789[/QUOTE]

    <div>I'm sorry, I'm not understanding what you mean by "gimmie brides"?</div><div>
    </div><div>Glad you thought it was interesting, I feel the same when I get told all of this stuff!</div>
  • Andra, I am jealous of the cheaper 10 course meals. I love food! :) Sounds like an awesome way to celebrate marriage over there. Thank you for sharing everything!

    Good luck with everything for your weddings!
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:5c7b4f8f-18a5-46c6-b177-335232f37937Post:811c4454-b66d-471f-af8a-e1ea3975f01e">Re: Two Weddings... gotta invite guests to BOTH?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Two Weddings... gotta invite guests to BOTH? : I'm sorry, I'm not understanding what you mean by<strong> "gimmie brides"?</strong> Glad you thought it was interesting, I feel the same when I get told all of this stuff!
    Posted by andra loves andre[/QUOTE]

    "Gimme brides" are the obnoxious ladies who only care about how many presents they get and how much cash they can make off of their guests.
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  • Wow, that all sounds crazy, and very intense.  Will you wear a wedding gown to both then?  It's interesting to hear different cultures.  Sometimes I forget that you can't get married legally by certain people in different cultures. 
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